Friday, May 31, 2013

Last day o' the month

Last day of May. does that happen!?

I'm glad to say we're almost back on a normal sleep schedule.  It takes us 2 weeks to fully acclimate into Hawaii time so it makes sense it would take about 2 weeks to acclimate out.  I still have problems hitting a fatigue wall between 10-11am so sometimes I'll just shut my eyes for a few minutes and that seems to help.  I know I can't go to sleep but sometimes it's just nice to rest your eyes.  Man I can't believe we've been back for 2 weeks...that sucks.  I want to be here...

I feel like we've rocked it this week on the workouts.  Last week was getting back into it every single day, getting back into eating like we have some kind of willpower and trying not to fall asleep at the table.  This week we were able to bump up our workouts a bit and the muscles are popped back to pre-vacation status.  I've already burned my required 3500 so today's workout will be icing on the cake.

Mmm...cake.  Huh?

I've been the grill mistress since last weekend.  I've grilled naan pizza, fish, veggies and the stuff we had over Memorial Day weekend.  I remember it starting out that way last year then we got side tracked so I'm hoping to keep it up throughout the season.  I do wish we had a bigger area for a bigger grill because when we move to another house I want a HUGE grill spread back there.  I want dudes to bow to me kind of grilling insanity.

We're in for a stormy weekend so I don't know we'll be making any plans to do anything, at least not outdoors.

How has your week turned out?  Any plans for the weekend?

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  1. It is crazy how messed up you can get by living in another time zone for a certain length of time but I'm glad we're finally out of the funk and looking forward to a June in which we kick some serious butt on the weight loss front!

    1. I love Hawaii but man it's rough getting in and out of the time zones when it's almost a full day. (Like dinner here is lunch there kind of thing)

      I'd like to think we've already kicked some serious butt the 2nd half of May. I know we're getting rid of vacation weight but still. ;-)

  2. Hi! I'm a longtime fan of your blog. When you talk about grilling, it made me want to ask: Do you have any recommendations for grilling inside? I have a tiny George Foreman, but I have also seen grill pans in the stores. I didn't know how they migth work. I don't have an outdoor grill (and nowhere to have it locked up safely, so that's not an option right now). I would appreciate any advice. Thanks for your posts!

    1. Thanks Whitney! I grill inside all the time. I use the Calphalon grill pan and love it. I've got a panini press too that I use sometimes to double as a grill when it's flat. I'd just prep your foods the same as you would for grilling outdoors. A quick coat of veggies in olive oil and spices then grill on your Foreman. Meats can be coated in a bit of Hickory Liquid Smoke for that smoky flavor. They have some really great smokers now that are compact that are electric and can smoke quite a few things at once. We're looking at one but I have no freakin' clue where we'd put it! Hope that helped!

  3. I've managed to get some of my summer projects done this week. I cleaned and decluttered the little boy's room, my two hall closets, my bathroom, and the living room. Still have to do the kitchen and my bedroom and then move onto the basement. Overall a pretty productive week I think - but I'll have to be careful not to lose motivation now that the little guy is home from his grandparents'. No firm plans this weekend, but I'm sure we'll think of something.

    1. That's awesome! If you would like to come over and do our place, I wouldn't stop you. ;)

  4. I derailed this week and today was the only day I made it to the gym. I am doing a 25 fundraiser bike ride tomorrow am and will be definitely be back on track next week. We grill out A LOT. Last yummy thing was chicken kabobs Monday. They were delicious!

  5. *I want dudes to bow to me kind of grilling insanity.*

    This sentence made me laugh out loud.

    I have a hurt ankle but I have been walking outside but not yesterday and then I had Mexican out--mostly good, guac and salad, salsa. But lots of chips and salt and a mango slushie--not so good. I am up the two pounds for the week I lost last week. It is feeling like a plateau. I am going to read your past blogs for cooking ideas. Thanks!

  6. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii! It looks so beautiful. No big plans for us, yard work. :( I was out there for an hour already and it SO freakin hot. I get so tired of people who are like, "OMG I love this weather." They only love it because they don't have to spend a lot of time in it. Most of my hobbies and chores require me to spend a good deal of time outside, which I love, but not when it's 87 degrees at 11 in the morning and 60% humidity. UGH Makes me want to punch people. :D I'm a foul mood today if you can't tell. haha


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