Friday, March 3, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #9

Helllll yeah's Friday!!!

I don't know why I'm so excited but you know, Friday does that to a person so let's get right to...

The 5 Best Exercises for Fat Loss  (I did #3 last night and wanted to punch something when I was done!)

Why Did I Feel So Uncomfortable During The Nocturnal Animals Opening Credits?   (Apparently I wasn't the only one)

Subway's "Chicken" Contains Just 50 Percent Chicken DNA, Says Investigation  (This just backs up why I thought all meat there tasted the same.  Bleck)

How Friends and Family Cause Weight Gain   (I have experienced this quite a few times when we were really going strong.)

Plus-Size Women Are Still Not Considered Sexy — & That's A Problem  (Video begins on landing.  A great piece/project!)

7 of the Best Foods to Fight Inflammation  (Hurray!  I eat most of these!)

8 Surprising Things Giving You a Headache  (Some of these are surprising)

The 6 Biggest Surprises That Came With Losing 280 Pounds  (This is amazing.  Definitely read!)

Four At Home Exercises You Can Do in Front of Your TV  (I can vouch for them all)

This May Explain Why So Many People Feel Outraged About Childfree Adults  (That's funny, I feel "morally outraged" when people who have no business or means to be parents jump into it blindly and then the kid has to suffer for the rest of their lives because two douches chose to procreate.)

Robert Irwin and Jimmy Cuddle a Sloth   (Oh my goodness he's just like his daddy!  Such a sweetie!)

Stars Remember Bill Paxton As Warm, Talented Actor  (Some really beautiful words from some of his friends and co-stars)

Rob Lowe Remembers Bill Paxton  (Such a sweet tribute to his good friend and such good stories)

The chiro said yesterday my legs were doing well and load balancing properly.  He did say to take the calf raises out of PT because there's just no need because my calves are plenty strong.  I was lucky enough that my massage lady had a cancellation today so I go in at 10:30 for her to dig into my angry muscles.  The hour will fly by because we always chat the whole time.  I was hoping to get in 90 minutes but since I had to go through the front desk for this one I couldn't sneak it in.  Next time.  No real plans for the weekend.

What are you guys up to?

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  1. TGIF! Thanks for more great links to read today. Everyone have a great weekend!

  2. Great articles - as usual! Have a great weekend!

  3. Great links! Glad to hear your legs are doing good and the chiro is happy with your progress. Yippee!!

    Need to go out to the suburbs to fill up the cars for the storage unit. Leading a meeting tomorrow before that. Other than that, it's kind of open. Plenty of housework awaits. lol


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