
Friday, February 3, 2012

Okay campers, rise and shine...

I wonder if you can actually feel brain cells dying from inhaling fumes.  I feel like all I can smell is primer, paint and clear coat.  Oh yeah, I'm still doing projects.  You'll see 'em.  I think the Mr. is ready to get his garage back.

We took last night off to watch Groundhog Day.  Because, you know, it was Groundhog Day.  Of course I couldn't help but think of our trip to faux Punxsutawney in December 2010.  It was actually filmed in Woodstock, IL which is about 90 minutes north of Chicago.  It is SOOO worth the drive!  This town is frozen in time and it is like walking right onto the set of the movie.  Don't believe me?  Here are a few pics...

The "fleabag" hotel Phil refuses to lay his head is the Woodstock Opera House.

The B&B where Phil stayed is actually a B&B where you can stay if you find yourself in the area.  It'd be worth an overnight stay, maybe two if you go to the outlet mall not too far up the road.

Faux Gobbler's Knob.  I loved walking the square and being able to tell exactly where every shot was filmed.

The bowling alley where Phil waxes nostalgic about why he couldn't relive the day he boinked some chick on vacation in the tropics to the yokels and then takes them on a ride down train tracks and ends up in jail.

See, the town is exactly the same and that's what we loved about it.

Have you ever visited any movie locations?

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  1. It really was like walking into the movie there and I am so glad we got to do it. I recommend it if you live close enough to drive there and the people were so nice too. Plus you can drive south and go to Bent Fork Bakery. MMMMMM

  2. We moved to Pittsburgh in the fall of 1994. Before we moved here the movie "Striking Distance" came out, a somewhat cheesy Bruce Willis move filmed in Pittsburgh. After we moved here, I just loved going by places that I recognized from the movie. It was also interesting to see how they made the car chase look seamless when some of the roads they were on are no where near each other!

    My daughter and I were actually extras for the Batman movie filmed here last year. We are part of the crowd at the stadium. I can't wait to see how that turns out!

  3. I live near the Field of Dreams in Iowa, so I have been to a movie site.

  4. Nope. But there are a few I'd like to visit.

  5. No but I live in Pittsburgh so I had to deal with negotiating film sets. Batman was a real pain in the butt (he made me late for work a few times) but fun. The weirdest thing was when I was outside doing my volunteer work downtown (escorting patients for Planned Parenthood) and the Batman crew members were watching US (the escorts) while we were watching them. They were fascinated by what we were doing.

  6. OH, and my family is from Punxsautawney so I've seen the real Gobbler's Knob and all that (very dull).

  7. I love that movie! The REAL Gobbler's Knob is NOTHING like the movie. Talk about disappointing!

  8. My ever fabulous hubby planned our honeymoon all by himself 15 plus years ago. He recalled my talking about the remake of Little Women that had recently come out and how beautiful the scenery was (Shot in Vancouver, BC) so he planned the first part of our trip in Vancouver/Vancouver Island. We stayed in the city 2 nights and on the island 3 nights at a B&B (which was beyond fabulous) and we toured Craigdarroch Castle in which the movie was filmed. That has been our only foray into visiting movie sites but we're not even close to the movie buffs you guys are.

  9. I haven't really gone and seen too many movie sets though I did see the set of Clarissa Explains It All in FL when I was a kid. I honestly thought it was the coolest thing ever.

  10. I live just outside of Seattle and have been to some of the places where Sleepless in Seattle was shot. Love the one restaurant at Pike Place from that movie, they have the BEST paella. Hmmm, maybe we need to go into Seattle for something tomorrow. :D

  11. I'm loving reading your responses about movie locations! If people are interested, I can do a tour for the many John Hughes locations we have visited.

    Keep 'em coming guys!

  12. I grew up in Moab, UT, where a lot of westerns from the 50's and 60's were shot, among them one that was so forgettable I can't remember its name, but it had Richard Boone in it. This was some time after the series Have Gun, Will Travel had ended, but that had been a favorite of my dad's, so when the cast of a city play I was acting in were invited to a party with the movie people--wow. I got to dance with THE MAN himself, which was a real thrill for a 15-year-old.

    As far as the sets, we could hardly avoid them--it was OUR great outdoors!

  13. I remember that movie from when I was a kid! Murray creeped me out for some reason :p

  14. I've actually been to the Woodstock Opera House because my mom's friend was in the play Evita there years ago. I used to not live too far from Woodstock and it is THE most adorable town!

    Do you remember the movie Lucas? That was filmed at my high school! And several of my classmates were "extras" in the movie. I knew a good number of the guys on the football team (sadly had a crush on one dude from the time I was 7 years old!) LOL!

  15. There have been several movies filmed here in Memphis, so of course I'm familiar with those sites.

    When I was in L.A., I kept having deja vu feelings all over town, and I finally figured out it was from so many years of LA-based television shows and movies.

    Can't wait to see what you've been up to. I'm going to do a mini-show-and-tell next week. :)

  16. This post brings back good memories--I grew up outside of Chicago and my family would go to Woodstock sometimes on the weekends! They had a big craft/art show in the square during the summer. It's such a beautiful town. :)


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