
Monday, February 27, 2012

2/27/12- Food Journal

The past 2 days I have been ravenous!  I don't know if it's some delayed reaction to the steroid I was taking and it's working its way out of my system or what but I have wanted to eat everything the past 2 days and my hunger when I'm usually just even keel has been over the top.  I keep drowning the sensation with water and telling myself it's a side effect so I don't find myself at the bottom of a cereal box.  I've still got 2 weeks of antibiotics left but am off the other 2 meds so I'm hoping I'll even out over the next 2 days.  Also, can you please tell my fingers to stop losing weight.  I just had the dang rings resized a few months ago and now my ring is starting to spin on occasion again.  I'd like it to come off in my legs and gut please!  Fat cells, take note!

Let's eat...

Because I woke up feeling like I could eat my hand, I had a bigger breakfast.  I had an egg white and egg with black pepper (it looks like there's something in side but there's not), a cinnamon raisin english muffin with 2 tbsp of Better N' Peanut Butter (which I was totally dying for!) and a banana.  I had my tea when I got up but it was gone by breakfast time...

By lunch time, I was almost shaking so I was so glad that I didn't have too much to assemble today since I did it last night.  While making dinner I also made the chicken noodle soup I was going to make all winter once cold weather set in and since that didn't happen, I made it anyway.  Low sodium chicken broth, turnips, parsnips, carrots, spinach, peas, onions, red peppers, basil, boneless chicken breast and no yolk fine egg noodles.  The noodles friggin' tripled in size overnight so it looks like a big bowl of saimin!  For fruit salad I've got honeydew in place of watermelon, cantaloupe, clementine and grapes, my raw veggies with 1/2 tbsp dip, honeycrisp apple & apple dip, peanut butter oat bar (which I sadly can't fully taste yet) and iced tea.  It held me for a few solid hours but by 4:30pm I was ready to eat paint off the walls and we don't usually eat dinner for about 3 hours after that.  This is going to be one tough roller coaster ride!

Dinner was a quick throw together.  Earlier in the day I gave my new food processor it's first workout and made some homemade refried beans (recipe next week) and decided to do deconstructed nachos.  4 oz chicken breast shredded with half a serving of TJ's enchilada sauce, 5 oz of my refried beans with 1 tbsp BBQ sauce, pea sprouts, 1/4 c sharp shredded cheese and 1 serving of Garden of Eatin' No Salt Tortilla Chips.  On the left is deconstructed and on the right constructed into the perfect yummy bite.

My smell is intermittent so I'm hoping it holds out so I can taste these velvety nutella s'mores.  1 serving of Honeymaid Lowfat Graham Crackers, 1 tbsp Nutella and 1/2 serving of mini marshmallows.  Not low cal but a wonderful treat given how much I've hacked today.

Calories for the day, 2115 and calories burned by walking a trail at the park, 550 calories.

Didja eat anything yummy today?

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  1. I've lowered my calorie target in an attempt to get back on the right track, so I was being very careful what I ate and how much, to attempt to stay in the new lower range (just 50 calories lower, nothing drastic). While I'll be just over the OLD range, that's not actually unusual and I'm sure I'll be able to trim that 50 calories more often than not. I did have a yummy dinner of crock-pot pulled pork on a whole wheat hot dog bun, with some sweet&sour red cabbage. I love pulled pork!

    My calories for the day were 1628, and I burned right at 300 on the treadmill. Hate the treadmill, but was running around shopping for decent clothes for the new job I start tomorrow, so no walk in the park.

  2. Your food always looks SO delicious. Sorry that you arent feeling well though, hope you are better soon!

  3. I ate a cinnamon raisin bagel thin with peanut butter for breakfast, then instead of crap, I ate a small yogurt with strawberries, at lunch I was scrambling so I grabbed a Campbell's soup I had for hubby in the cabinet. It was a Tuscan chicken with white beans? Um yummmmmy! I am recreating it fresh tomorrow and it had spinach, bell pepper, white beans and onion...cannot wait to make it tomorrow and will add mushrooms too cuz I have some. Dinner was BBQ tri tip that I made with fresh asparagus and part of a baked potato. I had a goof food day. It reminds me that good food is yummy not a punishment! Love your blogs and am glad you are on the mend!

  4. Mmmmm Smores....Mmmmmm. I want some!!!!! I really like that you include a fruit salad and raw veggies with every lunch! Great idea to get in more nutrients. :)

  5. Oh, how I love pea sprouts, and I can't wait for that refried bean recipe!!!

    I'm on a grapefruit kick right now, so I'm lovin' on those... had two today. My breakfast was my favourite meal today: a hard cooked egg, your favourite... oatmeal (tee hee) with a tbsp. of coconut milk, a tbsp. of chopped nuts and a Spartan appple. Yum! Every other meal was leftovers.

    Have you considered that you are burning major calories coughing? I'm so gald to hear you are feeling better, though.

  6. Nutella s'mores? Genius! I want some NOW. Seriously, though, everything looks so good; I'm glad you're through one med and hope things do even out for you on the hunger front. How not fair to be so hungry when your sense of smell and taste are not there so you can at least ENJOY what you're eating!

  7. I am always ravenous when I am sick... funny, other people do not want to eat at all then. Usually I give in for a day or two, because the immune system needs energy (and especially carbs) to work properly.

  8. Lecture time! Be sure to eat when you're hungry! You have been sick and your body is telling you something. You don't have to go overboard, but right now listening to your body is more important than those calorie numbers!

    Lecture over. :) Glad you're starting to feel human again.

  9. Nothing noteworthy on the yumminess scale for me yesterday. I tend to be hyper-vigilant on travel days.

  10. I made up Nutella s'mores about 4 years ago on a weekend getaway trip where we had a campfire like setting but no campfire allowed. I improvised and they are heaven! If you have Fluff on hand, you can use that too.

    Jamie- Look at all that food girl! I promise I'm not starving myself! :) But yes, I'm listening to my body but choosing to hydrate first since the doc says that's most important. If I'm honest about yesterday's water intake, it wasn't stellar. :(


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