Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Let's end this together!

You all know about the struggle my grandma has been going through with dementia.  This disease is stealing her from a family who loves her and misses her despite the fact that she's sitting right next to them.  She no longer knows us and it is a fate worse than death.  It is the 6th leading cause of death and out of the top 10 causes of death, this is the ONLY one with no effective treatment or cure.  This MUST change or more of us and our loved ones will succomb to this disease.  Don't think it can't happen to you...it can and you don't have to be old to get it.  People in their 20's and 30's are being diagnosed!

I have joined a fundraiser benefitting the Alzheimer's Association in collaboration with Seth and Lauren Rogen to aid toward getting a documentary made because I think awareness to the younger generation is so important if we're going to get a cure for this disease.  People need to change their views on Alzheimers and dementia by getting educated.  This documentary puts a face to this disease from Seth and Lauren's story to the story of a 35 year old that was diagnosed to what patients in a nursing home go through every day.

Seth and Lauren Rogen have done an amazing job of bringing awareness where they can with their program Hilarity for Charity but sadly, when Seth testified before Congress, most of the seats were empty and only two senators showed up which is friggin' appalling.

Please stop by the landing page for the fundraiser and watch the YouTube video for a peek at what you'd be supporting.  Even if you can't afford to donate, please consider sharing the fundraiser page with everyone you know because when it comes down to it, we've all either been or known someone touched by Alzheimers and dementia.  If you want to honor someone you love currently suffering, someone you've lost to the disease or to show your support to a friend, co-worker or friend of the family touched by this disease...please donate.  Minimum donation toward the documentary is $10.

If you'd prefer to donate any amount no matter how small toward Alzheimers research, you can go to Hilarity for Charity which benefits the Alzheimers Association.

You guys know this is close to my heart.   Thanks for listening and considering a donation no matter the amount either to the documentary or to the charity.  I understand if you can't but please pass it along to anyone else you think may be interested!

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  1. Definitely a good cause and one that, unfortunately, more people out there are bound to be affected by in the near future. There are some extremely promising treatments on the horizon but they take time and money so giving to this cause is likely to save not only lives but memories!

  2. Thank you so much for this. I know of very few people who have not faced this horror in their families. We have THREE family members being devoured by this monster. I am so happy to hear about this organization. They go on our giving list NOW.

  3. My internet was on the blink this morning, I'm sorry I missed this. I'm not in a position to give to any cause right now, but this one is certainly on my list for when I am.

  4. I'm going to head on over there to check it out. Between my own family and friends who've recently lost their father, it hits very close to home. xoxoxo


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