Friday, September 21, 2012

Let's crush it

Fall is here...okay it's here tomorrow, let's not split hairs.  I am loving some stuff my favorite stores are coming out with and I would like for a new house to drop out of the sky beside me so I can decorate and furnish it with the stuff I'm currently crushing on.

I do not have a kitchen that has enough room to put these canisters from Pier 1 Imports but if I did, I would hold them and squeeze them and call them George.

Also creeping around Pier 1 Imports for the upcoming Halloween season was this cute mosaic jack o' lantern votive holder!  I'm usually not a big fan of mosaic stuff but I think this is adorable!  (If I ever say "adorbs"...stop reading the blog because I will have obviously lost my mind and think I'm in modern day elementary school.)

I am buying this Winter Bird Duvet cover from Pottery Barn because if I don't have it, I think I might actually expire from sadness.  With the holidays coming up, I have always wanted to decorate our room for the season but since it's light blue and white, I don't want a cottage-y look for Christmas.  I'm very traditional when it comes to Christmas and this might actually make me go to bed earlier to roll around in it and I can run it through February when there is still snow outside.  Squee.

I got an email from Avenue saying their new Fall catalog was here.  While I love a lot of their clothes, they've been jacking up the prices so bad I can't afford to buy them unless there's a mondo sale/clearance going on.  So when there is a mondo sale, this Faux Wrap Cold Shoulder Sweater shall be mine because I look bitchin' in red!

While I was at Avenue, I would also try these Faux Suede Wrap Boots on to see if my hamhock calves are ready for prime time yet and if they were, I'd put them in my cart.  Oh wait, they don't have carts there.  I'd put them into the Mr's arms whilst he sat in the man chair across from the dressing rooms waiting for it all to be over.

Once upon a time I went to Anthropologie and bought these awesome Short Story Cheeseboards and lived happily ever after.  (After I won the lottery or shook money off of a money tree)  The End.

Got anything you're crushin' on this week?  

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  1. Cute, cute, cute--all of it. As usual, you have great taste. Love the sweater except I just can't get into those little shoulder holes.

    1. Thanks mama! I don't typically like the "cold shoulder" shirts either but I've been workin' hard on mine and the whole is small enough the rest of my arm goo shouldn't be an issue. HA!

  2. Those cutting boards are precious!

    1. Aren't they!? I would love to have them but for $78, I'm probably going to be waiting awhile. Hmmph!

  3. I love those boots. I don't do heels, but I might make an exception.

    I've been trying to stay away from places that might have something I really want because I just don't have the space or the budget to buy more "stuff".

    1. I know, I don't usually do heels either but they're so cute, I might make an exception too...with the right sale of course.

      I don't have space for any of it either but it doesn't stop me from window shoppin'. ;)

    2. I would do heels more readily if I could walk in them!!! Love the look, but don't relish the thought of a broken ankle or hip (at my age)!

  4. I love that sweater...

    I am eying some stuff at the LOFT...and cant wait to go next weekend and maybe get some tops..they have this sale going on, on the latest Just in collection..this year I want to layer rather than wear a bulky sweater...

    I really like the bedsheets too...

    1. Yay! You'll have to do a fashion show and show us whatcha got! Actually I'm going to head over there now and see how big they go. If they do XL's I might have a new shop to check out!

  5. Love the duvet cover! Saw it in their catalog. My mom loved cardinals so anything with cardinals on it is a good reminder of her! And I love winter snows!

    1. Isn't it so cute!? I'm not usually a bird person as far as on items but it's so cute and wintry, I couldn't resist. Sounds like you should get it too! ;)

  6. I want those canisters! I have the matching oil container!

    1. Then you should absolutely get them! It's a moral imperative!

  7. I ordered some stuff from Dress Barn. The only thing that fit and felt good was the jeggings (jean leggings). Why did nobody tell me how comfortable those things are??? I am living in them. But today I've got to WASH them! I took back the other two items I bought, a red military style jacket for wearing on Fall days, and a corduroy jacket/blazer. I took them to the store to return them and fell in love with about a thousand things in there! Also got a new Precious Moments and Lenox catalog. I collect Lenox cardinal Christmas dishes, so you know how I feel about that Christmas bedding you found! I want everything in both catalogs, but especially the Precious Moment figurine, "I'll be Home for Christmas." I love that song, it always makes me think of my parents during WW II, which I believe is when it was written, and I always tear up at the end when they sing, "If only in my dreams."

