Friday, December 3, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #49

Howdy do and happy Friday to you!  Well, that was quite the week, wasn't it?  I hope you 'enjoyed' my impromptu overshare series this week.  Not the most pleasant of subjects but it wasn't a pleasant wait and someone is going to get a nugget of info they need so it's worth it.  Sometimes I swear I go through stuff as a crash test dummy for the Mr (he should've been the one to get it first age wise) or for blog posts to help others.  I'd like a break from that for a few years, please.  😒

I can't believe we're into December already!  If it goes as fast as the rest of the year, we'll be ringing in 2022 before you know it!

But first, let's ring in...

The #1 Best Fruit to Eat For Your Gut Health, Says New Study  (Woo hoo!  I just started adding these about a month or so ago.)

How to React to Comments About Your Body, According to an Anti-Diet Dietitian  (I have my own snarky answers to their scenarios.  1) Good for you, I'm going in for seconds.  Enjoy your salad and be sad.  2)  I know!  Luckily no one but judgmental shrews care about other people's weight especially at the holidays.  3)  I'm allowed to eat whatever the hell I want after prison food the last 15 years.  4) That sounds great!  I'm gonna get a clean plate and eat what works for me.  5)  Yep, The Rock and I like our 10,000 calorie cheat days, douche canoe.  6)  If you've listened to me AT ALL over the past years I've been your patient, you know that I exercise and eat right basically 6 days a week and have zero health conditions which should speak more as to my actual health than your fat biased eyes can comprehend.  So you can hand your weight pamphlet out to someone else because I'll be switching doctors. Buh-bye.)

40 Easy No-Bake Appetizers  (Hmm, might be apps for NYE!)

7 Simple Storage Hacks That Cost $0  (Definitely using a few of these!  Already do the suitcase one with our winter outside play clothes)

23 DIY Winter Decorations You Can Keep Up After the Holidays  (Oh, I plan on keeping a good amount of it up until the crocus pop up.)

6 Natural Ways to Make Your Home Smell Like the Holidays  (I've got the scent of apple pie wafting through the house right now.)

The Joyful Ways This Atlanta Family Celebrates St. Nicholas Day  (I remember when my grandpa remarried and I was 6, I spent the night over St. Nicolas Day on coincidence.  When everyone (including her two tween kids) put their shoes out on the porch, I asked what they were doing.  They told me about St. Nicholas Day.  I was so excited the next morning to check my shoes.  I got little trinkets and one of those 70s/80's quilt looking styrofoam ball ornaments.  It meant so much to me that I was heartbroken when it was ruined in a basement flooding along with a lot of my childhood stuff.  When I saw one on Ebay a few years after we were married in basically identical fabric, I snagged it.  It's on a place on the back of the tree that I can see it and be reminded of that awesome tradition.)

16 Little Holiday Tricks, Habits, And Hacks That'll Make You Say, "Huh, I Wish I'd Known That In Previous Years"  (Some good tricks in here!  I see the first one in our future when the freezer room frees up and I can totally vouch for the brown butter trick just make sure it's cooled first.)

I'd like to get into something Christmas-y this weekend whether it's looking at lights, watching Christmas movies, or something along those lines.  Maybe we can work on that puzzle from Stowe we started in 2016 and haven't finished.  Why I ever thought we were 1000 piece puzzle people is beyond me!

What's happening in your neck of the woods this weekend?

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  1. I think it would be nice to work on that puzzle and watch movies. We could definitely go look at lights too. I'm 100% ready to get into all the celebrations of this time of year! Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. I have an appt this morning, then we grocery shop. I have one more load of laundry to do, tying up boxes for recycling, and doing a lot of cleaning. Then it's work the rest of the weekend. Have a great one!!


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