Friday, August 3, 2012

Current Crushes

Like a dork, I forgot to take pics of half my dinners this week.  I thought I would instead do a post of stuff I'm crushing on right now.  Since I'm not made of money nor do I have a huge house, this'll serve as my wish list.

Who knew Bed Bath and Beyond carried such cool sconces?  I love this sconce!  I wish I had a house big enough to line a whole hallway with them.  (Twice I wrote scones.  Perhaps I should make something to eat?)

I would love to have this adorable soap and lotion dispenser from Anthropologie in the bathroom.  I'd go for the Mandarin Ginger scent but there are others.  Basically I wish I could put the entire store into a bag and shake it out at home.  But then I think I'd qualify for an episode of Hoarders.

This Greenpan cookware set from West Elm might just be our next set of cookware.  I like the green aspect of it and was surprised how stylish it was.  

I am strangely drawn to this pasta maker from Sur La Table.  I think I want to make my own pasta.  I think. Maybe not.  Okay maybe I need to get a cheap one first to make sure I'll use it before upgrading to this bad boy.

These twig color pencils at World Market are so cute.  They don't really go with any motif in the house but I can totally see them in a cool glass jar on a desk in front of the window overlooking the lake from the mountain home I don't own.

If you like this kind of post, let me know and I might make it a regular feature.

What are you crushing on? (Tell us from where too so we can check 'em out!)

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  1. Love the sconces too! And who wouldn't love those twiggy pencils?

  2. Although I enjoy seeing your meal pics (you give me ideas for Trader Joe's), I'm liking this post too.
    I've seen the twig pencils and like them also, as well as the soap dispensers from Anthropologie. I'd like my soap dispensers in a tray, rather than the wire basket.
    I don't have anything that I'm crushing on - I've recently acquired some new to me items from family who is downsizing.

  3. Hey when you get that mountain home by the lake let us know. We will all come for a blogger party. LOL

  4. I second that! I'm still crushing on a little bowl I got from store, just the perfect size for the two poached eggs I have every morning for breakfast. Yes, I'm boring, but my blue speckled bowl with a dragonfly in the bottom is not.

    I HOPE I'll be crushing on the Kindle cover that should arrive from Amazon today. I'll let you know. Pink leather, anyone?

  5. "These twig color pencils at World Market are so cute. They don't really go with any motif in the house but I can totally see them in a cool glass jar on a desk in front of the window overlooking the lake from the mountain home I don't own."

    lol That made me giggle! I always shop and want stuff that won't go with anything in my home, I wish I had the money to just change my whole motif. I agree, those pencils would look great in a cool glass jar on a desk in front of the window overlooking the lake from the mountain home you don't own. Mine too!

  6. There are so many things I want - but I don't have the money or space for them. Mostly I just want to get rid of a bunch of stuff. I think I'm crushing on your non-existent mountain home a little bit though.

  7. Cool stuff!! Love the pencils! All I'm crushing on right now is the 50-70 degree temps I left behind in Colorado since we just arrived home to 102!!! BLECH!!

  8. By the way, fine with me if you make this a regular feature--I love seeing what cool stuff you find!

  9. The first part of this post made me giggle. My dad is an electrician and he took us on a tour of a new house he was wiring. It was lovely with lots of sconces around. The home builder/owner was there too and kept pointing out the beautiful scones on the wall. Yup, he called them scones too! LOL!

  10. Everytime I go to Anthro I covet that sink set! And then I remember how much soap I have at home and I put it back. :)

  11. Love the pencils and love seeing what catches your fancy!!


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