Monday, December 20, 2021

We're Adults Weekend Recap

Well howdy do there, Monday!  (And a howdy do to you too.)  Weekend shenanigans were on the down low because we got our boosters Saturday morning since we were FINALLY eligible.  (We're a month behind everyone else because of anniversary vacation.)  We purposely didn't plan anything major since we weren't sure if the ol' mix and match was going to knock us out or not.  The nurse was very friendly and informative so I kept hydrating all day per her suggestion.  

We grabbed some lunch to go and headed home and generally lazed around.  It was a very foggy day which I loved.  Nothing like having the perfect weather to cuddle under a blankie!  

I ordered some Lunchables and Uncrustables for the delivery folks since I'm sure they're not going to have much chance for lunch this week along with some cookies.  I wish the people behind the scenes would get their crap together though as I have one lost package that I ordered on December 4th and should've had more than enough time to receive.  That whole "hey we'll start out with UPS then hand it off to USPS" is a steaming load of shite.  Then neither company takes responsibility for it and claims they don't have it.  Lies.  


(Update:  Of course, after I opened a claim, it magically showed up Sunday morning after sitting God knows where.)

As the day went on, the injection site got sore to the touch which happens with any shots I get so no biggie.  I baked up some Christmas cookies and we watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas which felt super festive.  (Except for the bleh cookie butter hot cocoa we had with it.  World Market can keep it)  We watched the sad SNL that was skimpy due to Covid and the only good parts were the classics they showed.  Then we watched Dexter at 1:30am.  It was a decent episode but they have a lot to cram into three more episodes.  We each took Tylenol as instructed in case any fever or side effect tried to Pop up overnight but the only thing either of us had was the arm soreness so we'll just be laying off any strength training for a day or two.  Felt totally fine Sunday morning, no additional issues.

We made our inner 8 year old's ecstatic by eating some candy in bed while watching Nightmare Before Christmas for the first time.  Checked off the list... never have to watch that atrocity again and it's exactly as I thought it would be.  We ended up not getting out of bed until noon because we're adults.  (Our favorite saying when we do something others would crinkle their noses or roll their eyes at.)

Later on we walked at the cemetery amidst the goose poop and mud which are irritating departures from the cleaner walking at the park.

We settled in after having cauliflower soft tacos and watched Home Alone 2 since our Christmas movie watch time is swirling down the tubes.  We still have three left and that'll do us.  We may save the best...Charlie Brown Christmas for Christmas Day.

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. I enjoyed the weekend. Even with a sore arm, lounging around is good in my book! I like how we paced ourselves with our movie watching this year - saving Charlie Brown for the day is perfect. Have a great week everyone!

  2. That sounds like a really lovely weekend and I'm very happy to hear neither of you had any major side effects from the booster. Phew!
    Weekend was a bit hectic with doing some finishing touches on some Christmas stuff, but overall not too bad. Very little rest, but at least that was expected. We brought bundtini's to the swim group for our pooch and they in turn had treats and a "free session on your next visit" coupon for all the furry pups who come in, so that was pretty awesome. The hubs put up our little skinny tree from Wayfair and we both really like it. Perfect fit in our small space. Hard to believe this year is almost over. In some ways it still feels like February to me. Yeesh.

  3. I have my tree up, but no ornaments. It looks a little sad, but the way the cats are messing with it I just don't want to risk my ornaments. I may put ornaments on the tree on Christmas Eve and take them back down on the 26th. Just the light alone feel festive though so it's ok. I'm so glad to be on break.


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