Friday, July 26, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #30

Happy last Friday of July to you.  Did the week treat you well or drop kick you on the daily?  I hope it wasn't the latter!  It was decent around these parts.  I FINALLY got that damn LE pump I never really wanted out of the house but not with any help from the doctor, that's for sure.  I was supposed to get the label last Thursday, never did and followed up Monday.  They said they would send over an AMA (against medical advice) waiver and then they could get it.  I said "is she seriously refusing to sign the discontinue use order!??!"  The woman said she didn't know but it would be the fastest way to get the box out of the house so I did it.  The Mr was ready 3 different times to cancel his final follow up appointment with her since he was going to be going to the other place she referred him to the next day but he figured better to have two sets of eyes on his veins even if one set of them we wanted to poke out from frustration.  You can imagine having her jam a catheter into my vein and burn me from the inside wasn't high on the list given how pissed I was at her.  Of course she never said a word about the pump stuff but I guess getting into a throwdown before a procedure isn't the frame of mind you want someone in.  I got a little woozy since I had to be on my stomach for it and my body had been reacting like Lloyd dosed me with Turbo Lax all week.  So it was going to be a literal crap shoot as to how I left the office which thankfully was as daisy fresh as I went in.  I just have to tell myself all I need to do is get the sclero done, which I start the first part in September on the left leg and then should be working on the right in late October and then be done with that whack azz beeotch.  So I'm on a bit of restriction again strength/cardio wise for another week-ish.  I did see that her new after procedure directions are now vastly different than 2 months ago.  I suspect her failure rate was higher than it should've been based on my own research and now she's doing overkill.  If you think I'm wearing a compression sock for a month for the bebe saphenous when my big ones closed just fine with wearing them intermittent the first week basically just for workouts after being told "only wear them for comfort", you're nuts!

Now let's dip into:

Before the age of 40, I never lifted weights—now I do it five days a week’  (Hopefully I can work up to that someday!)

I Was A Creative Force Behind One Of The Biggest Rock Bands Of The '90s. Then I Watched Them Erase Me From Their Story  (Wow, this was a really interesting story especially since I had the album back in the day.)

The Reasons People Love ‘Twister’ Have Very Little to Do With the Movie Itself  (If you know, you know!  (And clearly the person who wrote this still doesn't for some reason.).  This is one of our favorite and most quotable movies we watch annually.  My grandma said "that movie was stupid, it was just about a tornado."  I love you grandma but not the takeaway.)

I was able to get some house stuff furthered down the line before the ablation Wednesday which was good.  I'll have to see if I'm up to working on anything else this weekend or not.  I suppose I could work on the upstairs half wall that has been in limbo for over a year.  Should be simple enough.  Famous last words!

What's going on for you this weekend?

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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Why Didn't I Ask?

Since starting therapy, the Mr and I often get into conversations about stuff that pops up afterward.  He always asks how it went in general, never with the expectation I will give him details, but knowing his over sharing wife that I likely will.  There's nothing I could tell a therapist that he doesn't know verbatim from years of dumping on him which I feel guilty about but I also know that it allows him to understand me on a level some husbands have zero interest in knowing about their wives, which is sad.  

In our last conversation, I got on the subject of my parents divorce and dad's wedding day.  I remember the day he left like it was yesterday but what I remember most now is the fact that they didn't tell me together.  She told me while he hid in the bathroom.  I don't know if that was her choice or his.  If she knew that because we were close that she could do a better job at breaking the news to me or if he was like "I can't do it, you tell her" in the beginning of many cowardly acts of self preservation I would witness from him from that point forward.

