Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Stand In

Happy August, y'all!  Am I the only one that gets evil satisfaction out of seeing back to school commercials? We kind of feel like it's sweet retribution for all of the ones we had to endure when we were in school.


The Mr has a work project so I get a stand in for my workout cousin.  He's lost about 75 lbs so far this year and we're so proud of him.  I've been trying to nudge him into breaking away from his Supreme 90 Day cycle (he's on his 2nd go round) to give him a little variety.  He's been doing Breathless Body every so often and curses her just as much as we do but there's one I got him that he just hasn't thrown into the routine yet...Atletica

I've tried everything to get him to try it and he says he will and never does.  Until today...and he doesn't even know it.  Heh heh.  My guess is he'll try not to cry in front of me.  ;-)  I'm dreading it too because it does completely drain you/kick your butt but I don't care if it means he'll finally try it and see his cuz doesn't steer him wrong.  I'm sure it'll help me step up my game a little too.  I'll have on the super sucker pants, the longer shirt and have to remember not to use it as a towel to wipe my face and expose my gut.  Sexy.

Afterward we're watching a movie then I'm making him a fish taco and potato wedges for dinner.  So while I'm going to miss working out with the Mr today, I'm going to enjoy bringing the pain introducing my cousin to one of our toughest workouts in our rotation.

Does doing a workout with someone else make you step up your game?

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  1. My friends are all of the sedentary type. Once in a while, I can talk one of them into riding bikes with me but that usually ends quickly so I stopped asking. Lucky you to have a stand-in today; have fun!!

    (Like you, I love Back to School ads!)

    1. Yes it was nice to have someone to workout with when the Mr couldn't join me.

  2. I love working out with my husband, but unfortunately we're on two different work schedules right now. I have to work out in the morning and he does it when he gets home from work. I think we work out longer when we have the company. I'm not really "into" working out, so I'm likely to do more when we do it together.

  3. Fun! Working out with others DEFINITELY makes me step up my game. Enjoy!

    1. I think I must've because I burned 200 more than I did last time and my inner thighs are cursing me.

  4. I don't do workouts like yours, but I definitely walk faster while walking or hiking with a friend, assuming the friend walks faster than my normal pace. When I can get DH to go with me, his *stroll* is faster than my normal pace...a result of him being 13 inches taller than I am.

    1. Yeah I think it feels like you have something to prove when you workout with someone else.

  5. i have only gotten to work out with others a few times. i did lead a c25k group at church. i pretty much stayed with my program after the first week. it never got to the point where anyone wanted to actually run or walk faster. they just wanted to be able to finish a 5k. which all but one of them did. since then, unfortunatly, none of them have continued any sort of fitness. they would rather that i do the fitness and they get to cheer me on. it is dis-heartning to say the least. and maddening because they are forever telling me why they can't get fit. i just walk away.

    1. Ugh, I hate that. I used to have meetings at my house with other family members and that faded when their interest did. But yeah it stinks when people gripe about not losing weight when they're doing nothing to change it.

  6. I don't work out with others, but always seem to draw strength from those working out around me, either spurred on by their success (for someone who's farther along than I) or wanting to be an inspiration (to the one or two who are behind me on the road to better health).

    1. That's awesome. There's nothing like having someone around you that inspires you to kick it up a notch!

  7. I don't often work out with others, but it really does make me step it up a couple of notches. I like recommending DVD's to people too that kick butt and then wait for them to report back to me about how hard it was! Makes me giggle. I can't wait to hear how the surprise extreme work out goes...bonus points if you see tears!

    1. Yes I love it when people try a DVD I recommended to them and they like it. He said Amy Dixon's Breathless Body was too 'girly' for him and I told him he was just afraid to try it. He did and now he said it's one of the harder workouts he's done!

  8. It depends. Some people help and some hinder. I have to be careful at Curves to just focus on me rather than thinking "well this person isn't working very hard so I don't have to either". When I used to go to a zumba class, being around other people definitely made me work harder.

    As to the back to school commercials - curse you all. I'm a teacher and I go back before the kids, so those commercials are kind of a death knell for me. BOO!

    1. Sorry teach! But I have a hard time feeling sorry for ya with summers off and long holiday breaks! HA!

  9. I work out alone. mainly still my seated exercises but moving right along!!

  10. Squee! I *love* that you're pushing him and that's pushing you as well! I don't have any workout buddies (though I often rope the kids and Hubs into things, but they tend to make my workouts shorter/slower/less intense), but I've had plenty of my FB friends and family comment on my continued dedication to "the cause". (*lol* I think I like that better than "the journey" - yack!) I actually have an older cousin who runs a lot, does races and is now cycling (don't get me started on how many times I've thought - he needs to get in the pool now! It's tri time!! *lol*). We tend to motivate each other, I think, with all our posts and updates on fitness we've been doing.

    1. It was an awesome workout. I wish I could've had a camera to take a picture of his face when after the first set of exercises, she said "now we repeat the set." I thought he was going to keel!

  11. Did I tell you that I started doing workout videos because of you? Life has been extremely crazy lately, so if I have, sorry for repeating myself. :) But anyway, they've been kicking my butt lately. And I'm only doing a 20 minute one! I guess it will be a while before I get to where you are. :) I hope you guys had a good workout!

    1. YAY! What kind do you do? When I started it was 7 minutes on a rower so we've all gotta build up from where we start baby!

  12. I'm more of a work out on my own kind of gal. I got so irritated being asked if I was "ok" because I'd be sweating and breathing hard, that I realized doing my workouts on my own or in private at home work best for me. I can fully focus on myself and not worry about what somebody else is thinking.


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