
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April foolin' and atoll living

I think it's only fitting that April begins with April Fools Day because for some reason every single year, April is the month with the most complete and utter BS for us.  I have no idea why, I don't know if moons go in reverse, the gravitational pull shifts or what but this whole month, we will be the fan and the rest of the world will be the sh!t.  It's just how it is.

The Mr had to work on his telework day and it was a pretty stressful day for him.  I made sure I was in a decent mood for him when he came home, had the trash can back inside and let him chill on the bed longer than we probably should have.  I desperately wanted to walk last night.  I needed to get out of the house but the late hour and the rain weren't conducive to that.  It was one of those days that made me think of Volcano, Hawaii where it's misty, you walk in the rain and don't care.

It was time to go downstairs.  Then we started griping when we got downstairs (I'm tellin' ya, it's a thing) and got started SOOO late.  If that wasn't enough, we (I) griped through the entire workout.  It made it go faster.  We came up and I got right on BBQ pork chop and half a grilled sweet tater with butter spray and pumpkin pie spice.

The rest of the night was spent trying to relax my facial muscles because the stress slammed my sinuses shut and my neck and shoulders were killing me.  I need a vacation.  Or to move to an atoll.  Yes, an atoll would be good.  Just me, the Mr, shorebirds, a fishing spear and our volleyball Wilson when we want to talk to people.

Do you have a time every year that seems to poop on you?  Could you live on an atoll with no one but you and your spouse?

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  1. Just tell me where to sign and I'm ready for the atoll life. That would be a neat blog name. We could still blog from there with the right solar panels and satellite equipment. It would all have to be prepaid out of the sale of our house, cars, etc but it could work.

    1. We'd definitely lose the rest of the weight, that's for sure!

  2. Thursdays are generally like that for me. Not so much time of year, just a day a week. If something bad it going to happen, if crap is going to hit the fan, whatever, it's going to be on a Thursday.

    1. Well let's hope you can get a reprieve tomorrow and skip anything bad happening! :-)

  3. I sure could. That sounds heavenly! Winter was tough this year. Du didn't handle the cold temps well, in late Jan. he had surgery and got yet another tube in his body to drain urine. I hate prostates, but then I realize we wouldn't have our sons without it. But it's causing so much trouble.... Anyhow I guess I would say Winter is bad for us and I'm glad it's over even though I realize another season gone represents the passage of time which is just going way too fast for both of us.

    1. I think this winter was a soul suck for many of us. It felt never ending and it seems to be a trend the past few years!

  4. This is why I love the Northwoods of Wisconsin-- not a person to be found unless you want to go in to town, and even then you see like ten people. I feel like I have had a perpetual black cloud over my head since two days after Christmas in 2008 when our dog died. Seriously, it's been one thing after another where I feel like I can't breathe. What are supposed to be "happy" seasons don't seem to turn out that way. The entire first quarter of this year has been such a cluster! Today was a day when I considered stabbing my eye out with a fork at work. The night is still young.... =o)

    1. You said Northwoods. Which made me think of Northwoods orange cream soda in Traverse City. Sorry, just had to mention that. I hear ya, this year has sucked eggs so far. I'm sorry you feel that black cloud feeling. I hope you can find ways to relax and pamper yourself. Hopefully the seasons changing will give you opportunities to get outside and walk the pups!


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