Happy Friday, you sexy mamas (and papas if there's any dudes.)
In case you weren't aware, today is the last day of September. Tomorrow's October and I couldn't be happier! WOOT!! HOOT!! SHOOT!! GROOT!!! TOOOT!! LOOT!! COOT!! (Sorry, I just typed all of that so that the Mr had to enthusiastically read it out loud.)
There are a goodly amount of links so let's get right to...
These Are the Healthiest Breads You Can Buy (Mmm, carbs)
9 American Foods That Have Been Banned In Other Countries (Yikes)
Can Walking Be Enough to Reduce Obesity? (Yes and no)
Get Your Roll On – What, Why, And How You Should Foam Roll (I've been rolling before and after workouts the past few days and it seems to make me feel a little better)
Lee's Weight-Loss-Slash-Love Story Is More Tear-Jerking Than The Notebook (Big sobby tears)
Why We Screw Things Up When Life Is Good (Well, this hit home)
This Is Exactly What Happens to Your Body When You Don't Take a Rest Day (I guess we should all take rest days a little more serious)
The Trailer For Embrace, an Upcoming Body-Positive Documentary, Will Bring You to Tears (Yep, totally bawled like an @ss)
Peanut Butter Can Help Diagnose Early Stages of Alzheimer's (We knew this but for anyone else who didn't know they could use this technique)
Photo of a Grandpa Doing His Wife's Hair Goes Viral For All the Right Reasons (OMG, THIS is how it's supposed to go, people! A thousand hugs to this man for doing what his wife needs!)
The 12 Best Places to See Fall Foliage in Vermont (I <3 Vermont)
'The Final Countdown' Played on 64 Floppy Drives Would Make Gob Bluth Proud (I don't know what Gob Bluth is but it's pretty cool...courtesy of the Mr)
What to Request for Your Next Hotel Stay if You Love Jeff Goldblum (Um, *I* love Jeff Goldblum!! I would've taken the "what can we do to make your stay better" to mean it was free...am I wrong?? But for future reference, buy your frames at the dollar store ahead of time because I can only imagine what they charged.)
We caught up on the DVR last night after our workout. I swear the resistance band
What are y'all into this weekend?
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