Saturday, September 29, 2012

*smiley face* Weigh In

Down 2 lbs.  279.  Yesssss!

I haven't been out of the 80's ever so this will be nice to hopefully zip by the 70's (hint dear body) and get on with it!  I've got another week to get a little more off before a friend comes into town for a culinary tour so I know a few pounds could creep back on but I'm ready for them and know they'll be temporary.

But for today, I shall enjoy seeing the 7's for the first time since I'm sure I skipped over them on my way up over a decade ago.  I'll also enjoy some free museum action today.  Facebook followers will know what I'm talkin' about?  Oh, you're not a FB follower?  Well come on over!!

Anyone got anything good going on today?

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  1. Wow, did I ever pick a great time to check my reader! CONGRATULATIONS!

    I'm getting a lonnng overdue mani-pedi and then taking my car to the shop. How's that for excitement? :)

  2. wow congrats! You've inspired me to tackle my own demons - the '30s!

  3. Wahooo!!!!!! Congratulations on hitting a fabulous milestone!! I know you were probably only peeking out with one eye when you stepped on the scale, but now you take exhale and celebrate a terrific accomplishment! I'm so very happy for you!!!

  4. Congratulations to you. Congratulations to you. hmmm - singing doesn't really come across in writing does it.

    No real plans for today, but my folks are here so I'm sure we'll do something. We have museum/national park near us that's free today too (is it nationwide?) so maybe we'll go there.

  5. Awesome weigh-in!!! I am psyched for you, milestone woman! Popped over from Facebook to check in with your blog news, great update to keep me on track this weekend.
    Have fun at the museum! I always remember that I want to visit Boston's MFA when I read these ideas, otherwise they disappear. Sadly, gig at the 'hold-me-over' job today. Got up at 5am and made the oatmeal. It was done and ready to be eaten when I realized that NEXT Sat is 7-1pm; today is 2-9pm. (Smacks forehead on island, eats oatmeal and goes back to bed!)
    Enjoy the day and your excellent results from a week of dedicated work!

  6. Yay!!! Have fun at the museum. :)

  7. WOOHOO! Congrats on the new decade! That is great!

  8. Yay for you! My Saturday has been fun so far, ran (I use that word lightly) in a 5K with my 10 year old and have been spending time with my kids.

  9. Such good news for you! And thanks for posting on my SP blog, you have indeed had a great September!!

  10. You go girl!! Congrats!!! We went to visit friends and stay the night with them. Had a great time.

  11. I am so happy for you for meeting those goals and reaching new milestones. Keep up the awesome work!


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