Monday, February 24, 2020

Deals Snagged, Tears Shed and Wish Granted?

Hey, y'all!  Another weekend has flown by in the blink of an eye.   Actually, there was quite a bit of blinking of my eyes as the tears flowed in frustration.  I did a little work in the kitchen on Friday but not as much as I would've liked.

Saturday at 5am, I started my day by getting pissy with the switchplate place that didn't have what I needed and had jerked my chain for two weeks.  I canceled my order, they refunded my money and I looked for two hours to find a friggin' place that had the style I wanted.  Not the way I wanted to start my weekend.  We went to lunch at a place by my old high school that one of the Mr's coworkers told him was good.   My high school is long gone and it was weird being in that spot.   It's like I could see the ghosts of my past in my peripheral.  Shadows of me walking home from school.  A friend's house on the way home and her odd family.  The place my friend was killed in my freshman year was right next door.  It's not a place we go to often and it left me feeling a little strange and out of sorts. 

We drove across town and I picked up this home sweet home silver platter that I thought I missed out on last month.  She brought it back for the clearance bin and I snagged it.

Of course, I picked up a few other little trinkets too but I was so happy to get that for $25!  We pet da pooch in there who was tired and had been fawned on by the masses so she wasn't as up for kisses as previous visits.  We came back home and the Mr washed his car outside while I tried to figure out how to use this leftover piece of wood we had from our project.  The Mr cut it and we don't have proper tools for it so it makes the whole thing way worse than it needs to be.  I told him to cut something he probably shouldn't have.  Then the piece we did cut was cut an inch too short and we were trying to figure out ways to make it work.  I was in a heap of tears and ready to light a match to everything.  See, ever since we moved in, the original builders screwed up the window sill BIG time.  It's always been hidden behind the fridge so we didn't give much thought to it.  Then the friggin' window guys last year put this trim in there that really had no reason to be on the window and it's continuing to screw us.  Even if we wanted to just slip in a wood skin over the current sill, we can't because of the wonky trim.  It was going to be the only DIY project in there but we've both thrown in the towel on it.  I'd say get the a-holes who screwed it up in the first place to fix it but they won't be able to work in our timeline.  So I guess I'll email the kitchen dude's assistant and see if they can come up with a solution for us so we can be done with it after 24 years.  The stress and anxiety were so bad, I got vertigo which was my body's way of tapping out since I refused to give it a break.  I have gained five pounds this month.  FIVE.  My eating and exercising haven't changed at all.  I'm pretty sure it's stress/cortisol/lack of sleep.  SOOOO over it.  All of it.

Sunday was just more frustration with trying to get some issues with the couches settled.  Then we had lunch then walked the hood for our workout because nothing else sounded appealing.  We got home and decided to rip off the crown molding.  It was frighteningly easy compared to the work done in the kitchen by the pros.  We don't know how it didn't fall down on us over the years.  We each reveled in removing certain pieces that always bothered us.  But as a final eff you to us, it's removal let us know ghosts of horrible paint colors past will be right there waiting for us. 

It's gonna suck.  So now I have to sand, spackle, sand, and prime.  We'll let the dude smooth the ceiling (whenever that is) then I'm basically going to have to repaint the entire room because the replacement color I have matches the color but not the sheen of satin.  I suppose we can try Behr and see if that works since I'm sure that's what we got before.  If not, I'm in for a crappy few days at some point. 

We finished the grocery shopping and found the treats I'd been looking for...

I'm not a peeps person but I do like me some Hot Tamales on occasion.  I have to say they were decent but definitely not enough tamale flavor.  Not even 1/4 of the flavor of one hot tamale so we sent the other sleeve to the Mr's work today.  They can try them.  Bummer.

As I was putting away some groceries, this fell from the ceiling and in front of my face.

A wish from heaven.  These are not flying around yet.  There wasn't one on the ceiling.  Nothing on my hair.  We have no idea where it came from but I think someone is trying to tell me everything's going to work out.  At least that's what I hope it means.

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. I don't know exactly what else I expected to see behind the crown molding but it wasn't that. We do have some work to do here in the next week. My mind doesn't want to procrastinate but my body says otherwise. Here we go!

  2. Sounds like progress. Hope this week treats you well. Went to a charity event on Friday. On Saturday my eldest and his bestie were in town so we played pool then bowled a few games. I got to go to my favorite Italian restaurant and it was fabulous! Finished the weekend by resurrecting my dresser refinish project, laundry and burgers on the grill. It was 50 here and I loved that small taste of spring.
    Enjoy your week!

  3. You sure had an intense weekend. House projects are incredibly stressful, even when things are going smoothly. So much activity and decisions to be made. It always works out in the end, but the journey getting there can be so taxing.
    Weekend was good. Had a fantastic meeting, got all the laundry done on Saturday and some misc things. Sunday was grocery shopping early, an errand, and then tinkering with more things. We are due to get between six inches and a foot of snow between tomorrow and Wednesday so I'm not looking forward to having to drive in that for work tomorrow as it's a long day. I worry about the hubs who works 35 miles away. Doesn't faze him but I'm a big worry wort in general, so this is my normal for good or bad. We were at 53 yesterday, but 20s by mid week. Crazy.
    I hope it's a better week than it was the weekend for you. Deep breaths...

  4. I had a school play to attend., both days since the kid was in it, and my folks were here Fri- Sun. Lots of visiting, but not much got done so I'll be playing catch-up this week plus the prep for a weekend out of town next weekend. Not great timing, but it'll be ok.

    I hope the kitchen guys can come up with a solution for your window. My house is the same way - nothing is quite square - and understand the frustration that causes. I hope you can get some rest this week.


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