Saturday, September 22, 2012

9/22- Weigh In

I had no catchy title for this one.

Down another pound.

I will take that especially given Aunt Flo has firmly set up camp in these parts and I'm pretty sure there are some wicked monkeys swinging on my Fallopian tubes for fun.  I'm SO glad I took a rest day yesterday!  I am still a little sore in my hamstrings but I think I should be able to peruse the outlet malls today with no problem.  I'm seriously praying for a 2 lb loss next week because it would put me in a new set of 10's which I haven't seen since...let me check my Fitday...June.  That's right, all summer I've been bouncing in the same 10 lb range which is always fun.


The Mr has to work tomorrow (from home) so I guess I will work on some of his birthday projects he can see so I can start getting ahead of myself.  There's a lot of stuff coming up and I want all of his birthday projects done in the next week or two so I'm not a wicked beeotch that week, which is already going to be hard to combat since it's in one month and Flo will be packing up the day of  his party.  Lucky me.  Maybe I'll wear duct tape that weekend and pull it off just before people arrive.  ;-)

Welp, I need to get a shower and wake up (I could so stay in bed all day) and then get a move on for the day.

Whatchu doing this weekend?

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  1. Today, not much because I work overnights and am at the end of my shifts. Tomorrow: church, breakfast, movies, shopping, psychic reading. :D

  2. Yay on the weight loss and I'm glad you will have the muscular strength to endure the outlet malls! I have an unscheduled weekend again (two in a row!) and I will spend some of that time doing the busy-work things I was supposed to do last weekend! (The weather isn't as nice this weekend so this should be easier.)

    Enjoy the day!!

  3. Wedding today after work this morning. work tomorrow. someday I will get a real day off. I am sure of it.

  4. Taking the little guy to "airport fun day". Fun for him I'm sure, for me? umm....

  5. Congratulations on another pound down! I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of in you so many ways! Enjoy your outlet mall shopping (a Torrid just opened up here where the Avenue used to more Avenue in these parts-sigh). I'm getting ready to take the dogs out to the dog park with the hubs before doing the remaining shopping for his birthday and our anniversary next week. It's a chilly day with high winds and 50+ degrees, but I'll take that any time over the 80's and 90's! Toodles Noodles!

  6. Nice going on the lost pound, but I think I found it. After what I felt like was a pretty good week--I'm up 3 pounds from last weekend! What??? No Aunt Flo in my life anymore so what is the problem?

    Going to be doing some cheering today for my Nebraska Husker FB and VB teams. Go Big Red!!

  7. Yay for you down a pound. I think I need a new scale. A digital one. I want exact numbers, not just real close. Although, I feel like I may have given up on my weight loss for a while. Reading your blog and about your success gives me motivation though. Weekend plans: last BBQ of the season!

  8. I love getting into a new set of 10's. I call them "decades". :)

    Those storybook cutting boards you posted on Friday are absolutely wonderful, but I can't get over the price! I can't even justify putting them on my Christmas list. Maybe... someday... when we're rich.

    1. I like that!

      Aren't they adorable!? For $78, I will have to win the lottery or have an unknown rich uncle drop dead and leave me money to buy them because Lord knows they never have sales on stuff like that!

  9. Congrats on the pound, fantastic!

  10. Omg, I am with you! 100%. I've been 5+/- from the weight I was at in the beginning of the summer. Ohmygoodness, it is so depressing! But, I think I may have kicked myself back into gear. I'll try to make this week one that's worth all the effort I've put into this journey. I've been going about a year and am at 92lbs already off. Holy COW! It's great to see how far I've come but, I know that there's still more to go. I want you to know that you are a true inspiration and... thank you! Really, I mean it. Let's work towards that 2-lb loss this week. We got this!

  11. Congrats on the loss--woo hoo! I hope you'll get the 2 pounds you're hoping for next week. :)


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