Mom and I talked about the divorce a million times when I was a kid but did she ever tell me who decided she would do it alone?  Did I ask or do I not remember?  I feel like I'd remember if she told me.  When your parent dies, you don't realize how much of your own history dies with them.  You don't have that running encyclopedia of your family history anymore and even stories you heard 100x before are suddenly fuzzy and you doubt yourself to recall them accurately.  I knew of this guy Mom dated briefly in school and she always told me how when I was a baby I fit into his hand when he came back for a football game after I was born.  When she passed, I found her freshman yearbook which I'd never seen before and he was all over it.  His name scrawled over every picture he was in from sports to academic clubs with starry eyed doodles of their names and "forever" following them, even if forever then was four months.  Dates of how long they were together were written in the back with the end date crossed out and written as a new date.  Why?  I asked her sib about him and they laughed and told me a story about how she was late from a game and being picked up because she was smooching in the hall with him.  Like an 80's movie, she was walking out of the hall while her dad walked in missing being caught by mere seconds.  They said they forgot all about that guy and what he looked like.  I took a picture and sent it over saying they looked like they sang for the band Bread which they heartily laughed for quite a while.  Why hadn't Mom told me that story?  Why hadn't I asked?  How much of who she was that I would never know died with her?  Probably a lot and that kills me just as there is a lot of who I really was that I hid from her.  My therapist said I was her 'bodyguard.'  She hasn't elaborated on that but the few times I told her I didn't tell Mom about big things that happened to me that's how she referred to me so I'm sure some fun chats are in my future about that.

If you still have your parents, ASK THEM QUESTIONS!!  Don't wait until they're too old to recall or think that you're invading their privacy.  While Mom and I talked a lot about good times or cautionary tales involving strawberry Boone's Farm, I'm sure there are many more times I'll never know about and wish I did.  Trust me, it feels like crap wishing you'd asked more and not fully known so much of their story beyond being your parent.  They were people with their own lives, hardships, joys and everything in between before you came along.  Know as much as you can about them before they're gone.  I wish I'd thought to get something like this game where we could've all had a good conversation about honest and sometimes hard to hear life experiences.  I think something not geared specifically toward parents/family would be a good way to know the real person behind the role they played in your life.

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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Back to the Projects Weekend Recap

Howdy.  I hope you all got to have some fun and relaxation this weekend.  Friday night I stained the wood bun feet I got eons ago for the fireplace hearth we made for the bedroom fireplace.  Even when sitting up in bed we can't really see the flames despite the hearth so this solution has been a long time in the works.  I used ECOS dark walnut stain and general finish dead flat poly so they were ready to roll when we were.  There was some spackling that needed done that was, of course, more labor intensive than it should have been but that's the law in this house.  Maybe our land is cursed?  Speaking of cursed, that wench vein doctor sent her bill which the Mr was apparently expecting but I wasn't.  You can imagine kissing over $1600 goodbye I wasn't planning on parting with made me want to immediately cancel my birthday plans which come out to about that.  

We did get out for a little bit and grabbed lunch then got in about four geocaches in the area after visiting his Aunt Marie.  I wish we would've spent more time with her when she was here but sadly we don't seem to appreciate people until they're gone.  We had several nano caches again which are irritating but I understand why they need them.  I worked on a Thanksgiving and Halloween design that truly drained me.  Hopefully when I release the Thanksgiving ones, you'll find them as funny as I do.  

I think I'm laying off of the scale for a while.  The only thing I've succeeded at doing is somehow gaining two pounds this month despite exercising 6 days a week and going the wrong way since adding strength training.  My brain just cannot continue to take the weekly disappointment with everything else going on and the next 2-3 weeks I will be swollen from the vein procedure which means more upward motion.  I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and somehow figure out how to undo 49 years of crap sleep which I think is a big part of why I have never been able to consistently lose for a long time.  (As I type this on my phone at 1:12am)

Sunday the Mr took care of grocery pickup and I made a light breakfast.  We got the feet installed on the hearth and the fireplace back in place and tested it out and it'll be perfect for cozy time.  We got to talking about the long put off baluster project from last year and the part that brought him the most anxiety to install the new ones.  A piece of wood needed to be fit in there and yesterday was the time to do it.  He worked on that and checked that off the list.  We talked about getting the old wood ones off so I could scrape the top rail.

