Friday, September 28, 2012

Rainy day hike, puppy lovin' and Thursday Teaser answer

Yesterday the Mr took a much needed mental health day.  We had plans to workout by doing a hike.  He decided to drop his car off at the mechanics for a tune up.  We've taken our cars to this place almost 20 years and they've been under new management for a few years and have taken a nose dive and are more interested in trying to financially violate your wallet with extras in their quote than customer service.  So mama was not pleased.  After a nap, lunch and picking up the car, we decided to head out.  It looks like the kind of weather you'd want to hike in, right?

Thankfully by the time we got to where we were going the rain passed for the most part.  We start out by doing a 14 flight stair climb which is the bane of my lungs existence but the Mr trots along like it's nothing.

It was cold and I loved hiking through the woods that were just starting to be painted with Fall's colors.

On the way back the Mr spied two deer on the trail.

They were skittish but let us get close enough to snap this pic and watch them eat for a few minutes.  It boggles my mind that some people kill these beautiful creatures for sport.  3/4 of my family being amongst them.  Boo.  Look at those sweet faces...

We were marveling at this pterodactyl hawk and hoping it didn't try to attack us.

The night before I was looking at videos on YouTube of Toy Fox Terriers.  Both of my dogs were TFT's and I was missing our girl something awful.  (I can't believe it's been 5 years without her.)  We were both craving the smell of puppy breath and warm pup, sweet kisses and a wee snuggle.  We stopped by a pet store and lo and behold, they actually had a TFT!  Is he not adorable?

Thankfully he was rambunctious and that doesn't appeal to our impatient sides so we weren't tempted to get him.  (Well that and we only own girls.  No "red rockets" in this house.  For those who don't know that term it's when the boy dog's weenie comes out to play.  Gross)

We got home and I made dinner.

BBQ salmon over carrot and spinach polenta with a side of brussels.  No bacon able to be fit in but that'll be rectified tonight.

For the Thursday Teaser, I got a lot of guesses from an aerial view of the Hawaiian Islands to grout to paint spatter.

So what is it?

Our bedroom TV...

...after Pottery Barn's oil rod air freshener thingy got pushed up against it and MELTED the plastic on the TV!!!  That's right people, if you use the rod diffuser from anywhere, make sure it's nowhere near plastic or well anything if you can help it.  (Honestly, it doesn't work that well anyway)  So consider that my consumer tip of the day.  Thanks for playing along though!  :-)

Got any plans for the weekend?
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  1. You have puppy rabies (the much cuter version of "baby rabies") and I have kitten rabies. I've been having kitten dreams a lot lately. My wife is NOT amused (he's hell bent that when we get more cats they will not be super annoying kittens--we'll see about that!).

    *snerk* "red rocket" aka Pink Thing. Male dogs aren't the only beasties that do that (male cats like to pop out their pink things, too). Sicko pervs.

    This weekend? I'm finally doing that damn 10K I signed up for. I'm so ready to just do it and have it done.

    1. Yep, puppy rabies indeed! I'm just glad I don't succumb to it because it wouldn't be fair to a pup with as much as we're out and about or travel a few times a year. That's how I justify it, anyway. ;-) Yes, the pink thing as Triumph likes to call it. "What if my pink thing, licked ME!?"

      Congrats on the 10K, I know you'll rock it!

  2. Sounds like a great hike. I wish there was a nice trail like that near me. The best I can do is walk around town or walk around city park. When I see pictures like that I get trail envy.

    We lost one of our dogs last spring and the other... we'll be lucky to have him through the winter I think. When we do get another dog (miles down the road) it'll be a mutt/rescue and based on our other furry kids it'll likely be an unplanned adoption.

    My folks are coming this afternoon to spend the weekend. It'll be nice to see them, but they are go go go people so by the time they leave on Sunday I'll be ready for a day off to recover from my days off.

    Have a good one!

    1. City parks have their charm as well! :) It's always so hard to lose a furbaby but they bring so much joy when they're here, it kind of balances the pain of them leaving. Enjoy your parents visit!

  3. Love the pix! Red rockets... Snort! Day 1 of cooking is down. I'm exhausted. Gotta try to rally today!

  4. The trees have just started changing here too! It's finally cool enough here to walk outside...yay fall!!

    This weekend I will be planning and prepping for meals next week. I have struggled with my weight for years and am currently at my heaviest. This week was ok for calories but without proper planning it was very stressful.

    I really like your blog. I appreciate your sense of humor and your candor. Thanks for being real.

