Friday, February 7, 2020

What I'm Reading This Week #6

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you had a great week and are ready to boogie down this weekend.  Thankfully, my hamster wheel came in handy around 4am yesterday when I remembered I had my coworker lunch Monday when we scheduled to sign the contract on the other side of town.  I sent the woman an email and we'll sign the contract Tuesday.  Whew!!  I can imagine myself in a cold sweat when I remembered on the day.  (Probably when I got a call from them when they got home.  I so rarely have stuff to plan around!)

But enough of my scatterbrain, let's get to...

5 Bad Things That Can Happen When You Work Out Every Single Day  (I need to listen better sometimes.  Oh but what happens when active recovery days of "just go for a walk" break my leg muscles too??)

100 Easy Ways to Be a Healthier Person in 2020   (Some great, easy to do stuff.)

28 Handy Hints for Removing Hard-to-Remove Stuff   (Just bookmark it.  You'll need it at some point.)

4 Types of Grief Nobody Told You About  (A must read.)

40 Show Stopping Home Projects You'll Want to DIY  (I think "want" is a strong word...perhaps "could" should be replaced.)

Cheap and Easy DIY Farmhouse Wood Signs   (Hmm, I've got some scraps in the garage.)

11 Ways to Say “I Love You” Without Words  (Good article!  I feel a marriage meeting is in order because with a pending remodel, vacation planning,'s going to be too easy to push working on us aside.)

You Can Now Live Inside America's First Shopping Mall for $550 a Month  (Excellent way to reuse a space!  The video is totally worth the watch.)

Good News About Bad News   (Very interesting theory.)

Parenthood, the Great Moral Gamble  (Wow, such a great read.  Long one though.)

Coyote And Badger Pals Caught On Camera Are Like A Disney Movie In The Making   ("Let's go, buddy!  Dinner's waitin'!")

How Jeep landed Bill Murray for its ‘Groundhog Day’ Super Bowl ad  (I love that he and his brother basically improvised the whole thing!)

We'll have to check the weather and see if we're road-tripping to a specialty lumber mill tomorrow.  If not, then I'm not sure what we're doing. 

What are you getting into this weekend?

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  1. I am glad you caught the calendar snafu in time. You deserve a lunch out with the girls. TGIF!! Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. Great articles! I work today and have a hair appt tomorrow. We think the hubs is off of work, so that would be great. We're going to a different grocery store that is insanely busy but they have anything and everything and are so much cheaper than the other stores in town. So it'll be good to stock up on some essentials. I'll get the final tax stuff together and will have some play time with the pups.
    Have a super weekend!


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