Monday, September 3, 2012

Birthday weekend recap

While the week didn't start out so hot with Duran Duran cancelling and a death in the family, I figured the weekend was jinxed since we had Isaac to contend with on our road trip but we salvaged a great birthday weekend.

I saw a Gigi's Cupcakes was about an hour from where we were staying so off we drove.  I love Gigi's.  If I don't have diabetes now, it's a miracle.

Those balls up there in the corner are beer battered fontina cheese balls.  I can't begin to tell you how yummy they were.  I will probably never go #2 again.  I got the deconstructed chicken pot pie too and it was so good and it wasn't salty either which was awesome!  The Mr gave me my presents before we left.  The Hitcher, Coming to America, Weekend at Bernie's, Just One of the Guys, Fear, Duran Duran Classic Albums Rio (which is AWESOME, must own for any Duranie!) and A Diamond in the Mind BluRay which I'm not emotionally prepared to watch just yet.  Maybe when we get home.

We went to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.  I pet stingrays...for an HOUR.  I couldn't leave.  Seriously.  That place is a serious money suck, I was a little pissed that you had to pay to do the sting ray thing in addition to $15/head for a zoo that had more than half of their food stands closed so I got my money's worth.  Some guy called me the Stingray Whisperer.  They would come to me and raise up to have me pet them, then instantly swirl around and rub up against my hand again.  It was SO cute!  I loved it, I could totally go back there, set up a folding chair and wait until they kick me out!   They also had some cute polar bears.  This one was eating seaweed and flashing its puddin' cup.  (Tell me you've seen Zookeeper, unexpectedly adorable.  Thank you Starz!)

Our evening rounded out with the other concert I treated myself to for my birthday...Hall and Oates.  10th row, not too bad!  I'm a John Oates girl.  Always loved (and miss) the mustache.  I loved the smooth, velvety voice that combined with John's soulful voice.  His backing vocals were spot on, he was playful just as he was in the old vids and worth every penny.  Daryl did some new arrangements of almost every song and that is my number one pet peeve at any concert.  I paid to hear the songs the way I know them, not have you sing completely new lyrics or have me sing to you (pet peeve #2).  So while the concert was good, it would've been better if the songs were played as written.

Oh...and if that drunk azz woman 2 rows ahead of me had sat her butt down and stopped making a fool of herself.  There's always that one person at a concert that everyone would love to chuck outta the venue and she was it.

So I'm blogging in the car on our way back and we'll just sleep today...after we workout of course.  ;-)  I suppose I should make out the September schedule sometime today too...and go to the grocery store to get groceries for the week.  Um yeah.  Okay, maybe I'll sleep another day.

What are you guys doing this holiday weekend?

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  1. It appears that the cupcakes at Gigi's have an appropriate icing-to-cake ratio to make them really good! Glad to hear you found another place to get a special birthday cake and enjoyed your concert.

  2. Glad you had a mostly perfect happy birthday! That is one serious cupcake! It's all about portion control, right? : ) I worked Saturday and Sunday this weekend, so like you, I am taking it easy today, going to get some lap swimming in, all given that it is my only day off. But, I too need to get groceries. Fresh fruit and veggies needed!

  3. Glad you had a wonderful birthday weekend. I looked at all that yummy food and realized I couldn't have had any of it!(maybe the frosting, that was amazing) We had our 'date weekend' in the city and I was able to have an in-and-out protein style cheeseburger...which is a rare treat for me.

  4. that was a fun bday weekend...have a nice rest of the weekend..


  5. Duranie here. sorry your show was cancelled. I missed the Atlanta concert this year , but have seen them many , many times. The Red Carpet Masquerade CD tour was my favorite show in the last few years. ...I have the original Rio album from my college years. How many times have I listened to "save a prayer"? ....

  6. Looks like you had a great weekend with some downright awesome food! We went to a wedding reception and got to see friends we haven't seen in years, ate at the restaurant where we had our wedding rehearsal dinner where I had the most fantabulous coconut cream pie-EVER! Then it was on to Kansas City to a Royals game--and they won! (a rarity over the past few years!) Hubby treated me to my favorite Coconut Joy concrete at Sheridan's Frozen Custard--YUM! and then home late. Good road trip but my poor little one is not feeling so hot now. She's still in bed and it's nearly 10 a.m.!! Poor little nugget.

  7. I'm so glad you had such a spectacular birthday! You deserve the BEST!! Enjoy a more "relaxing" day today.

  8. Sounds like a great birthday....petting sting rays is one of my favorite things !
    Hall and Oates look like they have not aged at all.

  9. Sounds like a great weekend!!! Sounds like you deserve to spend the rest of the day, post workout, sleeping and watching videos :). Gotta downfall is definitely my inability to schedule my workouts. I've got the basics in my head. Monday is "something cardio" and strength, Tuesday run, Wednesday same as Monday, Thursday same as Tuesday, repeat for Friday and Saturday. Other than that though it's "fly by the seat of my pants" lol. Too often I'm shoving my vague plans to the evening and then getting it in but half-assing it cause I'm tired. Yesterday I started my plans for September!!! Yay me!! Today I finish it. I started with my running plan all the way through the end of the year to bring my miles slowly up into the insane range and today I fill in the blanks including yoga, pilates or foam rollering added to running days to keep those muscles loose and limber. No more flying blind. Time to kick the half assed attitude out the door so I can have half my ass-lol!! Thanks for the inspiration to schedule....I'm just a tad slow on the uptake :).

  10. I am SOO glad your Birthday week ended better than it began! I HATE it when they change the lyrics. WHY can't they just sing them the way they're supposed to? WE know the lyrics, why don't they?!? HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADY!!!

  11. I'm so glad you had a good birthday weekend and it sounds like it was a very happy one indeed. Nothing exciting like that here. Had company for a quickie visit (came yesterday afternoon and left today right after lunch) so that was nice. I've been to one store, still have to go to the evil store to pick up a few more things and then it's time to set up for work tomorrow. Man does the time fly!

  12. Happy Birthday, looks like you had a great time:)

  13. Any weekend with Gigi's in it is a very good weekend! I must do something to "win" another trip there soon.

  14. Happy birthday weekend, which you share with a handful of my relatives, including a grandson yesterday and a son-in-law today, nephew and great-great nephew Saturday and great niece Friday. There, one of those had to hit yours!

    We went to see my MIL on Saturday--got a late start and spent 5.5 hours making a 3.5-hour drive. So turned around and came home yesterday instead of waiting til today. That gave us time to take a side-road and get out at 11,990 feet to skip up another 50 feet or so. I've formed the goal to climb at least one of Colorado's Class 1 (easy) 14,000+ ft. mountains before I hang up my hiking boots for good. Now for the training!

    Meanwhile I ate like a pig and took a two hour nap today...good start, huh?

  15. Happy Birthday!! I would be SOOO majorly bummed if I had Duran Duran tickets and they cancelled. How awful!! I love them. But Hall and Oates is pretty darn awesome too!

  16. I love Gigi's Cupcakes, but YES they are heavy on the frosting. So worth it though. :) Well, once in a while. I'm glad you had a good birthday weekend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D

  17. It was a great week/weekend. I really enjoyed it overall, of course without the funeral aspect of it. The Hall & Oates show was a great way to top it all off and I feel like we ended on a great note because of that and the fact that the rain didn't spoil the evening too. Happy Birthday baby!

  18. That sounds like such a great weekend! I'm so envious that you got to see Hall & Oates! I didn't even realize they still played. So cool. Love the stingray & polar bear pics.


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