Friday, February 21, 2020

What I'm Reading This Week #8

Happy Friday everyone!  You guys, I have to tell you, my faith in humanity has been restored a bit.  The owner of the place doing our kitchen called me last night to thank me again for the banana bread and the sweet card.  He said such a random act of kindness is so rare these days and he kept thinking about it and had to thank me again.  He shared one of the loaves with his daughter (she held the dog while they put her to sleep) and told her about the card.  He said he's keeping the card, it was just so nice.  That was all he called for.   I started crying when I hung up because these days even being thanked for something is a random act of kindness.  I knew when we met him, he was the right guy to trust.  I already bought his thank you gift a few days ago which is a little custom piece with an animal and scenery he loves so I think he's really going to like it if he was impressed with banana bread.  LOL

It's been a crazy week over in these parts between getting our kitchen worked on to kick off the week, then going through materials as they come in to make sure nothing was broken and getting returns and exchanges underway.  I think I've got switchplates and then our custom wood pieces that aren't going to be ready until mid-March.  All of the moving parts of a reno. 

But enough of reno news, let's move into...

7 Ways to Fall Asleep Fast — Without the Sheep or Fairy Dust  (Do you know how many times I've tried the military method??  It actually raises my heart rate and induces anxiety.  I'll have to try one of the other methods.

The 10 Best Sleepy Teas to Help You Fall (and Stay) Asleep  (Can you tell I'm not sleeping well?   Just research kava first because liver issues can arise if you use it regularly and potential drug interactions.)

Why Controlling Your Anger May Help You Live Longer  (It's not serving you.)

25 Farmhouse Decor Ideas That Perfectly Blend Old and New Styles   (Cute ideas)

10 Reasons Your Nails Are Dry and Brittle   (Mine are a hot mess.)

100 Saturday Morning Projects  (Mr- can we fit #7 in the garage wall to the left of the outlet?  Oh and if we can find more joist space for #10.  Stop sweating.)

Where To Store Your Stuff When You Run Out Of Closet Space  (Good suggestions)

We Tried 17 Dark Chocolate Brands to Find Our Snack Soulmate  (Let me save you the trouble.  Trader Joe's 72% Pound Plus is the only one that matters.)

How Not to Bomb Your Offer Negotiation  😁

Hard-Hitting Nature Valley Ad Shows The Terrifying Side Of Kids Addicted To Technology  (Their answers are absolutely heartbreaking.  If we don't put the smackdown on some stuff, we're in for a terrifying future.)

Wit’s End: They’ve Turned the Soundtrack of My Youth into Muzak  (Just embrace it and sing the words in the freezer aisle like it's karaoke night.)

Pigeon Forms Adorable Bond With Puppy Who Needed A Friend   (Oh goodness!!!)

A local foofy shop is holding an art piece I bought online so we'll head over there tomorrow and smooch da shop pooch too.  It's grocery weekend which is always a joy.   At some point, we're going to have to pop the crown molding off of the living room so it might be either Sunday or potentially Monday.  We'll actually enjoy that one because while we appreciate our friend doing them for us years ago, the seams were never done right.  I've seen people eye them when they're here too and look at us like "you DIY'd these, didn't you?"  So it'll be a pleasure to cut on one of those seams and rip the effers off.

Got any plans for the weekend?

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  1. I have to say I think I am to that point where I want to rip that crown molding down too. It just isn't professional looking but it was one of those things that we spent enough money on it that I wanted to get at least a decade out of it. So here we are. Bye bye!

    TGIF. I could use a good weekend. Enjoy everyone!

    1. Me too and I'm starting with the seam over your chair in the dining room... the one everyone looks at. 😑

  2. Its wonderful to feel appreciated, right? Glad the project is going well!
    My eldest will be here on Saturday, looking forward to it!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. It sure is. As the Mr knows, appreciation is my love/life language! Enjoy the weekend with your kiddo!

  3. Wow thanks for sharing that Nature Valley video - I have an almost 4 year old who already is obsessed with tv and wants my iphone constantly. Just reminds me why it's important as parents to monitor and set limits.

    1. I was in tears when I watched that and the thought of kids now being deprived of those creative, soul nuturing memories we built as kids. (I still laugh with my friend about making the world's largest sheet fort when we were in 3rd grade.) I know it feels easier to give them screen time especially since our society is so instant gratification but that video points out just what the cost will be. You're doing great and being aware of what it can ultimately do to them could help. This is the perfect weekend to introduce them to the art of blanket forts! 😉

  4. I have no major plans this weekend and I'm thankful for that. I have a meeting to lead in the morning, then I'll play it by ear. We don't think the hubs has to work tomorrow, but we won't know until this afternoon. We know he has to next weekend, so I'm glad to have that advanced notice. It's going to be in the 40's here, so I'd like to get more boxes over to the donation place that I have ready to go in the basement. Our taxes got done in three days which just astounded me, so now I can file that stuff away. If it's not windy on Sunday we can take the dogs to the park for a jaunt and get their sniffers going. =o)
    Have a great weekend and good luck with the crown molding!

    1. A no plan weekend is the best kind of weekend!! Congrats on the taxes being done! We just got ours back and it's spent. LOL

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