Friday, September 14, 2012

Christmas shopping, hard times and thigh fires

Oh my Lord...I am so tired today!  Since when did Turbo Fire become the lighter workout?  I burned just over 900 calories which was good.  It put me 400 calories over my usual burn goal and given we're doing full blown workouts on Sunday now, maybe upping the expected goal by 400 is reasonable.  Don't mind me,  I'm thinking out loud.

We had breakfast for dinner:

2 eggs (I like mine over hard if I don't scramble them), homemade chicken apple sausage patties and whole grain pancakes with pumpkin pie spice.  The sides are 1 tbsp coconut syrup and 2 tbsp light maple syrup.  It was so good.  Sometimes breakfast for dinner is just the way to go!

I got my advent calendar in the mail last night...

Yes, I'm in my 30's and I still get advent calendars.  Don't judge me.  Actually, I don't care if you do...I like 'em and I'm not apologizing for it.  I've also got my Christmas shopping started.  My one friend is almost done.  Brat.  I feel so inadequate.  Anyone else got their Christmas shopping started?

I need to make a to do list for the Mr's b-day party, things I need to get done around the house and a jaunt I need to plan.  I'm getting headaches every day for the past two days and when I don't have a list together it means I'm going to have the tornado dream and I'm not up for it this week.

In addition to approaching my emotional week o' the month, it's coinciding with two big losses in our lives.  Five years ago today we had to make the decision to put our dog to sleep.  She was in major pain, wasn't herself anymore and you could tell every day was misery for her.  She was a shell of her former self and we know we made the right decision.  She was the Mr's first dog and my first dog as an adult that was just mine and not my parents.  We still miss her something fierce.  I think tonight we'll go visit her and put the fall flowers on her grave.  Then in two days, it'll be eight years since the Mr's dad passed.  He was a wonderful man and taken from us far too soon by cancer.  So it's always a sad time for us but we try to focus on the joy they brought to our lives and smile more than we shed tears.  I just know both of those events were tailspin moments for me especially with depression.  It was horrible.  I swear I didn't know if I was going to make it through five years ago but I'm glad I did!

I was perusing Avenue's new fall catalog and ran across these:

In case you can't see the detail...they're corduroys.  Now I remember the swish swash as I walked in those bad boys as a kid when I didn't have much choice in what my mom bought me for school but now?  Oh Nelly, I would start a fire in those things with my thigh rubbage!!
Me:  "Why is it hot in here?"
The Mr:  "Honey!  Stop, drop and roll!!"

Kudos to the heavier gal that can actually pull them off without 2nd degree burns on her inner thighs!

I'm having a belated birthday gathering with a friend tomorrow so that should be fun.  I'm making homemade meatball subs to bring with us in this stainless steel thermos.  It looks to be a perfect day weather wise with a cold front coming in.  I am READY baby!  I've been looking forward to this time of year since the first 80 degree day!

What do you guys have planned for the weekend?

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  1. No plans for the weekend. I'm sure we'll think of something though. Maybe we'll go pick apples or get some roasted chiles. Maybe we'll just hang out and do nothing. Either way, I'll be glad for the cooler weather.

    My dream to let me know when I'm not in control has me driving and the brakes failing. Not fun either.

  2. I've enjoyed this post on multiple levels. Breakfast for dinner... good. Corduroy pants in the fall... really good. Christmas shopping, EXCELLENT!!! I've started on a minimal basis, because the kids always seem to change their minds about what they're interested in last minute. This is also the first year that the adults in the family will not be drawing names. REALLY disappointed. Not that I want a gift, but it was just something fun, and it was never anything expensive. I don't know. Weekend plans, CAMPING! I hope you guys have a good one!

  3. I've started my Christmas shopping too! I've got most of them plotted, obnoxiously I can't execute one til about 2 days before Christmas (I get my uncle fresh beer from a brewery lol).

    You don't have to be heavy to start a corduroy thigh fire! I carry most of my weight there and I'm not heavy but man does that swishing get annoying!

    How'd you make those patties? I'm intrigued

  4. Sounds like a ur dinner/ yum!! and I agree breakfast for dinner is a heavenly idea:)

    Nothing majore for the weekend...I was out on sick leave yday and today so might work on the weekend...

  5. I feel you. I lost my lab 3 years ago and still miss him so much. My dig stitch mussed him do much she would beat up any other dog after that. They weren't him and she was mad. Until my daughter brought home her bulldog puppy. For 2 weeks she wouldn't let him near her. Then one say she picked up a toy and started hitting him in the face with it. He was so confused! Then he grabbed it and they still play tug if war together. He has healed her. And all if us really. He is a clown. No Christmas shopping yet but I am thinking about it. I have z huge event at the end of the month do that means cake balls this weekend. Plus frank and I are playing tennis today then going to see the new resident evil movie. Have a great weekend my friend!

  6. I love corduroys, but yeah... they don't work well with my pear shape unless I'm under 225. It's nice to see Avenue's carrying them, though. I like their clothes.

    I'm sorry about your dog. :( I had to put my cat, Gomez, to sleep two years ago, and I still cry sometimes. He was my first pet in my first apartment, and I'd had him for 12 years. We'd been through everything together.

    As for the Mr's father, eff cancer. Seriously. It has affected way too many people, and it's time for it to go away forever.

    Breakfast for dinner is my favorite! I love making french toast, biscuits and gravy, eggs and toast, and waffles (not all at once). It's such a comfort. I could eat brunch all day every day.

    1. Oh, and I've started my Christmas shopping too. I find it's less stressful to spread it across a few months (and paychecks), and it allows me to watch for deals. It also gives me a chance to send things back for a replacement if they arrive broken/incorrect.

  7. Turn those cords into a just barely knee length skirt with just the slightest flare and I'm there, but, yeah, as pants, no way-lol. Just a bit o' fitness with a little run or something and then a lazy weekend cleaning house. We love breakfast for dinner and I've been trying for it all week and it just hasn't happened....maybe tonight or tomorrow :). Love the idea of putting in pumpkin spices!! Yum.

  8. Christmas shopping...psh!! ;-) Yeah I say that because I would LOVE to be one of your kind of people, but instead I'm the wait until a couple weeks out and go crazy instead kind of people. Perhaps someday I'll get my act together. Part of it I think for me is that I can't even begin to think about Christmas when it is 105 degrees outside still!

    LOL on your stop, drop and roll...oh don't I know what you mean!! :-) Although I do have to say that I love corduroy pants...they are just nostalgic and cute all at the same time.

  9. Ahh, I love advent calendars! And they're German so the chocolate in them is super good.

    I'm sorry for the not-so-happy anniversaries this month. :( It was 2 years ago that we had to make the decision to put our cat Diego to sleep after a freak terminal illness. I still think about him all the time and I don't think I'll ever get over it.

  10. Oh my gosh, you have me laughing out loud today. I must be slightly older than you. My memories of a beautiful patchwork maxi length skit that my mom made for me in first grade come strongly to mind today. I was so freaking hot in that thing. That coupled with the fact that I wasn't wearing a slip and the seams left me with square welts along the back of my thighs for hours. Ugh!


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