Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Walk Down Memory Lane

I was flipping through the Vermont Country Store catalog last night and of course since nostalgia is their thing, it got me, well, nostalgic.  So I thought I'd do a bit of a quiz with you based on back in the day stuff.

What kind of cologne did your dad wear?  My dad wore Brut and Old Spice and on occasion, English Leather.

Did your grandma do a once a week trip to the hairdresser?  Both of mine did.  My paternal grandma would also wear the rain bonnet to keep hers intact.

You know what soap on a rope is?  I'm pretty sure my dad got some every year from me for Christmas until I was 8.

What could you rely on getting in your Easter basket as a kid?  One of my grandma's always made sure I had one of those big ass peanut butter eggs with a little flower on the top the size of an adult fist.  I could rely on those horrible Whopper eggs as fillers being thrown in and I'd throw them out.

What telephone did you like to play with as a kid?  What is it with old school phones.  I LOVED rotary phones, the longer the number, the better.  It was like meditation.  But then again, my grandma had one of those backlit push button phones and I loved nothing more than holding the receiver down so I wasn't dialing out but still pushing the buttons.  Weirdo.

Table or TV trays as a kid?  As a kid/teen, we were always on TV trays but once I was married, it's always been dinner table.  I didn't even want a set of TV trays.

What scent reminds you of a family member?  The smell of rose lotion reminds me of my great grandma.  One time in a store, I passed a woman whose cologne had to have been hers because it made me cry.  I wish I would've asked her what it was.  White Diamonds reminds me of my grandma with dementia and if you mix it with the scent of coffee brewing, that is her.

What shampoo did you use as a kid?  I remember Prell being pretty prevalent but I also remember Agree and Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific being thrown in for good measure.

What did you consider your first adult perfume?  Probably Wind Song or Emerude when I was a pre-teen but when I was a teen, I thought Estee Lauder's White Linen, Cinnabar or Youth Dew were classy.  My Lord, if I tried to wear those now, I'd break down in an allergy laden sneeze attack!

What music did your parents listen to that they passed down to you?  Fleetwood Mac, Steve Miller Band, The Doobie Brothers, ABBA, Boston, The Eagles.

Pick 5 questions and answer them (or all of 'em if you're bored!)

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  1. My first "adult" cologne was Drakkar Noir. I was told by a "player" Italian guy friend of mine that "I just put this on and the girls come running". This was not my experience.

    My parents listened to Neil Diamond, Jan and Dean and a bunch of stuff I still do not listen to today.

    I had neighbors that we would exchange gifts with at Christmas every year and they could be counted on to give me soap on a rope. At first I thought they were trying to tell me something. Nobody had ever gifted me soap prior to that.

    My Grandma did do a regular visit to the hairdresser and so did my Mom. Eventually she started taking me to her hairdressers as it became more socially acceptable for guys to get haircuts anywhere they wanted instead of just the barber shop. Funny how that used to be the case but it changed in the late 70's to early 80's.

  2. What kind of cologne did your dad wear? Stetson

    Did your grandma do a once a week trip to the hairdresser? I think my grandma did her own hair most of the time - we have lots of pictures with her with curlers in her hair. My paternal grandma in Oklahoma was very hip and went to the hairdresser all the time. I remember some really teased 'do's!

    You know what soap on a rope is? I do and we had some...but the bar of soap seemed to dry out and crack well before it was used up.

    What could you rely on getting in your Easter basket as a kid? We always had beautiful baskets and we always got a solid chocolate bunny - and tons of jelly beans.

    What telephone did you like to play with as a kid? I loved the rotary dial phones - I loved the sound it made when you dialed.

    Table or TV trays as a kid? We ate all of our meals at the dinner table - unless my parents were going out. Then we got to eat in front of the TV...and it was usually store-bought pot pies. That was living back then because my mom cooked every meal from scratch. Didn't realize how lucky we were.

    What scent reminds you of a family member? My maternal grandma loved Jean Nate - and one Christmas EVERYONE gave her some form of Jean Nate. My siblings and I wrote a poem about Nana being "swept away in Jean Nate"!

    What shampoo did you use as a kid? I, too, used Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific - but my favorite when I was in high school was Body on Tap! Remember it supposedly had beer in it and gave you lots of volume. It smelled so good. I wanted Farrah hair more than anything on earth.

    What did you consider your first adult perfume? Chanel No. 5. Don't wear it now.

    What music did your parents listen to that they passed down to you? Well, we were out of luck growing up because my Dad was an Okie - I thought we were the only kids in the world who had to listen to country music. But my older cousin turned me on to the Beatles, etc. So now I have a pretty good appreciation for all music, but country is my favorite.

  3. soap on a rope!!! wow haven't heard that in YEARS!!! TV trays we had also. Every time I smell Youth Dew by Este Lauder I think of my Mom.... totally Country music all the way!!! I got a maple Easter bunny... blech I was allergic to chocolate when I was a kiddo... makes sense why I love chocolate now!!!

  4. What telephone did you like to play with as a kid? I was in love with the old-fashioned French looking phones with the velvet backdrop, as well as the Mork phone my aunt had. There was a favorite seafoam green phone my parents had that I loved as well.

    Table or TV trays as a kid? We used both, but I remember the metal tv trays that my mom covered in contact paper that was checkered. A hoot! We now used wood tv trays and don't use the dining table anymore (as of this week I'm turning that into my work space =o))

    What scent reminds you of a family member? Shalimar for my mom. Obsession for my hubs. Moth balls for my paternal grandmother's house. lol

    What shampoo did you use as a kid? Prell and Tame are the two that come to mind fastest. Do you remember Tickle deodorant? Loved that -- had a giant ball applicator. ROFL

    You know what soap on a rope is? I surely do. My mom had one for years that she hung in the bathroom as a joke. I won't even tell you what it was but it was a gag gift from somebody and WAY inappropriate!

  5. My grandma and my mother both had hair done weekly. They would not wash in between. They slept on satin pillowcases. My grandma wrapped hers in something like a thin scarf at night. My mom (who is now 76) and I were just talking about this. I asked why they did all that and she said it was a totally different kind of hair cut. She refers to current cuts as wash and wear.


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