Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Lunch. Damaged and Pick Up Artist

Happy Tuesday!  I hope you had a good kick off to the week yesterday.   I had a nice ladies' lunch.  It's always good to see them and catch up.  They only like to go to Panera which is fine I guess since that's pretty much the only time I get that.  I've learned not to get their fruit cup because eww.  I went with a Thai Chicken Salad with a whole grain bagel and I really do NOT understand why a salad has to have half of your sodium requirements for the day. 

It's SALAD. 

I get my dressing on the side and dip the fork before the stab to help but still.  I remember my paternal grandma teaching me that trick when she was on Weight Watchers (I refuse to call it WW) back in the '80s and I've done it that way ever since.  I always have 1/3 or more of the container of dressing left.  I think I only used a teaspoon yesterday and it wasn't even the dressing, just the peanut sauce.  The chicken was paltry, 3 ounces if I was lucky but my Lord did they have a crap ton of wonton strips on it!  I picked off 75% of them just to get to the salad and probably only ate 10% of them.  They're supposed to be a garnish, not the main event.  Yeesh!  I was relieved to hear that the one friend I was worried about does not have dementia but is dealing with an illness that can be treated with meds.  She looked a little frail and we asked about it when she went to the bathroom and the other lady filled us in.  She seemed more mentally together than the last time I saw her but physically, she seems to have aged 10 years.  I hope she's able to get through it okay.  There was some political talk and two of us put our heads down and kept eating but thankfully it wasn't long or ugly.

I tried ordering some stuff from Walmart and it got damaged in transit...twice.  How does that even happen!?  I chatted with customer service and told them I needed to cancel that because I needed them yesterday so I'd be going to Target to get them.  They refunded me right away but dang it, the one time I try to get something that's not Amazon and I get nothing but irritation.  I grabbed my stuff after lunch and it was nice to have it paid and ready to roll.  The Mr was kind enough to take care of some errands on his lunch and then was so bored at work, he came home after to telework the rest of the day. 

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I ordered our new sink, garbage disposal and tile for the backsplash from Home Depot.  It's so irritating they're not part of Rakuten so to still get some money back in my mind, we bought Home Depot gift cards for the amount at our grocery store and got fuel perks.  We've got $1.70/gal off of gas which is better than nothing.  We'll pick that stuff up after our appointment to sign the contract today.  I added the beam skin to the punch list yesterday so it could be added into the estimate. 

We'll run to World Market and pick up some new sheers I've got ordered after our appointment.  Just call me a pick-up artist.  Then I'm hoping for an early workout.  Last night's session was Turbo Fire 30 and Mike Donavanik's strength torture and my rump was sufficiently handed to me.  My elbow scar tissue is REALLY bad lately so I need to scrape with my Graston tool because it's making it so I can't even lift my water bottle with one hand.

Do you do pick up orders regularly?

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  1. I really try hard to avoid Amazon as much as possible lately but it is so hard sometimes. There are just items you cannot find anywhere else and it's disappointing. Not to mention the fact that you can basically get anything the next day and Amazon is just hard to beat. Wal-Mart has failed me on my last 3 orders with them so I don't know what their problem is but that is not going to compete with Amazon. eBay has a lot of the same items for sale that Amazon does but then you don't have the same peace of mind when it comes to returns. But I am willing to pick up orders when the offer presents itself because I still believe in buying local whenever possible.

  2. WalMart is the only store that offers the pick-up option in my town. I haven't tried it yet, but keep meaning to. I do most of my grocery shopping elsewhere though so the opportunity hasn't come up yet. I'd like to shop local, but there is so much I can't get in town that I've started buying more from Amazon. There a are a couple cute clothing boutiques, but their idea of "plus size" is that one size 14 hiding in a corner under a layer of dust. The hardware/building supply places have really limited selections, and there isn't an appliance store anywhere to be found b/c they all went out of business.

  3. We have ordered several items from walmart that are damaged when they arrive. For us, FedEx seems to the be the problem. We have never had damaged items when shipped through UPS.

  4. So glad to hear you had a great lunch! It's always fun to get together for some catch-up time.
    I've bought from Walmart a couple of times and didn't have issues with damage, although what I bought was pretty sturdy and relatively indestructible, so that could be why. I have had issues with items arriving from Amazon damaged and it's not the boxes themselves at all, but the actual item that has it's own little box will be smooshed or wrinkled like it was on the bottom of a lot of weight. I do a lot of pickups around town that ship to the store (like clothing) or have it ready to go in the store (like Best Buy or Sam's Club). We've had quite a few big box stores close around here which is disconcerting a bit. We have a lot of small family-owned meat/deli places and I try to buy the majority of my meats from there.

  5. This happened to me a couple weeks ago:

    I ordered something online from Walmart and it was not available for shipping to store, it had to be shipped to my house. It arrived in an Amazon bag. ???

    It was not what I expected. I tried to return it at the store. They told me it was from a third party vendor and could not be returned to the store.

    Customer service at Walmart directed me to Walmart's 800
    Number. I called from Walmart’s parking lot incase I needed to back in and find a manager.

    The 800 number person was very kind. I was very nice but made it clear I was confused and not happy.

    800 # person explained that Walmart now is a “marketplace” with third party venders. So like amazon, now have to look carefully to see if it is fulfilled by Walmart or is a third party.

    This totally threw me. But it explained the Amazon shipping bag. It is a company that runs their business thru Amazon.

    I like Amazon. I use their easy returns thru Kohl’s. But since I had not ordered my item thru Amazon directly, I could not return thru Kohl’s.

    When I order from eBay or amazon, I expect to have to read carefully. I know to check about returns and who is actually fulfilling the order.

    When I order from Lowe’s or Target or Kohl’s or Walmart - I expect to be able to return anything to their store.

    I use ship to the store often, at Walmart and Target, my first clue that something was fishy with the Walmart product should have been that there was no option to have it shipped to the store.

    The end of the story was Walmart immediately gave me a $25 certificate for my trouble. I heard from the third party vender by that same evening. yes hey have me a full refund and told me to keep the item.


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