Monday, April 27, 2015

Gorilla style and spring in bloom

Really?  I work my butt off last week, follow the same food plan, get in my water and I get nothing on the scale?  I had a goal for the last weigh in of the month and I was one pound away.

ONE pound.

Completely Earthly reason as to why it couldn't be hit, on paper everything said I should lose two but I wasn't going to be greedy but nothing.  (No it's not that time of the month, I usually lose that week anyway.  No I didn't lose inches, the measuring tape has actually gone up.)

THIS is why when people say sh*t like "calories in vs. calories out" or "eat less, move more, it's as simple as that" I feel that I have every right to drop kick them square in their stupid ass teeth.  It's NOT as simple as that.  You probably think I'm overreacting but let me tell you something about me and weight loss goals.  Throughout the dawn of my time on this Earth, I have never once hit the weight loss number I set out to hit in X amount of time.  I would get within 3-5 pounds of it and then nothing or gains to make it even further out of my reach for no good reason.  To be one pound away and still be laughed at by the universe feels like a slap in the face to all of my hard work.  Especially given how horrible my cravings have been over the past two weeks.  I could've totally caved and stuffed myself full of the crap I was craving but I had this goal in sight and this lack of hitting it when I was so close really hit me hard.

The only thing I can think of is I felt really beat up and maybe I should've taken a rest day in there somewhere.  I suppose I should be grateful I didn't gain anything.  That usually happens when I'm close to a goal.  The weight loss deities throw in some wild card gain that makes no sense.  Oh well, nothing I can do about it now.  I just have to calm my urge to go gorilla style on a piece of machinery.

Gorilla style- [guh-ril-uh  sty-l]- verb- to poop in your hand and throw it at the scale in disgust much like a gorilla does at the zoo to small children.

On the upside, the Mr lost 3 lbs.

He found some thing for us to do in the morning called the Tibetan Five.  Go ahead and look at it if you like.  Okay, so we did a few of them in bed (probably not where you're supposed to do them but still)  Then we got up and I spun around like 7x before collapsing on the bed in a dizzy heap for about 30 seconds.  The Mr spun around slowly 3x fell to the bed and when I came back from the bathroom 5 minutes later he was still laying on the bed ready to hurl.  The man gets sick on the swings.  So yeah, this could help him build up some tolerance or it'll make him fall the wrong way into the dresser, get amnesia and my life's purpose will change.  (Not that I apparently have a life's purpose anyway but still, this may cement it)

We went to the health food store and bought shea butter, essential oils and stuff to make homemade shave cream.  I bought the Mr an old school shaving kit because after I read about the crap in those "moisturizing strips" on razors, I was done.  They always irritate his skin anyway and I'm just done with all of these damn chemicals leeching into our bodies so I'm going to DIY as much stuff as I can from cleaners to skin care and everything in between.  I even signed up for the frequent shopper card at the health food store so hand me my boho ankle length skirt and Birkenstocks...I'm officially a crunchy granola.

Sunday we took a walk since it was so nice out and enjoyed the signs of spring in full bloom.

It always makes me sad we have these flowering beauties for so little time.  Without fail, just as blooms come out some huge windstorm comes along and blows half the petals off.  So many were scattered on the sidewalk already.  It's the same with Fall, just as the leaves turn the brilliant hues we've all been so patiently waiting for, a windy day blows them all to the ground.  It's like the best seasons with the most beauty pass by so quickly.  Sigh.

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. I can attest that you did everything right this week and you should have lost that pound. I wish I had an answer but it's absolutely true that it isn't as easy as cals in vs cals out like a lot of people like to say. I do want to keep doing that Tibetan Five as I think it will build some core strength and will improve my balance and hopefully improve my ability to withstand some dizziness to the point where I can maybe ride a roller coaster or the tilt-a-whirl without it becoming a tilt-a-hurl.

    1. Yeah I did everything right except the way I reacted to it. So I'll be extra vigilant this week and see if I can squeeze out anything by the end of the month. I won't hold my breath but dang it'd be nice!

  2. I may try the Tibetan fives too. If not in the morning as I blearily stumble to the coffee pot, then before bed. They look simple and easy enough, and the quick part really appeals to me.

    This weekend was a lot of chores and sitting around doing nothing. Not my best weekend ever.

  3. HOLY CRAP! I just had this conversation with my coworker. If that calories in, calories out worked, I'd be skinny by now. It's all BULLSH!T!!! I just checked out the Tibetan Five… I would have fallen in that pool, lol! Keep fighting, it'll be better this week!

    1. There is nothing I hate more than weight loss "experts" or worse, some stupid troll spouting that crap when they've never gone through a major weight loss journey.

  4. I once had what I thought was the best week ever, followed my food plan to a T, exercised, drank water, etc., and when I weighed in I gained 2 pounds. Hubby asked how I did and I had a complete meltdown, almost hysterical crying, I was so frustrated. So I totally get how you feel. And being told "it'll probably show next week as a good loss" did nothing to make me feel better, lol. I'm definitely going to try the Tibetan Five as well. Went to baby shower for daughter-in-law on the weekend, 4 1/2 hour drive each way so didn't do much else!

    1. The Mr always asks with trepidation how I did. I should just tell him to refer to the calendar where I write it down like he does. In that moment, nothing anyone says can make you feel better.

  5. I know this is WAY easier said than done, but try not to focus on that one pound. And know that you are not alone. Daily, I see people that tell me they have done excellent and yet the scale goes up. And I have zero doubt in my body that you are doing 150% more than them!!!! You are my don't get too discouraged!! You are AMAZING!!! Both of you!!!

    1. I know, in the scheme of things it's a pound. But it was enough to break my spirit and my will and set me back.

  6. I totally understand the frustration of being so close to a goal and having it always one step ahead of you. I was 4 pounds away from 100 lbs lost, and never achieved it. You're smarter than I am though because I went in the complete opposite direction and destroyed my body over pure anger and a sense of failure. You're not going down that bunny trail and are keeping on track and just doing what you know works for you. Smart.

    This weekend was walks outside with the pups at the park, grocery shopping and a good long nap on Saturday after a meeting and housework. My left ankle and knee were really protesting last night and this morning, so I think I may need to stick to WATP indoors for my actual workouts and do more "strolling" outdoors with the dogs. That entire leg is just in protest right now. I was driving home through the neighborhood today and saw the hubs with the dogs after their long trek through the neighborhood so I picked up the panting trio and took 'em home. It's so nice right now sitting with the windows open with the loveliest breeze coming through. A nice way to end the work day.

    1. There's nothing worse than being that close to a major personal goal and getting kicked in the teeth by the universe. It's maddening and it lead me to some that ever helped. I knew better and I did it anyway with no regret at the time. Sigh.


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