    1. Welcome aboard Lizabelsherrill!! So glad Fall is here! Planning is everything and it'll definitely help with the battle. Glad you found me and hope to see more of you around!

  5. Looks like a great hike! That oil air freshener debacle makes you wonder about some of the products out there. I had bought a bug spray for a campout and set it on a table that had a flannel backed plastic table cloth on it. Apparently it leaked and there was a melted ring on the table cloth where it had been sitting. And, now I want to spray that on my body??? Hmmm, maybe not...

    1. Yes, it sure does! I'm sure I can find an all natural alternative (I've got essential oils on my wishlist this year!). I'm trying to find a good natural mold cleaner. The stuff I use now works amazing but the chemical smell is so strong, it gags me out and gives me headaches. :(

  6. That looks like a gorgeous fall hike to me! I'm jealous. Can't wait to get back out there so I can see the trees change and smell that fall air (I haven't quite smelled it yet...have you? ...or am I the only one who smells fall? *lol*).

    My plans for the weekend? Try a walk/run, football game, grocery shopping, cook and clean and prep for next week. Same as every other weekend, pretty much, except #1. ;)

    Have a good weekend!

    1. Nope, it smelled like Fall yesterday fo' sho! Don't overdo your run! Hope it goes well!

  7. I'm so glad you got to hike after all, not least because those pictures are gorgeous! Here in the Colorado Rockies, the reds and oranges are missing or rare out in the mountain trails, but I'm finally seeing some in town. About the deer, I have no use for people who hunt just for sport, but some do it for the meat, and I'm ok with that. I don't particularly care for venison myself, though, so DH hasn't hunted in years.

    No fair on the teaser, lol. It has to be something that someone could actually guess! Ok, ok, your game, your rules.

    My plans for the to Cancun, DH's initial visit to the dentist on Sunday. I'm bummed, thought we'd have Sunday to do something fun, but the trip is for his teeth and my fun will just have to take a back seat. I'll get some though, count on it. See you week after next.

    1. I'm okay if people are hunting for meat because they need it but to shoot one just to have your pic taken with it and mount their head on your wall, not okay with this chickadee.

      Hey, I gladly would've accepted melted plastic on the teaser. Totally guessable!

      Have "fun" on your trip!

  8. Love the falls colors in the woods and the deer. Sometimes we get deer in our yard and husband loves them. However, he has also been known to kill them. It's been a while since he went out deer hunting, but I don't get the discrepancy there. Does he love them? He seems to. And if he does, how does he kill them? Neither of us particularly like venison, so it's not for the meat. I think it was for the fun he and his buddies had on their hunting trips. MAN time! Son still goes out every fall. Last year was the first time he got a deer however, and he had most of it made into jerky and roll sausage, neither of which is very tasty if you ask me, although I try not to eat much of that kind of stuff anyway, so I'm glad it is no temptation.

    Your dinner last night looks absolutely yummy. I don't even like salmon that well, but you have got me hooked on those darn Brussels sprouts. Gonna have to do some recipe searching on your site and see if I can find a way to replicate that delicious plate of food you posted!

  9. Puppy and deer--Friday cuteness! Deer are my favorite animals and when we lived in Wisconsin, this time of year was awful because you'd drive around on the weekend and see so many pick-up trucks with deer in the back. :( There's a town in Japan where deer are considered sacred, so they're completely tame & wander around without fear--I fed them, pet them, and had one try to steal my lunch right out of my hand! :)

    I need to make brussels sprouts soon! I noticed they were on sale at the grocery store this week...

  10. Hoping to hike, it'll be almost 100 here this weekend and I have a hellacious back ache so we'll see. Maybe a medicine and poolside weekend. Love the rainy pics, for once I can't wait for the changing of seasons.

  11. Love the pictures of the hike (reminds me very much of our vacation). And that little pup was so darn cute!! We now have 2 dogs, as we took one in from a coworker. Talk about an active household! Good grief! He's white, she's black (yin and yang, or Ebony and Ivory as I like to call them) and both very energetic, which is good for my waistline, but exhausting! LOL! They are my loves though.

    As for the weekend, tomorrow morning the hubs works for a few hours for an audit, then we go to the riverwalk to walk the dogs. Then it's out for dinner in the evening for our anniversary.

  12. Yep...found the teaser!!! Weird...makes you wonder what the TV melting chemical is in the frangrance??? Not sure I want that absorbing into the air I'm breathing???

    Wonderful hiking pictures!!!


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