Friday, April 17, 2015

It's Friday yo and what I'm reading this week

Howdy do all?

I am so glad it's Friday and I don't really know why because it's not like we have too much planned.  But do we ever need a reason to be happy for Friday?  Nope!  But enough of my babble, let's get to:

Smell what The Rock is Cooking-Dwayne Johnson's meal plan  (Holy balls!)

How to Make Bananas Ripen Exactly When You Want Them (Word!)

5 No-Brainer DIYs That Ironically Keep Your Mind Sharp  (Nice to know crafting serves better purposes!)

11 Trader Joe’s Facts You Probably Don't Know  (Finally glad to know the bell system)

6 Daily Habits Of Healthy People That You Should Adopt ASAP  (Will do)

Financial risks in your forties  (I suppose I should read this a few times)

6 Major Fitness Myths—Busted!  (Gotcha)

81 Awesome Resources When You Can’t Afford a Therapist  (Good info to have)

Gravity Payments CEO takes 90% pay cut to give workers huge raise   (Courtesy of the Mr.  This guy will have good karma raining down on him for years to come)

Amazing Nurse Cat Comforts Other Sick Animals in Polish Animal Shelter  (Aww)

Here’s What Birth Control Actually Does To Your Sex Drive  (Interesting info especially for dudes to understand.)

The Best Delicious Desserts Made Healthier From Around the Web  (I admit some of these made me wrinkle my nose but I won't knock them til I try them)

6 Creative Ideas to Inspire Your Windowsill Garden  (I want a windowsill!)

Chris Pratt completes Half Ironman  (Congrats to Chris!)

So that's about it on my end.  I think we're supposed to have decent weather so maybe we'll get out and walk a bit.  We've got a little cleaning and work to do too so a little business with pleasure.

What are you guys up to this weekend?

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  1. TGIF! Another week in the can! Like you said, we don't really have plans but I am so glad the weekend is almost here.

  2. I'm heading up to see my folks for the weekend. Mostly I'll just be grading and lesson planning in a different location, but it's been a while since I've seen them.

    Unfortunately I need a new swimsuit while I'm there so that'll be fun. (I bet you heard my eyes rolling from there).

  3. Here's another link for you:
    courtesy of my financial planning company lol

    I'm headed to another state for a birthday tea party for the ResLife director of my college, I worked for her for 3 years, called her "Mommy", and miss her so I'm excited. No idea what I'm gonna wear lol.
    Then I have to do laundry and work to make up time

  4. Thanks for the great articles and info! Always appreciated!

  5. Not much planned for the weekend other than a meeting and some house cleaning. I get off early on Fridays so I just got back from a long drive in the country with the pups--they loved it!


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