Friday, April 24, 2015

Whoopin' and what I'm reading this week

It's da weekend!  

*booty poppin' dance*

Man, this workout week really handed me a whoopin'.  Well I should say the strength training in particular.  We drug out the Total Trainers Monday and then did a lower body workout Wednesday and I just tried to load up with protein and water for muscle repair. 

But enough of that, let's get to...

34 Healthy Energy Bars You Can Make at Home  (I was seriously wondering how to make some and this popped up.  Some good recipes!)

Dr. Oz Defends Medical Advice After Calls For Dismissal From Columbia University  (I'm sorry but when a heart doctor writes a weight loss book saying how I can have any nut butter I want except peanut butter because it's so delicious I won't be able to control myself then last week tells me to load up on peanuts or 3 tbsps of peanut butter, then trust.  Stick to fixing hearts please.)

The Top 3 Scariest, Grossest, Germiest Places in Your House  (The second I read this, I did a tub clean on the washer.  No lie)

14 Sneaky Ways to Hide Household Eyesores  (Some AWESOME ideas in here.  I'm doing a few!)

What to Do When Your Job Is Seriously Stressing You Out  (Besides quit)

Why Your Brain Doesn't Want You to Keep Weight Off—and How to Fight It  (This is so true.  I think some of us talked about this recently on Facebook)

Why a High-­Fat Diet Can Torpedo Your Metabolism  (Why did they show donuts as the picture when they're talking about cheese?)

Which Foods Actually Stain Your Teeth (and Which Don't)  (Good to know!)

How to Buy Better Produce for Less  (I'll take any penny I can get!)

See How Body Shaming Can Affect Anyone, Even Fitness Stars  (I bawled my eyes out for her)

Mindfulness as effective as pills for treating recurrent depression  (Good info for those who prefer not to take meds)

First Draft of 'Breakfast Club' Script Unearthed at Shuttered Chicago High School  (Cool!)

This Is What Plus-Size Clothes Look Like On Plus-Size Women  (Hilarious and so true.  Why do we have catalogs or websites to begin with?  Actually 10 years ago they tried to launch true to size catalogs and people didn't want to see what they would actually look like, they wanted skinnier models.  *rolling eyes*)

This Couple Kept the "Best Secret Ever" From Their Family and Friends   (The reactions are hilarious!)

Last F**kable Day with Tina Fey, Patricia Arquette, Julia Louis-Dreyfus & Amy Schumer (NSFW, full of swearing but hilarious as hell)

We've got a ton to do this weekend and no to do list to follow so I need to make that up today so I don't forget anything.  A super busy time coming up and multi-tasking isn't my strong point.  I think we're trying a new pizza place this weekend...unless my craving for my meatloaf overtakes that.  I make a mean version of Cheesecake Factory's old favorite the Mile High Meatloaf sandwich.  Actually the past two weeks, I've been craving pure crap but then come high cal day we can't think of anything.  Weirdos.

Whatchu guys up to this weekend?

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  1. It was quite a week of workouts that beat the crap out of us. I am still sore and I know soreness is good but I feel like I was beaten by thugs or something. Here's to a great weekend. Happy Friday everybody!

  2. Oh to have a good meatloaf recipe! Ever since Lawry's took away my favorite seasoning packet (my mom used it for 30 years and I've used it for 20) I have yet to find anything decent for meatloaf. Just tried a recipe last week and it was awful!

    Today was a crap day at work --should have been good since I was off at 1pm, but ended up having to stay until 3pm and lost my temper with management. Oops...can you imagine lil' ol' docile me snapping? snort... I'm sure I'll get a slap on the hand and a lecture on Monday and frankly I don't care. So my goal this weekend is to NOT think about work, even though I'm on-call. It's supposed to be in the 40's and raining all day tomorrow so I want to get all my chores done so Sunday I'll be free as a bird. I am leading the meeting tomorrow morning so I need to get to the church early to open up. But getting to sleep in until 6:30 is a big treat for me since it's 2 hours later than during the week! LOL And I know I have a good nap coming to me at some point this weekend. Oh, and of course tomorrow night is watching the playoff hockey game. =o)


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