(Regret loading in 3...2...1)

It took a little while to get those popped off while I was working on them and 23 seconds when the Mr went at it.  The Mr started wiggling the unscrewed balusters (which were also nailed in and painted on) and on the second one...boom.  Power outage.  It was like God saying "no.  Don't do that."  We got the power station hooked up to the fridge since we'd just gotten groceries.  It's usually only out about 45 minutes and it was lasting longer.  In between the Mr kept pulling down more balusters

Since the fridge had been off for 25 minutes due to the drained power station, we knew we couldn't afford to open the doors to keep it cool for the next hour we had so we had to grab pizza for dinner.  While he ran to get dinner, I continued scraping the stringer above and of course, 3 minutes before he got home, the lights came back on.  I wasn't much in the mood for cooking but just felt like the universe's comic strip timing making me feel like crap about our dinner decision.  😔

Then it was pretty much chilling the rest of the night because my shoulders were feeling it.  Thanks so much to my honey for all of his hard work this weekend.  We had to get it in now since I don't know if I'll feel like doing much on the home project front the rest of the week with my vein ablated leg all uber wrapped and such.  Today we both have a chiro appointment to take care of any issues that may linger from yesterday.

How was your weekend?

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Friday, July 19, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #29



Bugs about sums it up.  

Twas the week from hell this week.  In addition to being the week that Mom took her turn and gaggles of mistakes that took her life started, life just thwapped me like a wet Nerf ball.  The railing sh*t the bed and I had to go through 4 different techniques to get it to where I wanted it to be.  It's darker than the other one but they're not side by side so hopefully that helps somehow but it took a LONG time to get that fixed.  I told my friend on a 2 hour phone call that this week could "feast on a satchel of Richards" and that was Tuesday.  The tinting dudes were complete (insert 12 different inappropriate descriptors I typed and erased here) and tried to say that they weren't going to give us a refund for the 5% strip they effed up on the windshield AND that we would have to pay to have the windshield redone because the strip would probably screw up the shield tint.  When I messaged the Mr I didn't give a rat's ass about the strip at the top and to tell them to remove it, redo the shield at THEIR cost, he told them that and said he had no problem getting the credit card company and BBB involved which seemed to change their tune.  Now we have to wait for 2 weeks for them to friggin' redo the whole thing which means we'll have driven there and back 6x for this stupid thing.  The word Quality is in their title.  What a LIE!   The following day was an exhausting therapy session and upon finishing it, the Mr and I drove up the street to the vein doc to raise hell about why didn't they take care of the discontinue use order I called about 10 days ago and followed up on 5 days ago.  We went round and round with them and the person I talked to to get the pump sent back did not get back with me yesterday like she said she was going to.  Now I'm going to have to follow up at some point today and see the status because that wench is going to be doing my next ablation Wednesday and I really don't feel good about allowing her to do something like that when I'm also jabbing a voodoo doll of her.  Then yesterday there was a hiccup with the railing installation that was the cherry on it all.

So to this week, I say:


Now let's drop into:

Want to Age Well? You Need a Strong Posterior Chain. Give Your Body’s Backside Some Love With These 7 Moves  (This is essentially my PT for everything that ails me from shoulders to legs.  Just do it at least 3x week (with doctor approval)  and save yourself the pain I've had for 8 months)

How Fast Do You Walk? It Could Predict Your Heart Disease Risk  (I guess I need to speed up my medium lollygag pace!)

Married Men Are Revealing The 'Hardest Parts' Of Marriage That No One Talks About  (Some really heartbreaking ones here but I hope they're actually telling their wives too and not just some anonymous survey.  If not, that's also half of the problem.)

Navigating Summer Seasonal Depression  (I KNEW it wasn't just me!  Wake me in October)

In between life dropkicks, I've been working on designs if you want to swing by the shop.  Just hoping not all of them suck.

How was your week?  What's on tap for this weekend?

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Monday, July 15, 2024

Wackadoodle Weekend Recap

How do?  How is it Monday again??  The weekend needs to be three days.  You spend Saturday trying to recover from the week, attempting some semblance of a life then Sunday is trying to cram in errands and prepping for the coming week.  That doesn't sound very fun...or is it just us?

