
Monday, March 12, 2012

Food Journals are a-changin'

Okay, so given how little my breakfasts and lunches vary, it's getting a little yawn worthy taking pics of the same thing every morning and afternoon.  I'm boring myself and feeling like an inbox clogger.  So I'm going to do Food Journal Fridays.  I was going to say I'm going to do food journals on Friday but you know that they'd be labeled "food journal Friday" in the title which eventually will get morphed into an ever popular yet nauseating blog world acronym... like FJF.  I'm already a cliche.

So I'll still be taking pics of dinners since those are really the only things that change and post them on Fridays.  If I have some Earth shattering breakfast, I will post that too if it's something you all would just flip over and of course if it's recipe worthy, that will be posted as well.

Sound good?  Or horrible disaster that will make you stop tuning in?

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  1. Sounds like an awesome idea. Thank you for including us in your decisions:)

  2. Sounds good!! I look forward to it! :-)

  3. I'll still tune in :) I hope you will be updating every day with something still though!

  4. Thanks guys! I found myself kind of running around like a chicken with it's head cut off a lot to prepare everything all day and I know that's part of the job but my breakfasts and lunches just don't vary too much.

    Kayla- You can't get rid of me that easily! ;-) Of course I'll still have my daily schtuff of some kind during the week and Saturday weigh ins. You'll still be sick-a me! HA!

  5. Sounds good - and a whole lot less work for you.

  6. Sounds perfect! I will treasure your FJF's LOL!

  7. Well, I'll miss the daily inspiration, but I can see your point. You have my blessing. ;)

  8. I'll still be watching; I love the creative ideas you post!

  9. I won't lie, I'll miss your daily food journals. You did such a great job of presentation, and everything always looked so tasty, but I can understand it was a lot to undertake EVERY SINGLE MEAL!

  10. Hehe, I wouldn't dream of getting rid of you! I love your posts and read them every day. Usually through reader which is why I have never commented but that sure got me over here with something to say! Looking forward to your posts :)

  11. Well, of course it sounds good to me since I do something similar. :D And it will be less work for you, so that's a good thing too!

  12. Thanks guys, I'm glad you're down with it even if some of ya's will miss the daily stuff. I can't count how many times I started making something and then put it on crappy dishes and had to move it to something more "presentable." Of course the first dinner post last night looks HORRIBLE since I'm taking a photography class and trying not to use auto. Note to self, take at least ONE in auto as a fall back!

    Ohkeeka- That's right! Did you ever do daily posts then scale back?


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