
Thursday, February 9, 2012

2/9/12- What's on the Mrs plate today?

Well it seems some of you like the food posts so I'll throw ya a bone!  :-)  I tried to pretty it up a bit today but gave up by dinner time because we've got a ton to do tonight.  Still.  Ugh.  But I wanted one with the old countertop in it as a farewell.  New granite countertops go in tomorrow!  Yay!  But that's not why you stopped by... lets get to the grub.

Breakfast was a bowl of Special K Blueberry cereal, a banana with nutella (stop judging my Nutella consumption) and green tea in my new favorite mug.  (What I wouldn't give to be enjoying some sweet potato pancakes at Arcade.  Sigh)

Lunchtime!  The only thing that ever changes in my lunches is the "entree".  The sides are always raw veggies, fruit salad, an apple with apple dip if I can "afford" it that day and a Trader Joe's cereal bar which is apple this week.  Today's entree was tuna "tacos" using boston lettuce for the shell.  2 tbsp of miracle whip light and some scallions mixed in.  Heaven.  Oh yeah, that's tea back there, not lager.  Beer, blech.

Dinner was by the horrid lighting in the kitchen but barely features our laminate that's on its way out.  We had BBQ Chicken Naan pizza, one of the Mr's all time favorites and finished the bag o' brussels roasted with a strip of bacon.  Iced tea is standard at lunch and dinner.

Late snack was a serving of vanilla WhoNu's.  Drool.

Total calories for the day:  1840

Hope everyone had some yummy grub today too!  Feel free to share what you had in the comments!

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  1. Who's judging? lol. You are welcome to my ration, as mentioned previously. That naan pizza looks the recipe on here somewhere?

  2. Girl people are gonna question my commitment to this if they see Nutella everyday! LOL

    The naan pizza recipe is here:

  3. Yesterday was a really weird day for me eating wise. I had two pieces of millet bread with some cheese for breakfast. And a 'Salty Eagle' on gluten free bread from Isaac's Deli for lunch (had lunch with my Mom) and for dinner I had some steak and green beans.

    I did just realize that I haven't had breakfast yet though, and I'm at work so...I guess I'm running out to the grocery store. Dang it!

  4. Bkfst for me was strawberry/blueberry protein shake, lunch was homemade gingered veggie lentil soup with sourdough bread and since I was not hungry at supper, just a few left over noodles and a Trader Joe's cereal bar. My soup had all my veggies for the day--carrots, potatoes, spinach, lentils, onion.

  5. Oh, yeah, forgot the tomatoes in the soup as well!

  6. Mmmmmm. Delicious! Have you ever tried PB2? Powdered Peanut Butter. I mix 1 TBS with 1 TBS of Hersheys syrup (sugar free) and spread it on the banana and it. is. delicious! Thank you for posting another one. I'm going to Trader Joes today to grab some of this deliciousness.

  7. My 2 year old daughter and I could eat a jar of nutella a day...I cant buy it simply for our own sanity. :)

    And, you are the first person I've seen eat these new cookies...glad to know people are enjoying them. I think I'll have to give them a try. :)


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