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys!  Last week, the Mr checked our insurance and saw that "free" lymphedema pump the vein doctor forced on me (which I couldn't even use if I wanted to until next year because I risk blowing out all of the work she was going to do this year) was being charged to us at $12,000 out of network!!!  We had an utter freakout moment and the next morning, the Mr called the place, explained the situation and that it had never even been opened and we want to return it.  (We only knew that was an option after I saw a complaint on the BBB website.)  He said we could but they need a discontinue use order from her then they'll send UPS out to pick it up.  I called the office manager and told her, said it needed taken care of today which she said she would.  Surprise, it wasn't and now I have to throw down with these mofos.  Why does NO ONE DO THEIR EFFING JOB?!?!   Same with the tinting place.  We have to take time out of both of our schedules to go back out and have them redo one side.  

Anyhoo... you're here for weekend stuff.  But before we get to our weekend stuff, talk about a tough weekend from childhood on the death front.  Dr. Ruth Westheimer, who I used to listen to in the 80's and 90's to get actual sex education passed away at 96.  Many don't know she was named an honorary ambassador to combat loneliness and has a book coming out in September about how to combat loneliness and live a happier life.  I plan to check it out.  Richard Simmons was probably on your radar if you're a Boomer or Gen Xer.  Mom and Grandma had his Reach workout ALBUM back in the day and I'm not going to lie that we would rip on it and how ridiculous it could be but that was part of his schtick back then.  Many a people lost weight through his workouts, Deal a Meal or Food Mover programs and they still remain relevant today if you can find them.  Finally, Shannen Doherty passed away after a long, brave fight with cancer since 2015.  Watching her last IG post two weeks ago given her state of mind, is really heartbreaking. 

Oy...onto our stuff. 

We fell for the hype of a few new bakery type places that have been all over local social media and websites and all we ended up doing was spending $20 to fill their trash cans.  It stinks because the one guy was super sweet but the food had zero flavor.  When you've got two fat people literally spitting out their food, there's a problem.  So we gave up and I saw a place we used to regularly get with Mom still had a location on that side of town.  We hadn't been there in years.  We pulled over at a park and ate and damn food can take you back.  It was very upsetting so I silently cried as I ate.  I decided to get my mind off of it by pulling up the geocaching app and getting some caches in.

(Dude, I friggin' hate nano caches like the upper right)

It always cracks me up how if there are cops around, they will literally change lanes to follow you and see what you're doing.  I'm more than happy to show them the geocaching app and explain it to them.  We got pulled over once at an interstate rest stop because many park and grabs are under the skirts of light posts and this was within 2-4 years after 9/11.  He said it sounded fun but looks suspect as hell in the see something, say something era.  We agreed.  Geocaching... maybe you'll get pulled over, maybe you won't.

Thankfully, there were a lot in cemeteries so we could do them in one spot and saw these scrawny gals.

After adding another 10 to our total, we headed home and I got to working on more designs.  It's funny how you already cringe at some designs you made even 3 months ago and decide not to post.  It's been very stressful trying to get that together.  I've given myself dry eye from the intense eye strain of repetition, editing, etc.  I'm going to need to drag out the eye moist heat compress to combat this.

Sunday, the Mr got grocery pickups and I made breakfast because I knew what was on tap for me for the day.  Sigh.  Remember when I spent a weekend last year doing this?  Well, I finally got around to doing most of the other one about 10 days ago but the thought of trying to hand scrape that whole thing on the stairs where it's been residing for over a year was more than I could bear.  My solution?  Stand in a 103 degree garage and attempt to sand it.  It took about 90 minutes to get the first part sanded which was basically just to get the wax, paint and original blonde 90's shellac off of it.  Then I had to go over it again with a 180 grit and then finally a 400 grit to smooth it out.  We're having our driveway sealed so the car had to be out of the garage and it seemed like a good time to do it.  Well, convenient, not good and for all y'all who balk at wearing a mask when doing DIY projects:

You don't want that shizz in your lungs, do you??  So I put on the wood conditioner (after the Mr was kind enough to run to the Dep-o to get the water based kind) which dried in a flash and then I used the Dark Walnut ECOS stain I used on the other rail eons ago.  We're letting it dry overnight and I'll get to sealing it with the Dead Flat I used on the other one and then we'll aim for getting it reinstalled tomorrow.  That's about it on our end for the weekend and another full week ahead.

