Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekend giggles and eats

Happy Monday peeps!

We had a pretty decent weekend.  I was down another pound, the Mr maintained but he didn't track his food all week.  That's all I'm sayin'.  He knows not tracking leaves him high and dry on the scale every single time.

We got out and enjoyed the weather.  We got a burger for lunch, found the city was crawling with too much activity for the Mr's liking so we did a little early grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.  I was super ticked to see they yanked my parisian carrots I friggin' LOVED.  I'm pretty sure they now track our receipts to see what we buy consistently and plan what they will discontinue from that.  Jerks.

Then it was off to Target so I could see the funniest thing I would see all weekend.

Sorry one gives a crap anymore, you're on the clearance rack.

We worked on a video and I got to bed at a decent hour whilst the Mr wasted people on his video game.

Sunday we were expecting rain but when I woke up and saw a sunny day, I roused the Mr so we could get in a hike at the park before the heavens opened.  It was a decent walk and I burned 600 calories so I can't complain.

It was a pretty good food day too.  I've been craving nachos so that's what I made us for lunch.

Garden of Eatin' No Salt tortilla chips, ground white turkey, enchilada and taco sauce, pepper jack cheese, scallions and spinach.  I'm hoping it helped quell the Mr's Taco Hell cravings.  That stuff is so nasty.  I remember the day I actually tasted each ingredient seperately instead of covered in goo or sauce.  What an eye opener and haven't had it 6 years or something.

We did our produce shopping and the Mr cut up the veggies and cantaloupe for me, we worked on another video while it poured rain and then I made dinner.

Ginger BBQ pork chop and grilled asparagus with mango lemonade.  I *rarely* imbibe in caloric drinks for dinner but my God that stuff is heaven.

Later it was time to sip some hot chocolate, listen to some 80's music and plan meals for the week.

What did you guys get into this weekend?

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  1. Another quick weekend but it was good. Wonderful food you made yesterday, thank you! Here's to another week!

    1. Yes it was. We need to add another day to the weekend. Thanks, twas pretty yummy!

  2. My friend found a different item from 50 Shades of Grey on clearance...

    I drove to VT for a birthday party for my boss from college, she turned 40. I forgot how loud and obnoxious her mom was. Her mom used to be a nurse and was giving me side eye for the rest of the time I was there once she noticed that I was in a walking boot.

    Also, I'm not sure if it's just me, but the side bar on the right side of your site is essentially vibrating whenever I'm on your site. It's on the section of "blog archive"/"blog categories" & below.

    1. I can only imagine what it was.

      Ugh, doesn't it suck when you have people who are like that and you can't gripe because they're related? I've dealt with that quite a bit with some people and had to just not go to functions when I knew they'd be there.

      Hmm, I checked on 4 different computers/devices and don't see any issue. If others have the same issue, please let me know! (Not sure what I'd do to rectify it but still!)

  3. The boy (yes, he's outgrown "little guy") and I went to my folks' for some much needed grandparent time. He hung out with them and played with some kids on their street, and I tried to grade papers and plan lessons in a different four walls. Between dealing with an issue with my bank Saturday, and a variety of computer issues all weekend I didn't get much done. 5 more weeks 'til summer.

    1. Aww, sorry you didn't get much done. Always good for the boy to have GP time though. Hang in there, summer vacay will be here soon!

  4. I vowed "never" to drink my calories, long ago, preferring to save my calories for the FOOD I love. I haven't been 100% true to that pledge, imbibing in a few margaritas and Bloody Mary's in this journey over the last five plus years, but lately I have been craving all things lemon. I found some sugar free Crystal Lite lemonade powder. Unfortunately it is also taste-free. Then I discovered liquid Country Time lemonade starter (with real lemon juce). I am hooked. An 8-oz. glass is 50 calories. Not bad, and it makes for a nice occasional treat.

    1. When I want lemonade, I like to do my lemon shake up recipe I posted here. Fresh squeezed lemons and stevia - 12 calories! But this Simply Lemonade with Mango is one I will gladly give up a bun during grilling season to enjoy on occasion.

  5. I got 50 Shades at a garage sale!! Ha!

    Aldi also likes to discontinue stuff really quickly. They no longer sell ground chicken and it was only $3.30 a pound! I have to get it at Wal Mart now and it is $4 per pound there. Boo.

    I joined a "prevent type 2 diabetes" group at my hospital and they require us to track our food. I can't believe just meeting with these people once a week and tracking my food has made such a difference! I couldn't get myself to eat less and move more for the life of me until I joined this group! Tracking helps me not only to watch not to over eat, but to also be pleasantly surprised that even though my list may have been long for the day, the final tally of fat and calories wasn't as bad as I thought. It has been hard, since I can't believe how little I am really supposed to eat in a day, but so very helpful.

    1. Good on ya for getting a deal on it!

      I hate it when places discontinue stuff. TJ's is notorious for that and I think we've counted this was the 12th thing they've yanked. If they keep it up, I'll have no reason to go there anymore.

      Tracking is very helpful. I know some people don't like to do it or find it obsessive. I tried not doing it for a while and then I went back to it when I wanted to see what I was eating calorie wise when I tried "intuitive" eating and found I was eating a lot less. It's very helpful!

  6. Looks a heckuva lot better than my weekend spent cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning! :-)

    1. I think I'd rather have your weekend if it meant a clean house. Mine looks like a clutter bomb went off. :-\

  7. It was a pretty decent weekend. I had a good meeting on Saturday and a good weigh-in this morning. Aside from running to two grocery stores, I don't think I went anywhere else except on Saturday afternoon when I took the pups for a long drive in the country. They loved seeing/sniffing the air for the farm animals. On a sad note, we found out on the news last night that our neighbor across the street died in his car in the river. Autopsy still pending. Breaks my heart because when he was a kid, he and his sister used to play with Shamrock in the backyard. A very sad and tragic day for that family.

    1. Dogs are so funny when they're out and about. Ours used to sniff the vent on the way to anywhere and I always wondered what she could identify coming through the magic slits. LOL

      So sad about the neighbor.


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