Monday, August 6, 2012

Hooky Day

The Mr is taking today off to make up for being gone on a business trip last week.   What are we doing?

1)  Sleeping in.

2)  Going to a financial advisor.

3)  Workout at the park.

We really know how to let the good times roll, do we not?


I had all of these ideas for posts and stuff and time just got away from me before we headed out to the movies last night.  So yeah, I got lazy.  I'm sorry.  :-)

I need to make out the workout schedule for this month because I was lazy about it last month and I don't like that.  We're going to sit down and make some ground rules for our new approach.  I think we're sliding on some things like how much water we're drinking and how not having a plan on high cal days leads to mischief.  So I'm looking forward to feeling like we have direction again.  I've got crap I want to do next year and that takes kicking ass the rest of this year.

Enjoy your Monday y'all!  I'm gonna try to enjoy mine!

What do you usually do on your hooky days?

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  1. It looks like a fine hooky day to me, if you leave out the trip to the financial advisor.

    I've got my fingers crossed for a hooky day this week. I might get to the zoo, or I might stay in bed all day. It's a toss up, at this point. :)

  2. I had to laugh, your hooky day sounds like the one I have planned for Friday. Doctor's appointments and the car getting inspected, ooohh, watch out fun, here I come! At least you'll be getting things done! Enjoy your day with your husband ; )

  3. Enjoy your hooky day. Most of mine end up looking like that too, but with less sleeping in and more appointments. Jobs are inconvenient little things when it comes to getting appointments scheduled aren't they? Although that's still better than the personal days I've taken over the years to stay home and grade papers. That's always no fun at all, except I do get to wear pajamas all day.

  4. Your hooky day sounds a lot more exciting than my pulling weeds that got WAY out of control while gone for a week, making the girls try on school uniforms so I can see if we need new ones and making up freezer meals for a friend who lost their son in a car accident. Let me tell ya, I know how to have fun...

  5. Mm...sleeping in. That sounds good right about now. Actually just not being here sounds good right about now! *lol* I tend either get a LOT done on days I take off like that...or get nothing done at all...and both serve their purpose. ;) Enjoy your day!

  6. If it's a summer hooky day, I usually hide in the A/C and read or watch a bunch of movies. If it's spring, fall, or winter, I hop on the train and head to Chicago. :)

  7. When hubby is off, too often we laze around the house, reading or idling on the computer. Sometimes (rarely) we go and do something like this weekend's blues festival in a nearby mountain town, where we ate and drank too much but have NO regrets. ;)

    For me, I have a hooky month, having quit my part-time job and needing to wait before looking for a full-time one to learn whether we'll be here or in a different city soon. I plan to whittle away at the clutter so that I either don't have to move it again or don't have to deal with it while working!

  8. You seem to be one of the most responsible people I "know". deserve to play hooky! Plus...a workout in the park sounds magnificent! It's hurricane season in these parts so it rains every afternoon which means no walk in the park with my hubs after supper. Boo. Hiss :(

  9. I hope you got a lot accomplished today! I'd love to hear about your new approach to the high calorie day. I'm positive that this trips me up too.

  10. Sounds like a far more useful hooky day than one of mine, which usually involve a sleep-in (the fact I need one is usually the reason for playing hooky), reading in bed or in the garden, and baking. That work-out never seems to eventuate, just like all the useful things like getting my tax done. Best-laid plans and all that...


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