How was your weekend?

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Friday, July 12, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #28

Well hello there.  How do?  Woof... this has been a week, man.  I must first thank those who reached out or commented on Wednesday's post.  I so appreciate it.  Therapy was interesting as she made a statement that wasn't a diagnosis or anything like that but an observation/conclusion I would not have come to.  When the Mr asked how that made me feel I told him I feel like I need to sit with it and then if it still sits off kilter, ask for clarification.  

We had a rogue Fall like day Wednesday thanks to some rain and met up with a friend at the park shelter.  It was nice enough we brought a bundle of firewood with us.  I don't know if it was the topics of conversation mixed with just having finished therapy an hour before but when we got home, I was exhausted.  We hadn't eaten and I only had cereal for lunch so getting home at 9:30 meant a late dinner then we collapsed.  My social battery drains SO quickly now.  Side effect of hobbit living?  We were leaning against a picnic table for three hours and tweaked our backs.  Thank goodness I had an appointment with my spider monkey the next day!  (Chiro)

Now let's get into:

Is It Really *That* Bad to Never Strength Train? Fitness Pros Weigh In  (I really want to attempt to build something if my shoulders will let me)

Why Most Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Are Healthier Than Real Meat  (Literally read the other study damning it to hell and this is why you're on your own people.  We're still gonna have our Wednesday night Gardein chickpea pasta and the occasional beyond burger especially since they just switched to avocado oil and halved the sat fat.)

8 Signs Of Adult ADHD   (Um yeah.  That about sums it up.  I always thought you had to be hyper but apparently not.)

How To Save Money on Energy Bills When You're Away From Home  (I kinda feel like these do nothing because we typically vacation for two weeks and do pretty much all of them and have never once come back and been like "wow, our electric bill is always so much less."

Paramount Erases Archives of MTV Website, Wipes Music, Culture History After 30 Plus Years  (This is why I hate everything.  I revoke my crush on the hood dude from Head of the Class.)

(Thanks to those who have swung by the shop and favorited!)

Whatchu up to this weekend?

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

My Many Exhausting Masks

Have you guys ever seen that antidepressant commercial where the woman holds up a happy face mask on a stick despite her not feeling that way?  I think we can all relate to some degree.  Whether it's trying not to throat punch that coworker (you know the one) through gritted teeth, trying not to lose it when you feel like you're not being heard or a myriad of other situations where your face conveys something other than how you feel inside.  Lately, I find myself labored by the weight of the many masks I feel I carry.  I literally envy that chick only having one mask to pull out of her purse.  I feel like I'm wheeling a steampunk trunk that has more masks than I can carry comfortably as well as masks I never asked to get rid of.  Maybe masks isn't even the right term more so than versions of myself or they refer to it as "hats" but a hat means you can still see the person.  Mask seems to fit better for what I'm talking about because it almost feels like I have to slip into a different version of myself with every one.

The one my long time peeps know best is the "still struggling to lose weight" mask.  I'm growing quite frustrated with this one but not to the point I'm ready for whatever medical intervention some would say to "just" do.  I guess I'm stubborn but I'm also pissed.  It gets very tiring having to explain to whatever doctor you see that you exercise 5-6 days a week and only eat out once a week.  If they've seen you for any amount of time, the more side eye you get because you're not thinner.  I know people who eat out several times a week and seem to be just fine and yeah, I'm effing bitter I'm not one of them.  It's especially difficult this year as my vein surgery schedule basically has me restricted to some degree until the end of the year.

Which transitions me into procedure patient mask which I've been since April.  I was going into this based on the Mr's schedule which seemed to have him breezing through his treatments but for some reason once we hit our deductible everything slowed to a halt.  Doctor blames insurance and vice versa and me?  I'm getting stuck having crap done at a snail's pace and just when I recover enough to be able to throw in more than just walking (strength training) the next restricting procedure is scheduled.  It is beyond frustrating and while she is nice, she's also a gaslighter and overworked.  Dealing with her and the crap generated from her scatter brain can be overwhelming and I find myself having to do a lot of research just to make sure that we adhere to actual guidelines and not ones that her office made up which always seem to be off by a week recovery wise.  I just want it all done because as much as I know it will be beneficial in the future, it is wrecking my ability to rehab myself in the 50,000 ways I seem to need it.

