
Saturday, February 4, 2012

I'll Take It- Weigh In

Down a pound.  I will definitely take that especially after losing 5 last week.  Usually I either go back up a half pound, stay the same or lose a pound.  It's never big numbers two weeks in a row.  So I'm one pound away from re-earning my 200 lbs lost avatar.  I can't wait to get it back and I'm hoping its next week!  (Hear that universe?)

More DIY projects to get done this weekend.  Our new countertops are being installed this Friday so we have to get into gear.  I think the Mr is putting my photography table together today, I've got 2 items that need refinishing (one, well 2 things that work as one) that I bought at an antique store last night) so it's gonna be a busy weekend but I would really like to give the Mr his garage back for Monday morning.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and if you're a new follower, welcome aboard!

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  1. A pound is definitely better than no pound.

    Sounds like a very busy weekend for you.

  2. Congrats on the loss! Enjoy your busy weekend =)

  3. A loss is a loss, especially after a big one last week. Sometimes the pounds have to catch up to each other to seem more realistic. Have a great weekend!

  4. Congrats!!! I love busy weekends=less time to eat and more calories being burned.

  5. Seriously, 199 pounds is just as impressive as 200! Both are HUGE accomplishments! I lost 100 pounds myself several years ago, but gained some back & now I'm trying to lose again. I weigh in on Saturdays too. :)

    Good luck with all your DIY projects--have a good weekend!

  6. 5+1 sounds good to me! :D Good job!

  7. Good deal on the weigh-in! I've got my fingers crossed for another good week this week. (And yes, I will take partial credit when you succeed.)

  8. Nice on the loss--any movement down is movement in the right direction in my book. That's great in the midst of DIY projects; in our house, DIY projects often mean eating out or grabbing whatever is handy, so weight loss is not likely.


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