
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Moment of Truth- Weigh In

Well I kept my calories so they evened out to about 2250 instead of 2300 this week and I'm down 2 lbs.

I'll keep it up another week and see how I do.  The Mr is not faring well with the calorie uppage so he's going back to his previous range.

If you didn't see last night's Friday Food Journal, click here to see my eats for the week!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!  We're off to go antiquing.  (Thank God I have a Mr who doesn't mind getting dragged to those kinds of places!)

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  1. Antiquing sounds like a good way to spend the day.

    I'm glad you saw a loss this week. I hope the continuation of your new plan works out well for you.

  2. Great job!! Calorie cycling/adjusting is kicking in! WOOT!
    Enjoy the day! If you see any salt boxes or coffee grinders (or old pyrex, the bowl sets that came in colors), feel free to think of me ;) hehehe...

  3. Happy St. Patty's Day and have fun antiquing! My hubby is sick, so I'll be trying to make myself work around the house in spite of BEAUTIFUL weather outside. At least I got in a 3 hour hike yesterday.

  4. Congrats on being brave enuf to try new things! Enjoy your day!

  5. Excellent! One thing that may also be helping is the small fluctuation in calories each day. I seem to do better doing that than hitting my same target day in and day out.

  6. WOO HOO! Congrats on the loss!! :)

  7. Fantastic! I'm very happy you had a loss! :D

  8. Yay, I'm glad you managed to lose this week! And I hope you have a good time antiquing. :D


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