The grieving mask.  This is the one as the year mark looms that I'm supposed to have ditched or be ready to ditch.  That was complicated by the potential legal issues I may have had to face on her behalf but not having to brings it's own set of issues.  Yes my grief has changed but much of it has been busy work lately as I can tell you every horror she was enduring a year ago today.  (Her doctor was ignoring her request for oxygen because he knew he was at fault for her terminal situation and her abdomen was filling up with blood from an unknown lung biopsy nick.  It will be this way for me every July.  Just another reason to hate summer.)

The friend mask.  I don't have many of them.  I've always been a quality over quantity person anyway but I try to be the best friend I can be because honestly, they've been there for me more than a lot of my family.  I'm not trying to throw family under the bus but you all know how family has this preconceived notion of who you are based on an old version of yourself.  They rarely see you for who you evolve into or are quick to remind you of who you used to be.  I've got one good friend who has been the best for as long as I've known her and I feel helpless to properly be there for her during her hard times or to know if what I say or do helps.  I try to give space because she has a lot on her plate and I don't want to add to it but I always struggle to know if what I do is enough.  My other friend I've known for decades was almost bounced to acquaintance status.  I felt like I was doing all of the contacting and not getting responses sometimes for over a month.  (Not like I asked anything Earth shattering so it felt very personal never hearing back from her especially when her social media showed she was out there having a good ol time)  For some awful reason, Mom's death brought us back together.  It's literally the only silver lining but not one I'd ever want.  I'm glad to feel close with her again and my therapy journey has nudged her into her own, which I'm thankful for.  The one I've known the longest is one of those ones that you want to be closer to but she also went through a lot and you just can't really gauge where you stand.  I miss her but I also don't quite know how or if I fit into her life anymore.  As a 'fixer', I'm always feeling like I want to do more, the right thing, anticipate needs, etc.  I know that's all going to be explored but it's hard to know how to navigate friendships sometime as an adult and as life just seems to throw more and more at you the older you get.  

The new business entrepreneur mask.  I've worn this mask before and forgot how exhausting it is.  I've needed to change platforms for some old stores that have tumbleweed blowing around on them.  I finally got a kick in the butt when I saw some shady dealings going on when going through 'profits' while rounding up my tax stuff in January.  I got the itch in April and it has been a whirlwind since of learning, researching, designing, and investing hoping it's not all in vain.  Everyone says it's an oversaturated market and I know it is but I hope continuing to design not just things that inspire me that I'd want to buy but also the things I need to design to keep things afloat.  I do miss the days I used to sell antiques by going to estate/tag sales or other antique stores that didn't know what they had.  Oddly, the availability of antiques seemed to turn to utter crap and it didn't feel worth it.  I hope this does and that my self doubt and fear of failure doesn't get the better of me.

The rehab patient mask.  Does the amount of daily pain ever end?  Like this whole thing started at Thanksgiving with my feet and got progressively worse.  I tried shockwave therapy, I get good at doing what I'm supposed to do for like two days but I have 13 DAILY reminders that pop up for me and half of them get snoozed because they are overwhelming.  I'm supposed to be stretching my calves out multiple times a day to get those bastards to finally stay lengthened but do I?  No.  Maybe once a day if I think about it and then when I try to put on the weight loss mask and my feet hurt again from adding activity, I get ticked I'm still having these issues.  It's not just the feet.  I have shoulder impingement in both shoulders and I will say I've been much more diligent working on that with some progress but I got a huge wake up call the other night during a workout of how far I still have to go.  When I mentioned not being able to hook my bra for 6 months to my therapist, she raved about this front zip bra she wears.  Um, I actually want to fix my shoulders not give them crutches to cheat.  I can put it on over my head, I wasn't asking for a solution but was a little surprised at the message when I told her I was doing PT for that.

