
Monday, February 13, 2012

2/13/12- Food Journal

Well I was on my own for the day.  This is always the Mr's time of year for random just after the new year projects at work so he worked out this morning and is eating dinner at work.  His looked so good I decided to make it for myself.  Let's dig in shall we?

For breakfast I had a bowl of Special K Blueberry cereal and scrambled eggs (2 whites, 1 egg) with caramelized onions and parmesan cheese.  It held me a good long time!

For lunch I had my tuna fish lettuce wraps (2 tbsp Miracle Whip Light & scallions) with raw veggies and 1/2 tbsp of dip.  A golden delicious apple with apple dip, fruit salad (grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe and pineapple) and a Trader Joe's apple cereal bar.  Iced tea to drink, of course.  I told you, lunch is pretty standard.  :-)

Dinner was leftover beef roast tacos with enchilada sauce and a serving of sharp cheese with a side of brussels sprout and onions.  Iced tea in the background.

I'd show you my snack but that's coming tomorrow so I can't show you!  Tune in tomorrow for a decadent little treat that fits into well planned calories.

Calories for today:  1940

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  1. I really do love these posts! Your eats always look soooo goood!

  2. Thanks girl! I only had the point and shoot in the kitchen today so they're not exactly artsy lookin'. HA!

  3. Looks delicious! It's so interesting seeing what real people eat during their weight loss. And I love the fact that you eat real meals, and not e.g. Protein bars. I also like your photograps, thank you! :)


  4. Oh, I wondered how the Brussels sprouts experiment turned out. Guess you liked them, since they are still on the menu. I agree with the others, your meals look so appetizing!


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