Friday, August 24, 2012

The new plan update + current crushes

It's been a long but good week.

We've really kicked butt on exercise.  I've been sore everyday in different places letting me know my intensity wasn't wasted.  I surpassed my 4200 calorie goal by 200 so far and a walk later will put me about 450 over but doing 'active recovery' exercises so I can give my muscles a rest.  I've been getting in my water like clockwork which means I've also been sleeping less since I'm up 2-4x a night.  I swear my bladder stores wee like a squirrel storing nuts for the winter.  Yet somehow I've felt bloated this week and yes, I watch my sodium like a hawk so I have no idea what's going on there.  I've done some good calorie cycling this week, hopefully keeping the body guessing.  I seem to have adjusted to cutting the peanut butter oat bars.  I do get hungry sooner but no weak spells like Monday night so yay!  I can only hope for the best on the scale tomorrow and I haven't peeked all week.  I don't even try to guess anymore.

We rented Chimpanzee last night.  I want Oscar.  SO adorable and of course I bawled at all of the appropriate moments.  I recommend it but caution those sensitive to the ugly side of nature that it has some cringe worthy parts even if they don't exactly show it.

Let's get to what I'm crushin' on.

I am absolutely pining over this multi-function stockpot from Sur La Table.  It may or may not have anything to do with me accidentally nicking my non-stick coating in my stock pot.  Mmm...teflon.  So this thing is definitely on my wish list.

Also at Sur La Table is this awesome wire vegetable basket.  They have one for fruits too.  It makes me want to buy them and skip through the farmers markets for the rest of the season.  It wouldn't look ridiculous at all.  At all.

I am sooo digging this industrial shelf dohicker from World Market (probably because I bought an industrial cart very similar from there).  I can see putting my food photography stuff in it and being a little better organized in there as I'm kind of running out of room on some stuff.  I have no idea where it would go but I'm pretty sure if I wiggle my nose, a space of that exact dimension would magically open it.  It could happen.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I am in love with Edison filament bulbs.  I think anything looks sexy with those babies plugged inside.  I would love to have this aged steel reflector filament pendant light from Restoration Hardware.  Seriously, I would love this hanging anywhere in my house right now and at under $150 that's like bargain basement prices for that store.  (Too bad my wallet doesn't quite agree)

It wouldn't quite go over the Josephine bed that I'm sure Restoration Hardware would like to donate to me because they're generous like that.  (I can dream)  It would probably take up our whole bedroom but then I would be forced to hire a butler because people who own this bed obviously have one, right?  "Jeeves, I shall take my Earl Grey tea with a sweet scone and a side of devonshire cream.  Please see that you fluff my pillows before tending to your other deeds for the day, will you?"

I could be here all day but you know, we've all got stuff to do so I'll just leave you with that right now.

The Mr unfortunately has to work from home tomorrow so we'll be home Saturday but we have a road trip coming up this week I'm looking forward to (you'll hear about it next week) so I'll just have to grin and bear it.  So I'm going to live vicariously through you guys...

What are your plans for the weekend?  Have anything you're crushing on right now?

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  1. i bought a very similar looking light from lowes in the outdoor section. I put it in my bathroom, and now I have that cool industrial meets pottery barn look for less. I think mine was 29 dollars?

  2. Oooo, where's the road trip to?

    Kitchen stores are super dangerous for me lol
    I'd like the imulsion blender - I think that's what it's called, my gram has one. I might make better protein shakes if I had one lol

    No exciting plans, driving back to New Haven today from the glorious New Hampshire

  3. I've been totally crushing on wire baskets too. Unfortunately the my kitchen is so tiny that there's no space for even wire baskets. I'll just look at pretty pictures and that'll have to be enough.

    No plans this weekend. I'll be doing my regular weekend house cleaning chores (boo) and Sunday maybe I'll take the little guy to the pool. That's about it.

  4. I love the crushing thing. I am crushing on golfing this summer. My hubby bought each of us new clubs so we can crush together. Loving it!

  5. Ooh..I love the pot and the industrial shelves...Cant wait to get our own place to buy stuff like this:) The pot I might get it sooner:) I love everything to do with kitchens and bathroom stuff:) thanks for sharing...

    Have fun on ur road trip..We are planning to go check out Luray Caverns in the Shenandoah national park, VA and for the long weekend visit Niagara falls. I have been in the US since 2005 and havent seen the majestic falls...So looking forward to that and I love to drive everywhere so it will be an 8 hr drive..woohooo for road trips!! Where u going?

    take care and good day

  6. Okay, mine is a little weird but I am crushing on a big bonfire in my backyard with everything in my home (almost) and starting over! I can't afford it of course, but since I am dreaming. I just can't figure out how to transition so I just want to take everything out back, and start over! And the one thing that I want is an elliptical for working out at home and a chaise lounge for reading... Silly, but life is needing to get simple.

  7. I want that wire basket! Imagine all the awesome things you could do with that. Sorry your weekend is a little bit ruined, but the road trip will more than make up for it! I'm jealous. :)

  8. If I had to guess I'd say the bloat was actually due to the increase in exercise this week. Water retention for muscle repair and all that.

    I'm currently crushing on a small blender I could leave here at work for smoothies. And I have no idea why but I'm currently on the lookout for some really cool mugs for my morning coffee or tea.

  9. I'm at a race for the weekend and my plan is to not gain 5 pounds like I do whenever I go away! Have fun! Btw restoration hardware is in my town!!! The whole warehouse!!!

  10. The bed is GORGEOUS!! I'll continue adoring it from wouldn't be as beautiful with jelly fingers on it-lol. I'm crushing on a house in Ohio (I live in CA-lol). I like to think big a go from there-lol!

  11. I crush on this floor lamp from Restoration Hardware
    ROYAL MASTER SEALIGHT FLOOR LAMP for $1595.00. Talk about out of the budget. Ah, someday.

    On a smaller scale we went on an Art Deco tour of some buildings in LA this past weekend. I love the 1920's and am going to be incorporating some of that look in our home piece by piece.

  12. I do like the stuff you've shown here. Maybe Santa will bring some of the items to you if you're a good girl!


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