Which brings me to my newest mask, therapy patient.  It's been a long time coming and we're essentially still in the going over an ungodly list of questions phase.  So nothing to report there but I can't be the only one who thinks I deserve a refund when they start babbling about how it relates to their life or a long winded opinion to a question you regret asking.  I feel like out of my $15 copay last week, I'm owed $1.67 back.  I have to wonder how someone like me who doesn't like to be told what to do (thanks Dad) will react to having someone tell me what to do when what they're proposing sounds foreign and/or preposterous.  I know I'm searching for answers that no therapist can give me, just techniques on how to deal with that opportunity being gone or her opinion based off of only my side of events.  There are times when I question if it'll really do any good but I guess time will tell.

High risk masker.  Both figuratively and literally.  The Mr and I both have comorbidities outside of just weight and given that we still actually read, we know what's still floating around out there long after everyone else has put Covid in their rear view mirrors.  His doctor agrees that he can't catch it so we're working on getting him full time remote because people at his work are always sick with something and no one tests anymore.  It's a reality for some of us that others just write us off as being hypochondriacs, weird extreme libs (whatever) and it really sucks to still be so restricted.  We mask up at doctors offices because there hasn't been a time we've gone in where someone wasn't hacking.  We have zero social life, not that it was jumping before but now?  Even less and it sucks that all of my best friends live out of state.   

Let's not forget the failing wife mask.  Marriage has basically been in survival mode for a year due to us both grieving, questioning what the hell we do with our lives now, bogged down with more friggin' appointments than either of us can fathom or manage most days and we fall into a Groundhog Day routine of watching the tube after workouts until it's time for bed.  We've got retreat coming up next month, which will be a welcome respite, but we both acknowledge neither of us are happy and it's hard to know what to do about that.  We both want to move but our mortgage for an average house would be 3x the amount we were paying.  That is effing depressing.  We both just don't make the effort for each other.  Don't get me wrong, we talk about anything and everything and support each other unconditionally but we also know we have got to get out of this rut but don't know how.  Given what I mentioned above, our options are also limited so that plays a role in it too.

The mask I didn't ask to get rid of is the daughter mask.  I'm no one's daughter anymore, or I should say no one who cares daughter.  Ever since grandma's diagnosis, I've been trying to mentally prepare myself for having to be a caregiver to her and how we were going to manage that given our own limitations and I had to cram years into one month.  There is a sense of survivors guilt that comes with that.  I have had a year to reflect on what a shitty daughter I was to her and how much hurts and perceived slights put up a wall between her and I.  It wasn't just on my end, it was her end too and neither of us wanted to have the hard talk because of a few moments of discomfort.  How stupid and wasteful.  It was something I always wanted to address with her but given the Covid situation, we didn't see her much and I thought 'when it's over' I'd do it.  Just another thing that effing disease took from us.  In 2020, I had even bought a notebook to gather my thoughts to put down what things affected me how, how I was going to attempt to approach her without it being a defensive situation and what steps we could take to get closer again.  It's not like we were estranged or anything like that but there was tension sometimes and I have a tendency that if one bad thing happens, I see it as a whole day/visit ruined.  It's hard for me to not hamster wheel over and over until whatever is said becomes the focal point.  Now all I have is a relationship that never has the chance to be improved where she's concerned and it hurts.  It hurts to know how something that happened 40 years ago still affects me to this day, hence therapy, but a step forward too late.  

So you can see that each of these things on their own carry a heavy weight but together, they feel impossible to drag along.  The endless reminders that populate my inbox daily can get overwhelming as I try to remind myself to do PT, drink water, make green tea so I can try to avoid meds, bike while I'm eating to knock out two tasks at once, do a scalp massage at night, rock myself to sleep to regulate my nervous system, and a bazillion others.  I mean, no wonder I can't frickin' relax when we're on vacation or any other time.  I don't know why this all has been kicked up lately other than the fact that I just feel done and no idea how to manage it all.  No real point to it just to maybe let someone else who is feeling the same know they aren't alone.

What masks feel heavy for you right now?

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