Monday, December 27, 2021

A Happy Holiday Weekend Recap

Good Monday to you...and you and you and you and yoooou!


Can you believe we hadn't seen The Sound of Music until we were heading to Vermont for our first Christmas back in 2016?  We were staying at the Giacomo in Niagara Falls and saw it was on TV and knew we were heading to Trapp Lodge for a sleigh ride since the family the movie was based on runs it, we thought we should watch.  Quite a different Christmas from walking in the park Christmas day in our PJ's SWEATING this year.

The festivities kicked off on the 23rd with our 30 year "I love you"/officially a couple anniversary.  Three days after our first date and homeboy knew he wanted to say those three words.  I remember the days when we'd celebrate it monthly!  Nothing big but just acknowledging it in some way.  I used to have the number written on my calendar the 23rd of every month and people at work that might see it would ask and then think it was either adorable or barfworthy.  I think we were 10 years in before switching to yearly and the 23rd just became another day.  Anyhoo...I'm off track.  I knew I wanted to do afternoon tea because 1) they're my absolute FAVORITE and 2) well, there is no two.  I'd already had our black currant scones frozen from a place we went in Chester, VT called Rose Arbour.  It slipped my mind that I wanted petit fours and by the time I remembered about ordering, they weren't going to arrive in time.  Given the myriad of problems I've had with USPS this month, there was no way I would've relied on it anyway so that meant I had to make them myself.  (You might be saying "no, you just skip them" to which I would ask...are you new here?)  I couldn't find a whole poundcake, only slices so I worked with that and had fun making up different flavor combos.  Cookie butter, maple, raspberry jam, hot fudge, etc which were then coated with melted chips of the white or chocolate variety.  It was when trying to coat them properly that I created new curse words but it was better than none.  

The morning of our anniversary we had to go grab our Christmas morning cinnamon rolls from a bakery, the Mr bought me flowers and I started putting the lunch together.  

Due to what I thought was a lost serving plate situation, we used the tiered trays I still had from our anniversary in May.

We each got each other a gift.  He got me a Life is Good winter shirt I had my eye on that I didn't tell him about and I got him a Missing Link puzzle original in package that we both had as kids.

We went downtown and walked the historic district like we did for so many cheap date nights as kids then later got Longhorn to go for dinner so I wouldn't have to cook.  We watched 8 Bit Christmas on HBO Max since the Mr got it earlier in the week to watch the new Matrix and we watched The Santa Clause 2.  It was a nice, cozy day of celebration.

Christmas Eve was much less cozy.  I worked my ass off all day baking up our Christmas cookies and frosting the cut outs and deciding to go ahead with the noodles because I didn't want to spend Christmas day doing them.  The Mr was kind enough to massage my legs when I limped in from the kitchen.  We had the appetizer dinner we would've had if mom was here and opened our presents from her.  

Lots of good stuff especially for the kitchen which I can't wait to put to use.  I only wish I hadn't exhausted myself given it's usually my favorite day of the year.

Christmas Day was nice.  The Mr massaged my legs first thing so I could actually walk.  We already said we wanted to stretch the day out as long as possible because once you open the presents that feeling of post holiday letdown sets in, especially since it was just the two of us.  We got up and got showers and baked up our cinnamon rolls.  Meh.  The goo inside was decent but hardly any cinnamon flavor so we threw two of them out later.  We listened to the Charlie Brown soundtrack then headed to the park in our PJ's to do a few loops and we both ended up sweating from the humidity and that it was 65 degrees.  Stupid weather but I think we were in the same boat with most of the country.  We got back home and watched an online Christmas service and then we opened our presents around 2pm.  We ate some Christmas cookies while watching Charlie Brown Christmas which was our final unwatched Christmas special.  

Then time for a nap with the yule log on because the actual fireplace would've been far too hot.  We watched the Russian Ballet's Nutcracker on YouTube.  Later it was time for Christmas dinner and I'm happy to report Grandma's noodles turned out on point.

She was with me as I rolled them out to the right thinness this time.  I also didn't strain the fat from the roast juices which is why it tasted more like hers.  Grandma's noodles do not equal fat free and that's just going to have to be okay.  LOL

It was a steady diet of Rolaids since we're not used to eating this way a few days in a row but as usual, I'll worry about it soon enough.  We kept up exercise as that's about all that can be expected right now.  

How was your holiday weekend?

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  1. What a weekend! You definitely nailed Grandma's noodle, they were spot on and the best ever! I ate way too much but I know we'll get back on track quickly so it was worth it. Despite staying home this year and staying safe by keeping it to just us, I had an awesome Christmas and love everything I got. Thanks for everything!

  2. It was a nice, calm holiday, and a very-glad-it's-over kind of feeling. As an introvert all the high-level stress and tension and rushing around that has people amped up is draining for me, so I look forward to the week between Christmas and New Years where the pace slows down considerably and I feel like I can enjoy the end of the year without having to consult a calendar on what I'm supposed to be doing. Christmas itself was nice and we ate dinner around 5pm, opened presents around 5:30pm and then I headed into work. Opened a few more on Sunday, then got some stuff cleaned up. We both worked on Sunday so the normal work week resumed.

  3. So much rich food at the holidays! I tried to eat in smaller portions so I didn't make myself sick like I did at Thanksgiving. My family and I no longer give gifts since we either have everything or it wouldn't get used; the exception this year was getting Dad a new bike (needed) and some outdoor work pants (needed). Happy holidays!

  4. My folks came down and we had a nice morning of opening gifts. The boy is going to spend a week or so with them between Christmas and New Years and one of the gifts I got him was a blacksmithing class for he and my dad on the 1st. They are both really looking forward to it and I'm excited to see how it goes. It's in a town between us (about an hour and a half for them and 2 hours for me) so it's not convenient for anyone but I think it will be worth it since this is something the kid (sorry, young man) has been wanting to do for a long time.

  5. It was awesome! Went to the family down at the beach, it was sunny and 78! Not complaining, our fam is all about the salt life. :-)


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