Monday, August 13, 2012

Rein it in

Okay so you know when you get to that point in your journey where what was working for you has said "yeah...not so much."  Well we're way cemented into that and things are going to have to change.  We're both at dragon slaying points.  Mine is 285 and his is 264 and we could hit that this week if we are good as gold.  I think it would go a long way in giving us a boost in self esteem which we desperately need right now.

We've also decided to overhaul high cal days.  I tend to get way less water in that day, we're veering off course as to why they exist for us in the first place, which was to fill a craving.  The past 3 months we can barely think of what we even want much less have a craving for.  To be honest and not to sound like a horn tooter but the stuff I make at home is like way better than the food we're getting at restaurants lately.  When we don't have a specific craving, we end up getting a little of this or a little of that and "sampling" and then what looked like not such a big deal is a deep end spiral.  I can count 3x in the past 6 weeks I've gone to bed miserably full and crap like that has to stop.  Period.  No mas.  It's pau, you dig?

So we're going to sit down and come up with some ground rules, try to strike a good balance on the exercise/strength front and make ourselves get back into some habits that have had their reins loosened.

What, if anything, do you need to rein in?

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  1. I need to just be less lazy in general. I've been slacking on the exercise front (using my running training as an excuse to do little more than running training) and the laziness has seeped into my eating. I just don't bother tracking on weekends. That's not to say I go buck wild and eat like a hog or anything but I just don't stay accountable. It's that kind of laziness tha will lead to a gain (and hinder long term maintenance).

    Time to take myself by the shoulders and give myself a good wake up shake.

  2. I'm okay with where I am now, although I'd like to have more days when I'm eating closer to the bottom of my calorie range.

    I never felt comfortable (still don't) with what I call the 'weekly splurge' or higher cal day. A monthly splurge works well for me, and sometimes I don't even have that. (This is handily offset by the birthday month in which I have several splurges.:) )

  3. I need to get some energy and start working out. I need to stop treating meals like a buffet.

  4. I need to stop the I work 7 days a week so I don't have to work out and I work 7 days a week so I deserve to eat this mentality. It's getting me nowhere fast.


  5. I think the high cal day for us was a way to bridge the gap between eating healthy and eating "the old way". And it worked for us when we started out. It was a necessity actually. But now that we're so used to eating healthy all week and the food we eat is so good and flavorful it makes it harder for us to actually crave the "old stuff" as much so we find ourselves just kind of eating it just to eat because it's high cal day and that really goes against our original intent.

    I think we'll tweak it just enough that it will make a big difference. It might be just the thing we need to get the fat burning going again.

  6. I don't need so much to rein in anything as to do that little extra that will turn the corner. And it's strength training. I have good intentions; and you know what they say about good intentions. All I do about it is think and look at the exercise of the day that SparkPeople sends me. Don't actually DO any most of the time, and when I do it's not enough.

    I have an idea for you guys! Maybe when you get an honest-to-God craving, which doesn't normally happen on a schedule, you can write down what it is and have just that on your high-cal days. Chances are by the time the high-cal day rolls around, the craving will have dissipated; but if not, there you go. I'll bet you don't have many any more. I think I'm actually going to try that myself. I've never had scheduled high-cal days before, just worked my cravings into my regular day's calorie budget or gone over. But sometimes that means not getting enough necessary nutrients since I hate taking supplements. Yep, I'm gonna try it.

    1. Thanks Cheri! Yeah, we actually used to do that in the beginning and write our cravings down. I think I should go on my Yelp bookmarks and try some of the restaurants for one meal then have a "normal" meal for dinner.

  7. I have had a few bad days in the last weeks. Saturday seems to be particularly bad right now. I have a problem stopping, once I start eating, and that's what I've been doing on Saturdays the last two weeks. Like you, sometimes that restaurant food isn't even all that tasty and I wonder halfway through, "Why am I eating this?" And then I proceed to clean up my plate.
    Plus--I hate that miserable FULL feeling. I hadn't had it in a very long time and then Saturday night, we had a huge dinner, after an afternoon of too much snacking and I was struggling to stay awake to watch the Volleyball on the Olympics after a late night on Friday, and early morning. And then I started getting cramps and some diarrhea. It was awful. That's when I decided I'm not doing that again--overeating. It hurts! At least that's what I told myself Sat. night. I remember those days of constant toilet visits and thinking to myself, "I've got to get myself under control." You'd think THAT alone would get me to quit over-eating! Probably TMI--but I think most overweight people would identify with what I have said.

  8. Not to toot my own horn here, but I've been reigning in a lot lately, especially considering the challenges I've been facing. I guess I'll just have to keep a close eye on any attempts or urges I have to eat out and "sneak" food now that the whole family is on board with what we're doing.

    I hope you slay those dragons! My beast 299 is still out there mocking me, I'm sure, but I've taken to not paying attention any more. I just hope he knows when he gets here I'm going to strangle the life out of him so he is no more. ;)

  9. Stupid dragons. They need slaying. My personal weight dragon is 180 and is currently out of sight and hiding well. Eventually though I will kill it.

