Friday, December 17, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #50

Number 50.  You  know you're near the end of it all when you see that!  The last weekend before THE weekend.  I won't lie, I'm a little bummed about that.  I feel like this whole season has swirled down the commode.  I couldn't really get into the holidays initially because of the whole 'testing positive' for the poo test then the impending slip and slide for a month so when I finally got the all clear it was like "here!  It's Thanksgiving!  Cook!" I feel like I've been in a weird constant state of panic, catch up and boredom.  Like I said, a weird combo of emotions on top of everything else so if anyone has any suggestions for ideas, I feel like I can't come up with more than drive around to look at Christmas lights and watch Christmas movies.  

Anyhoo...let's get to...

Going to bed after this specific time damages metabolic health — study says (Welp, I guess I'd better tame my lifelong night owl.)

8 research-backed benefits of acupuncture from pain relief to stress reduction  (When it's less Covidy out there, I want to start some treatment for sure.  After having had 3" dry needling needles jammed into my calves several years ago, teeny little acupuncture needles are nothing.)

Psychological Resilience Is Linked to How Much Stress Messes With Your Body (This study is kind of scary for a stress bundle like myself but I definitely need to work on things because the pandemic has just amplified it all to 11.)

Smart Uses for 12 Things You Already Have Around the House  (I already do 8 & 9 but you can bet I'm going to do 3.  Four is super useful for those with kids or grandkids!)

30 Overrated Places That Aren’t Worth A Visit, As Pointed Out By Folks Online (Soooo everywhere according to this?  😆  I have to agree with Vegas though.  Zero desire to ever go again.)

How the Holidays Leave the Estranged Out in the Cold (If you know of anyone who casually says "I'm not close with my family" or talk about not going home for the holidays.  Consider asking them for an outdoor walk or doing something holiday-ish like looking at Christmas lights, etc  Then they have the option to say no if they're not feeling it but if they're longing for holiday celebrating, they know someone cares and can have happy memories of the season.)

The low level vibrations of construction literally all around me had me desperately looking for last minute Christmas getaways but no go.  Otherwise we'd be anywhere but here.  Literally, my feet are vibrating as I type this.  **twitch**   We certainly have not done a majority of the things we said we hoped to do this holiday season- some of which are out of our control.  Just hoping we can inch in some kind of holiday cheer that doesn't involve being in the house.  

Anything fun going on in your world this weekend?

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  1. It is something when you see it's week 50. That last stretch of every year is so special too. That is one thing I really miss from being a kid was we'd get to about 12/20 and then there was no more school until January. Heck even in college I kind of got some of that too. Why can't work be that way without having to take time off? Oh well, have a great weekend!

  2. It was a hellish week for numerous reasons and the cortisol and inflammation levels were amped up a lot. But some blessings were sprinkled in, so I'll take it. Had a check up this morning, then met the hubs at the grocery store and we hit two stores to gather up Christmas dinner ingredients. Now we're home and I'm doing laundry, a few Walmart and Chewy orders and will begin making my brownies and pudding fudge for our peeps on Monday. Then I begin my workweek tomorrow...le sigh.
    I hope you do get out of the house and enjoy some festivities, even if it's driving to a whole different town to see their displays. The hubs just put up our tiny tree from Wayfair yesterday and it's so cute. Skinny and proud. LOL


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