Monday, February 10, 2020

Winter Road Trip Weekend Recap

Happy Monday all!

It was a good weekend around these parts and that's saying something for a grocery weekend!  We got that knocked out of the way for the most part on Friday night.  We decided that we did need to look at a few options for the kitchen so it was an early rise for us on Saturday and a road trippin' we went.  We were behind a slow goer and I didn't mind at all.

We had a beautiful day for it as mother nature FINALLY blessed us with a light layer of snow.

I love the way everything looks with a layer of snow on it.  It's like taking all of the regular things we pass every day and sprinkling it with a clean slate of beauty.

It always does my soul so good to go for drives in the country anyway (seeing how we don't have much of it anymore) but to see it coated with snow makes it hard to get the smile off of my face.

We stopped off at an antique mall and spotted a few fun things...

The Mr was frothing over that one but it didn't say "works" on it and I didn't think it was worth the $150 risk.  Still cool to see though.

True Duran Duran fans know the significance of this cover.

I'm probably the only one that would look at that tin and start giggling and singing this song in my head.  (NSFW!)

We made it to two lumber places and one was very large but a bit of a disappointment on the lumber side of things.  The other place we hit the jackpot.  All kinds of reclaimed goodness and they are getting me a quote together today for a beam skin for the kitchen pass through.  Basically, you know those hand-hewn mantels like ours?  They shave the face off of a piece like this...

So I'll have to let the dude know to add it to the punch list and jack up our installation cost when we sign the contract tomorrow.

We got a bunch of things in at the end of last week including an arbor we'll have to build when the planter boxes come in.  I want it over our outdoor loveseat and to grow some vines for a natural shade spot out there to entice us to use the patio we overpaid for two years ago.  If anyone has tips on how to grow morning glories from seeds, please pass them along in the comments!

We also got our new curtains/rod so we need to get holes filled and painted before drilling new ones.  Yay.  I also found the slipcover was sewn funky on our loveseat and contacted Wayfair and they're shipping another one out to me.  Always something.

Today I am having lunch with some old coworkers.  The last time we got together was two days after Grandma's funeral so I was still in a bit of a fog.  I will pay more attention to see if the one I was worried about has dementia or if she was just having a really bad day.  Another one I will have to steer away from political talk because no one wants to hear that and we kind of made that clear last time.  Regardless, it'll be nice to see them.  They're all 25-35 years older than I am so I can't take the lunches for granted.

What did you get into this weekend?

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  1. It was a beautiful drive and the snow wasn't bad enough to be dangerous so I'm glad we got out in it and saw the countryside for a change. We also got something accomplished so that makes it ever better. I still want that Atari though, but mostly because of those cartridge boxes being in such great condition!

  2. Was out in the winter wonderland at the farm. Shoulda took some snaps!

  3. It snowed here too. I usually love the snow, but Friday I had to take kids to an event in another town and the roads were awful. I had no idea it had snowed that much between here and there. What should have taken 2 hours took almost 3. I told them that next time if there is so much as one flake of snow we are cancelling.

    The weekend.... what weekend? I spent the weekend playing catch up and I'm still not caught up. Ugh.

    Those are nice pictures. I'm glad you got enough snow to make you happy, and not enough to make the roads bad. I'm glad you found the lumber you wanted. I'm sure your remodel is going to look fantastic.

  4. So glad to hear you had a fantastic weekend! Mine was very good with getting my hair done, doing the grocery shopping, and having fun out and about with the dogs. Sunday we had the snowstorm so we were indoors and I got a lot of stuff taken care of that really cleaned up my work space. Got all the laundry done, too. Here's to a great week!


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