Monday, March 6, 2017

Scenes from the weekend

Happy Monday peeps!

Can I just tell you that Friday my girl massaged the hell out of my neck, back and arse.  She was like "what did you do?  Your back is jacked!"  Don't I know it!  She spent 45 minutes just trying to undo the fresh hell inflicted upon my neck and upper back.  I think between lots of upper body strength training, poor sleeping positions and switching out pillows, my muscles waved the white flag.  It hurt for anything to even touch the back of my neck for two days but it was so worth it because I finally felt semi human again.  Then came the weekend.

We grabbed lunch and then for some reason, the Mr got the itch to look at hot tubs and we spied this beauty...

I call dibs on the seat on the right with all the jets!!

I wonder how much it is...


Since when did HOT TUBS cost the same as a friggin' car!?!?  Dream on Mr.

He got to see some stuff he liked so it was time I saw stuff I liked...

"I'm a fox!" (affiliate link) 
"I'm a hound dog!" 

He's BOTH!  :-)   This lil guy was napping and continued doing so in my arms for 20 minutes,

Sunday brunch was blueberry pancakes.

I gave Kodiak Cakes pancake mix a try but ugh, not fluffy they were floppy/rubbery so into the trash it went.  It was fine I guess but I'll take the 200mg sodium hit for the Cracker Barrel mix instead.  So I see a remake in my future.  My egg game was slammin' yo.

We made an exciting impromptu trip booking today but I can't tell ya about that yet.  But I have to say being spontaneous is rather fun...I highly recommend it!

What did you guys do this weekend?  

(This post contains an affiliate link.  Should you buy through it, I may get a small commission to help with blog costs.)
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  1. Yeah, wow, had no idea spa's cost so much. I figured 5-7K max. And they say those are made to last a lifetime yet nearly every hot tub we've ever used on vacation at any given rental home has had problems of some kind so we know that isn't true. Was a good weekend overall but short as always.

  2. Holy cow that's expensive. I would have guessed around the same as the Mr. I wonder if the ones without all the bells and whistles are much cheaper? They do have inflatable ones (like the pools) for much less but I can't speak to the quality. I only know that because a friend got one a couple years ago for under $1000. No idea if it's still around and kicking though.

    Not a lot here this weekend. Lego Club at the library Saturday and the indoor pool on Sunday. Plus all the usual weekend chores. At some point, when I wasn't looking, I got old and boring.

  3. That pooch is so stinking cute!! As for the hot tub, that's what I want to live in at some point. Just put a little roof over me and I'd be all set. lol Glad you got your kinks worked out with the massage therapist and she helped you to feel better!

  4. Kodiak. I use the high protein box. I add egg whites and scoop of protein powder to further help the macros. Mine rises just fine. It might be the egg whites. I reduce the amount of water to compensate for egg whites. I cook in waffle maker.

    No they are not the same as the higher carb/sugar brands. (But I cannot eat something that high in carbs with almost no protein. I would spend the rest of the day trying to catch up my protein.) But husband and I like them on occassion. He eats with blue berries and honey and nuts. I eat with bit of lite butter. To us they are the right amount of good. I actually like that they are not "too" good, do not leave me wanting to finish the box. And very filling.


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