Friday, March 31, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #13

Happiest of Friday's to you all!  It's the last day of the month, can you believe it?

Let's dive straight into...

9 Things to Cut Out of Your Life to Be Healthy   (None of these have to do with cutting out a food group)

5 Ways to Jump-Start a Whole-House Decluttering Effort  (I need to get a jump on this)

The 16 Best Exercises For Arm Day  (L Stand would be if you'd like to rearrange your face for free)

Anatomy of an Egg  (In case you were wondering if that white gel thing was a dead chicken)

How to Quit Being Indecisive About Life Decisions  (Mmm hmm)

21 Low-Impact Workouts That Are More Effective Than You Think  (Get to it!)

This Is What Nutrition Experts Really Think About Dairy  (I'll never give up mah dairy)

How To Stop Sweating The Small Stuff For Good  (Must implement ASAP)

This Mansion Has Sat Virtually Untouched For 50 Years  (Beautiful home!)

Three's Company 40th Anniversary Cast Reunion for Antenna TV   (While good to see them, it's also,'ll see.)

John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John set to return as Sandy and Danny to mark 40 year anniversary of original (LOVE them together!)

No plans that I'm aware of this weekend.  I'm sure there's some kind of trouble we can get into.  ;-)

You guys got any trouble on the radar for the weekend?

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  1. Wow, I hadn't realized it was the last day of March 'til you mentioned it. Happy Friday and enjoy your weekend everybody!

  2. I can't tell you how many times I've seen Grease! Love that movie and soundtrack. Ah, last day of March....means tomorrow is April Fools Day. I feel a prank coming on....
    Have a great - snow-less - weekend!

  3. Oh, there are some great articles here. I'm saving this to read more of them this afternoon when I get home. That decluttering one and not sweating the small stuff -- whooo wee -- very good!

    The hubs works tomorrow so I'll probably focus on the spare room and the cyclone it's become. Not sure about Sunday -- possibly the burbs if it's not raining.

    Have a super duper weekend! xo

  4. I really want to try a push up kind of like the L wall thing, but, the rearranging of the face or even snapping my neck makes me hesitant to try. Happy weekend!


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