
Friday, August 10, 2012

Food Journal Friday 8/5-10

Sorry this is so late. I um...okay, I forgot.  I've got a reunion coming up this weekend and I've got prep work I got wrapped up in.  But you didn't come by for my excuses...let's eat!

Sunday was a 6 oz sirloin with pineapple and onion salsa, a baked potato and fresh green beans.  Calories: 549

Monday was breakfast for dinner.  2 eggs, 3 small pineapple pancakes with maple and coconut syrup and 2 1/2 slices of this apple cinnamon bacon the Mr wanted from Whole Foods.  I like thick cut bacon but dang, it was...hearty.  Calories:  700

Tuesday was chili day with some low sodium oyster crackers and asiago shavings.  We split the last Hawaiian sandwich bun (not pictured) before it went bad because that would be a travesty.  Calories: 638

Wednesday was chili night take 2 with 1 slice of buttered sprouted bread.  Calories: 628

Thursday was caramelized onion spinach lasagna roll ups and a side of grilled asparagus (not pictured).  Calories:  597

Tonight was the Mr's favorite, BBQ Chicken Naan Pizza with a side of brussels sprouts.  Calories:  614

What was your favorite meal this week?

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