
Showing posts from 2011

No Weigh In today

Is this where I'm supposed to recap and set goals?

What I've Been Reading This Week

Brussels Sprouts - Triumph or tragedy?

And then I went insane...

Keeping up with the gift cards

Merry Christmas to me - Weigh In

The magic of the season

A Guest Post from The Mr

Greetings from the Bakery- Weigh In

Yawn - Weigh In

You spoke, I'm listening

12 Days Recipes? Yay or Nay?

Our long weekend in Memphis

Every little taste counts

Overcoming my fear of the Brussels sprout

Why I'm cool with the gain - Weigh In

How I know this is a TRUE lifestyle change

Happy Thanksgiving!

Back to it

Counting your blessings

Thanksgiving traditions

Sorry Folks...

Transition is expensive!

People amaze me...

Life Lessons from unlikely places

Lesson learned

Cold week- Weigh In

When did THAT happen?

No patience for this

What's Been Popping Up in My Browser

Takin' care of bidness

Bloated - Weigh In

A wrench in the plan

Chicken Pot Pie

Jumping Jack Flash

What's ahead for the month

A Milestone Hit!

It takes working not wanting

It's The Great Pumpkin Cupcakes

Review: Supreme 90 Day System

The thin line of visible and invisible

Ring a Ding

Sooo close - Weigh In

Childhood faves