Thursday, March 2, 2017

40 Random Things

I saw this on a social media post and since I didn't do much yesterday to report, I figured we could have some fun.

1. Do you like blue cheese? Nope...just the thought is making me want to yarf.

2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? Candy cigarettes

3. Do you own a gun?  Squirt

4. What flavor Kool-aid? Don't drink it but if I did, fruit punch.

5. Do you get nervous before a doctor appointment? I used to get "white coat syndrome" really bad and my blood pressure would be sky high and then they'd take it after and it was fine.  Now?  Nope.

6. What do you think of hot dogs? I might have one once a year but they have to be high quality and uncured.

7. What is your all time favorite movie? I cannot possibly answer that but Sixteen Candles is pretty high.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water or hot tea

9. Can you do a pushup? Yep

10. What are your favorite pieces of jewelry? Wedding/anniversary ring.

11. Do you have a hobby? Kayaking and snow shoeing when winter isn't being an a-hole like this year.

12. Do you have ADHD?  I don't think so

13. Do you wear glasses? Yes

14. Who was your childhood idol? Olivia Newton John

15. Name three thoughts you have right now. Why do I keep forgetting to call the masseuse, I can't wait until this farce of a show "Hunted" is over so I can take it off the DVR, I need to get more organic cleaner so I don't almost pass out cleaning the bathroom.

16. Name three drinks you drink regularly? Water, tea and *maybe* a few times a year pop of some kind.

17. Current worries? Getting some research done, trying to get ahead of deadlines instead of working up to the last minute.

18. Favorite song:  Tearing Me Up by Bob Moses

19. Favorite place to be? Anywhere but here.

20. How did you bring in the New Year? With Kathy and Anderson.

21. Where would you like to go? To Funkytown

22. Name three people who will do this.  Eh, no one.

23. Do you own slippers? Wearing them now since the chiro says no bare feet on hard floors unless I want to screw my feet.

24. What color is your shirt? Red

25. Do you like sleeping in satin sheets? I suppose they'd be good for a romp but I'm not sleeping on those.

26. Can you whistle? Yep.

27. Where are you right now? Watching a lame episode of The Goldbergs.

28. Would you be a pirate? Call me Mococo

29. Favorite food? Anything from Mission Ranch in Carmel and Pequod's Pizza in Chicago.

30. Favorite New TV Show:  Training Day

31. Least favorite subject in school: Math

32. What's in your pocket? My hand to confirm nothing is in there

33. Last thing that made you laugh? Gene Kelly in The Three Musketeers

34. What's your favorite animal? Dog

35. What's your worst injury? These effin' legs

36. How many TVs in your house? 3

37. What is your worse pain?  The best woman in the world doesn't remember me.

38. Do you like to dance? Almost every day.

39. Are your parents living? Yep

40. Do you enjoy camping? It's been too long.  Butane chicken!

Pick 5-10 questions and answer them in the comments!

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  1. OK here goes, I just randomly picked 5 in a row:

    30. Favorite New TV Show:  Training Day

    31. Least favorite subject in school: Math

    32. What's in your pocket? My workout shorts have no pockets

    33. Last thing that made you laugh? The Goldbergs

    34. What's your favorite animal? Dog

  2. 1. Do you like blue cheese? LOVE it!

    2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? No - even though my parents smoked like chimney stacks....

    3. Do you own a gun? No

    4. What flavor Kool-aid? In the "olden days" it was grape all the way! Now we drink Crystal Light.

    5. Do you get nervous before a doctor appointment? I used to get "white coat syndrome" really bad and my blood pressure would be sky high and then they'd take it after and it was fine. Now? Nope. Same exact answer for me - now I can do THEIR job....

    6. What do you think of hot dogs? Fenway Franks are a guilty pleasure I cannot give up.

    7. What is your all time favorite movie? Oh, far too many faves to list, but watch Jaws, Twister, Grease, Dirty Dancing, Sleeping with the Enemy and many more ANY time I see them on TV.

    8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Hot tea

    9. Can you do a pushup? Yes

    10. What are your favorite pieces of jewelry? I waited 43 years to meet the man of my wedding ring.

    Fun survey - have a great day and an awesome weekend! It's going back to frigid weather here in Boston for the weekend, but it's March!!! And we turn the clocks ahead soon!

  3. 6. What do you think of hot dogs? Love them, but specifically from Portillo's.

    7. What is your all time favorite movie? To Kill a Mockingbird

    18. Favorite song: Changes by Langhorne Slim and the Law

    19. Favorite place to be? Northwoods of Wisconsin

    28. Would you be a pirate? I think we've established I'd totally be a pirate if I could be one with the sexiest pirate ever -- Tyrone Power =o)

    30. Favorite New TV Show: The Real McNeal's

    31. Least favorite subject in school: Math

    32. What's in your pocket? left pocket has my phone, right pocket has my little traveling wallet

    33. Last thing that made you laugh? My dogs (also my favorite animal)

    38. Do you like to dance? Not even a little bit.

  4. Here ya go:

    6. What do you think of hot dogs? Surprised they are food

    7. What is your all time favorite movie? Xanadu

    12. Do you have ADHD?  HA

    15. Name three thoughts you have right now. I should probably get up and walk right now. Oops i made coffee and forgot to drink it, again. Why is Quincy Adams on my tv

    21. Where would you like to go? Skating

    25. Do you like sleeping in satin sheets? Every night. It helps me to turn over without back pain. No satin pillow case though, makes my neck hurt. ( no private jokes lol)

    29. Favorite food? ‪Pizza pizza pizza‬

    33. Last thing that made you laugh? My hubby

    34. What's your favorite animal? Cat

    35. What's your worst injury? Back

    36. How many TVs in your house? 1

    38. Do you like to dance? On skates and bare feet

    39. Are your parents living? Barely, gotta laugh about it. Beats crying and being sad.


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