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(Source: Me... because I recently watched Jexi and I make myself laugh sometimes.) |
Yep, it was that kind of weekend and you knew it would be. It feels like we didn't get a weekend at all and even with the Mr taking today off, we have the contractors coming out to work on the kitchen ceiling where I will be making sure they don't put uglier boards where I don't want them and the owner doing a field measure for our cabinets. That starts at 8am so...yay! The "fun" continues!
(This post contains affiliate links for your convenience to stuff that got us through the weekend half sane. (Debatable) Should you buy through them, I may receive a few cents commission to go toward keeping the blog up and running at no cost to you!)
It all started on Friday. We had a delivery of wood planks coming so they could acclimate over the weekend. Tuesday after we paid our deposit on the project, we went to this wood place to pick out pieces that would go in the kitchen. We chose 3 beams and the kid put the blue tape around them to hold them for our contractor. I picked out very specific pieces that I wanted as my centerpiece due to their patina and of course, some weren't in there. We decided the next day we would go back and ambush them first thing in the morning and before coffee so they wouldn't know what hit them.
(Mama ain't payin' $6 a lineal foot for water damaged looking wood, yo!) |
We tried a few scary methods with the Dremel and Ryobi cutter tool thingy (the official name on the box, I'm sure) to get that friggin' crown molding off of the kitchen walls. We chose a super-hard wood and fancy rope moldings that were impeding the process. The Mr found this Trim Puller at Home Depot and it was our last hope Obi-Wan. Thankfully a few good cracks with it brought off a difficult piece on top of one of the cabinets.
The Mr worked on some of the rope molding to make it easier for me to get the other pieces off and he went back to work. I was able to get the rest of the ones over the sink...
,,,and over the cupboards off and he popped off the last piece over the fridge that we were worried about like it was nothing. We were SO relieved to have that off.
After a wee break, it was time to paint behind the cabinets where the crown molding was as well as the walls.
We got a good amount done Friday. I foolishly thought we'd get it done that night but time ran out as it always does when you've got lofty goals.
Saturday, we were up and at 'em and ambushed the people at the reclaimed lumberyard. Well, at least the two moving guys. No one was there. They said they'd send someone over. So while we were waiting, we picked out two pieces to replace the two asterisked boards I wasn't going to let them use as well as the best beam they had, which isn't saying much. Some dude comes over and we nicely make it clear that just like in Stephen King's The Stand "give me what I want, and I'll go away." He made three phone calls and finally just got our info, took pics of the Mr's license (which I wasn't a fan of) and the boards we took. Take it up with the contractor dude. This is why I shouldn't have left picking out important pieces to the 20 something douche rocket we dealt with. We took the boards home so they could acclimate and we went out to lunch and walked around one of the burb towns. I was looking for this one shop but I didn't realize it was in place of one of my favorite old shops. But they did a good job with it in there. We happened to see the sun shining in at just the right moment to capture this double rainbow.
Maybe there was a pot of gold there somewhere.
We hit a mid-century store to peruse their stacks of wax and I saw the Billy Idol To Be A Lover remix album I'm pretty sure is down in the basement.
It was nice to get out and enjoy the day a little even if it meant we weren't slaving away in the kitchen every waking moment. We stopped for ice cream and saw this kid about 14 or so having ice cream with his 70ish-year-old grandma. The Mr and I smiled and my heart longed to tell him to enjoy this moment. She won't be here forever and some of us would give anything to share such a moment with our grandma's.
We went home and the Mr finished the rest of the painting in the kitchen.
We were so glad to have that done and both slept like logs.
Sunday was brunch around noon, cleaning up a bit and then trying to figure out what appliance suite we might have to go with. Our microwave is nearing the end but it's going to have to center around what double oven range I like. So when we finally fried our brains enough, I suggested a few laps around the hood even though it was WAY colder than forecasted. We rolled and stretched then I made dinner and baked some chocolate chip banana muffins for the workers coming this morning. I also made two small loaves of it for the owner who's doing our field measurement today. He had to put down his dog over the weekend and I know how the people expect that a weekend is enough to be "over it" and move on with things. Animal deaths are often far more traumatic since they love us so unconditionally. So we got him a card and a little homebaked empathy. Then we cleaned up the rest of the way and are ready to collapse.
I have no idea what today holds and am crossing my fingers for the best. We have the boards separated as best we can into the ones we don't like as much and want to be hidden behind the cabinets to the mix and match boards to the feature boards we want prominently displayed. It'll be a miracle if I wake up with teeth today with the jaw clenching going on even as I type!
What did you do this weekend?
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Great job! What an exciting day for you today! Can't wait to see the reveal! I had a boring weekend mostly. Did alot of deep cleaning like ceiling fans and baseboards. Took my little shopping to get my steps in at the mall.
ReplyDeleteGood luck today!
The stuff we had to get done seemed overwhelming at first but you helped a lot by starting it before I even got off work. Never thought I'd be happy with finishing painting a ceiling brown "monkey madness". I know we had some different names for it. But can't wait to see the finished product!
ReplyDeleteI didn't do nearly that much. I had training on Friday so that was 1/3 of my weekend gone (amazing how quickly I adapted to the 4 day week and have gotten resentful of working Fridays). Saturday I went to see a personal trainer and did a few chores. Sunday was a whole lot of nothing until about 4:30 when I panicked and tried to fit in a whole weekend worth of crap into just a few hours. I was not successful.
ReplyDeleteGood luck today. I hope these guys are as good as they came across when you met them.