    I may buy that red sweater--love those cutouts at the top of the sleeves, what is that called? Cool, or is it COLD? shoulders? I love the style. I have one top like that, and it is so fun to wear, because usually I have to wear at least 3/4 length sleeves to cover up the old batwings. But this way I feel like I'm baring my arms, without showing that excess skin on the UNDERside of them.

    1. I can't do the jeggings thing with these legs but good on ya for rockin' em! I'll have to look at the Lenox catalog. Anything Christmas is pushing its way forward for me right now much to the Mr's dismay. Now you made me tear up! :(

      I like that...I think that sweater would qualify as a "cool shoulder" top! We've got some fun dressy stuff coming up for the holidays so I consider it a must buy in the near future. Darn!

  8. I love the cutting kitchen isn't cute enough for them, but they are great. I look horrid in red, but the sweater is cute so if you can rock it- you go, girl!

  9. Love love love the cardinal cover! I could wander around pier one for days! I always imagine my house looking like that p. We have kind if a country cabinish thing going on and I love foresty things. Am putting new carpet in a few weeks so might have to get some new things! My BD is next week so I definstly need a new sweater or something! I have a lb outlet 5 blocks from my house!

  10. You are in "adorbs" form today, my friend! ;-) So much cute stuff...and I just might have to go see if my local Pier 1 has those canisters...I've been looking for some and those would fit my kitchen perfectly! Although, how you knew that, I just don't know...LOL

    Have an awesome weekend you fabulous lady, you!!!!

  11. First order of business, our own house. Waiting for response on an offer today. After that I'll see about filling it with my faves!

  12. Stop talking about Christmas and Halloween! I'd like to be in denial for a few more weeks.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one with hamhock calves. Even when I was at my lowest weight, I had trouble with boots. ;(

  13. Twins! I've been coveting those canisters, too! AND red is my best color!

    I'm crushing on paying my health insurance this month. LOL

  14. Love, love, LOVE the Winter Bird Duvet Cover!! That is so pretty and elegant looking without being overly holiday-ish looking. You could definitely get through February with that. I have a Christmas comforter that has been through the ringer and I'm due to replace it. But chances are I'll wait until clearance time when I can get it cheap. Problem is they tend to come in the "bed in a bag" series, and I have yet to put up the curtains or bed skirt, so I really just want the comforter.

  15. I love that duvet cover, too! May have to investigate, though funds are low until I can get a Medical Information Technology company to See.The.Light and hire me! Those cheese boards are neat, as well.
    Sadly, I cannot do boots. I have cankels and thick calfs (thanks a lot, Dad), and although they are a little thinner these days, Mom's varicose veins were handed down to me... WAAAA!!! I cringe at the thought of laser removal because a) my sister says it feels like millions of bee stings when they do the lidocane along the veins, and, b) what would be left? they are seriously THAT bad. So I am now presentable in pumps, with a certain skirt length, but otherwise hide in pants. You rock them for me, ok?

    And, way to go on the one more down. I will hope for 2 next week along with you!! Be good!

    1. Girl, that's what OPAQUE tights are for! A nice, solid color would hide those veins. Oh yeah and I'm totally getting the legs done. My veins are starting to hurt and I refuse to look the way my grandma does so between genetics and body abuse the legs are only going to get worse. If they don't look like a melted candle when I'm at goal, I'm not going to let bee stings keep me from showing off the legs...FINALLY. I've been through a foot laser surgery that felt like a hot fiery probe so I'll take the stings over that any day. ;)

  16. If you buy me the mosaic pumpkin and the book cutting boards whenever you get them for yourself, I will love you forever and ever, Amen ;)


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