    I just need to rein it in period. I eat too much crap. It's been a rough summer emotionally (hell, it's been a rough year and a half) and I've gotten on the emotional eating train. It's time to derail it. Wow - my spark status is going to be a train analogy too, and I feel like I've been hit by one this morning. I wonder what the deal is with trains today.

    On a totally unrelated note - we tried your BBQ naan pizza recipe Saturday and it was fantastic. It was really hard to find though, it wouldn't come up in a search on your Recipage. Maybe because it's in a different format than the rest? Just thought I'd let you know if you didn't already.

    1. So glad you liked it! I think I didn't do it as a "formal" recipe but I'll have to do that since we have it so much so others can find it easier. Thanks for the heads up!

  10. 260...four ponds away and dying to see if I can slay that dragon before fall sets in....there is a super cute, fall worthy skirt hanging in my closet I need to wear and it isn't happening unless the dragon gets dead. Love the new plan. It is one more sign of how far you've come. It's dragon season. Sir George will have nothing on you two and the rest of the dragon slayers :).Hope your week is smokin'!

  11. I've been really lazy lately. I have lots of energy, and I should use it to exercise, but I just sit and stare at my computer. Now that the weather is cooler, I need to start walking around my neighborhood again or start that upper arm workout DVD I bought months ago. The weight is coming off again, finally, and it will come off even faster if I just get off my butt. I need my brain to recognize that when I get home from work at 7:30, though. I always think, "I'm going to do this, this, and this," and then I just sit there until bedtime. Ugh.

    I feel you on the "eating because we can" thing. My boyfriend suggests treats, and I don't even want them anymore, but I eat them once in a while out of obligation. Obligation to what, though? I don't want it, so why eat it? I feel awful afterward because I'm not used to crappy food anymore. So no more "treats".

  12. I am a recent follower of your blog. My sister recommended it and I love it! I started my most recent war on fat in late January and I am at 49 lbs. and counting. I too hate the term "journey"! My most recent problem is sleep - or I should say lack of sleep. I know that getting the proper amount of sleep each night is vital to weight loss, but I'm a night owl and always have been. I average 5-6 hours per night. Any suggestions on that problem would be greatly appreciated. My son just bought me a Wii Fit for my birthday so I'm excited to get started with that. I'm hoping it will keep me energized and maybe boost my metabolism some.

    In just the short time I have been a member, you have inspired me with your funny stories and suggestions. I wish you much continued success on this long road.

    1. Hey there! Thanks so much for following along! So happy your sister recommended swinging over! I'll give you the same suggestion I'm going to try over the weekend. If you have one of those sleep masks for your eyes and can have the kids get themselves moving in the morning on a weekend, go to bed an hour early and wear the sleep mask and see how much sleep you get without the light waking you up in the morning. I feel like I seriously can't sleep longer than 8am IF I'm lucky (usually between 7-7:30am and I get to bed between midnight and 1am. I know, SOO bad) The Mr and I both said the stuff that's on TV from 10pm on isn't that great and we can watch it the next day. So that's what I'm going to try. Even if you find you only get 30 minutes more sleep, you can at least know what your body truly needs. Lets hope it helps us both! :)

  13. Miserably full. That sounds very familiar. I often feel that way on Saturdays. Sick and wondering "Was this even worth it?" And half the tine it's totally not. I'm trying to incorporate more smaller treats throughout the week so I'm not completely ravenous for everything & anything sweet on Saturdays. Good luck with your overhaul!

  14. I am glad to hear you're going to revamp and reign in Hi-Cal day. I liked what the Mr said. it was something you needed as a bridge but I think you guys are way more into the healthy stuff than sticking to something that makes you feel yuk! I was totally nodding when you pointed out that your own cooking is so superior to the restaurant stuff, too. That is SO TRUE! As a faithful follower, I can tell you that there have been many times where your recap states that what you had wasn't all that good. If you both want to have that something more special each week, roll your own!
    Really glad to hear you are thinking about ways to change it up. I am currently fighting HARD with the exercise - super Dragon to me and I must slay it once and for all.

  15. That sounds like a very wise plan. Sit down and make some changes together...I like it. I have to rein in the processed food I eat. It's gotten worse as my stress levels have gone up (my bp was HORRIBLE at the doc's last week) and the hubs and I don't share that many meals anymore (yeah, he's still at it). I have zero taste for anything these days, so like you, I pick here and there and before I know it, I've eaten a bunch of crap throughout the day, but can't remember the taste of it. I do pretty well at work, it's when I get home that I struggle because home is a trigger for me. Not good, not happy.

  16. I'm completely with you on the food at home being better than what I get out! It's a nice change to not even WANT to eat out.

    I need to rein in portion control and sweet cravings. I'm making strides, but far from golden yet!


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