
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Comp Time

I usually kind of love and loathe that phrase.  It means my Mr is getting more time to apply toward our vacation but it also means he's working longer than he's supposed to and I don't like that.  But that's not what I'm referring to in this case.  I'm referring to this...

Let's do a little comp time, shall we?

First pic:

Me:  463 lbs (I'm not even at my highest weight here which was 494.  We were too ashamed or oblivious to take "before" pics.  Or I should say before pics that I would prefer stay off the internet.  Skivvie style)
That shirt was a 5x I believe  or a size 34.  I couldn't even shop at plus sized stores.  Those were a size 36 jeans.  I'd just gotten into them down from a 38 elastic jeans I had to buy because the legs fit fine in 36 but the gut didn't.  I'm sporting those God awful Crocs because they were the only things that would fit my hugely swollen feet.  This was the first outing with some friends and I remember wanting that pic because I was tired of not having any of us together except on vacation.

Mr:  436 lbs (down from 455 lbs)  5x shirts and size 54 bottoms down from a 56.  He sees that pic now and thinks of how uncomfortable we both looked just existing.  Smiles on our faces but not happy.

Me:  292 lbs.  Size 18/20 on top and size 22 jeans on bottom.  Down almost 20" in the waist.  The Crocs have long been pitched and I'm wearing Ryka's which actually run slightly narrow even though my foot is not narrow.

Mr:  266 lbs.  Size XL on top and XL on bottom (large in some cuts!) or a size 38 or 40 depending on the cut.

Snoring is practically gone for both of us unless our necks are contorted in some weird position on the couch. I can actually stand and my legs touch, if you'll note the first picture, that wasn't even possible before.  Living is actually possible and we no longer have to cower at the thought of invites in restaurants we've never been to, figuring out how to stand or who to hide behind in pictures or wondering what people are thinking behind our backs.

It's always good to have some kind of visual proof of where you came from (or close to it) and how far you've come even if you're not yet to goal.

Do you take before and after (during) pics?

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  1. OMG - the two of you look absolutely amazing! The difference is stunning, even without seeing the changes in your faces.

    I am so thankful that I have gotten to know both of you through your blogs. You have truly enriched my life.

  2. Great progress!

    The BF is a photographer, so there are plenty of pictures of me, which I occasionally use as progress pictures, and every once in a while I ask for a specific picture, and he is always willing to comply. Good boy. ^^

  3. Looking good!

    I don't take many pictures period, but I don't run from the camera these days.

  4. YOU LOOK AMAZING!!! OMGOSH, stunning!! You guys are seriously amazing, inspiring, and simply awesome

  5. *puts on best Billy Crystal impression* You look mahvalous!

    Really, you are both two completely different people inside and out. It's fabulous.

    As for me and photos, I'm not a fan of photos of myself no matter how fat/not I am. But I do have some pics I look at from time to time to prove to myself I am making progress (even if it doesn't feel like it).

  6. I'm camera shy. Actually I'm more like camera phobic. Even when I was thin, fit and young I was camera phobic. I photograph horribly so I just try to avoid cameras altogether.

    That said - I always wish I had comparison pictures.

  7. Great COMParison! My son started out at over 500 lbs. a couple years ago. He is below 400 now, and still looks very heavy, but so much better, and on the plus side--his blood pressure is normal! I felt really guilty about his weight, because I knew it was the bad eating habits he grew up with that led him to be morbidly obese. The fact that I too have lost 180 lbs., and am close to a normal BMI, was perhaps an influence on him, but he doesn't live at home anymore, he has a wife and a foster daughter. I guess what I'm trying to say is while my own weight loss has been life-changing for me, my son's weight loss has lifted an even bigger load from my mind. How do your parents feel about your weight loss? I keep thinking my mom and dad (I lost them both) would be very proud of me. I like to think they are proud of me anyhow, wherever they are!

    I don't have many before pictures, even though I was morbidly obese for 30 years. I was and am still the picture taker although more and more often these days I hand the camera to someone else and request that they take a picture of me. I didn't take any official "before" pictures, even though I can pinpoint the day I started to get healthier (Dec. 14, 2009). I am always afraid to PLAN to lose much, knowing how many times I have started and failed in the past. For the same reason I didn't take any measurements. That would be interesting to see now that I have lost over half of me!

    You and the Mr. look MAHVELOUS!

  8. FABULOUS! You have come a long way baby(s)!!! Great pics. As always, I am so proud of both of you. Keep up the great work!

  9. Such an amazing change in you both.

    You've been a constant source of inspiration for me.

    Just remember THIS EXACT POST the next time that scale is being a bastard to you.

    It will help. Promise.

  10. You two look amazing. Although we can't see your entire face, we see enough to see the difference in your neck and the bottom of your faces in the two pictures. It should go without saying that the rest look good as well. Keep up the good work.

  11. You look fantastic! And I never would have guessed you weighed as much as you did in your "before" pics. I would guess that you are very proportionate and that will be as blessing as you shrink!

    I am very proud of all the hard work you do and feel honored that you let me into your lives with this blog. I read it everyday and look forward to it.

    thanks for being such an inspiration.

    PS: I don't let people take full body pictures if I can help it and I am at a "healthy" weight. Body issues are body issues at any weight.

    Proud of you!

  12. I am so happy for you both! I can see the hint of a big smile on your face, and you certainly deserve to smile. What you have accomplished is nothing short of amazing. Your numbers confirm what I thought a day or two ago when I saw a picture of the Mr. somewhere on one of your blogs...he's about the same size and weight as my DH. My DH has been working very hard, too, though I haven't fed him as carefully as you guys feed yourselves. He's lost about 40 lb. now and says if he plays his cards right, he'll be at or below 250 this week. I'm very proud of his efforts!

  13. PS, darn it! I meant to say you both carry your weight really one would be able to guess it.

  14. Holy moly, what a difference! And I would never guess you weigh 292 in the second pic. Maybe you are 6 feet tall? Truly inspiring!!

  15. What an amazing transformation for both of you! You already know how I feel....there aren't enough words to tell you how deeply impacted I am by you and your journey.

    Though I'm not a picture taker, and I have never liked being in pictures (weight is not my issue - I've only been overwright the last ten years of my life... and I don't anticipate that changing with weight loss), I have very deliberately chosen to document this journey with pictures... and I am glad for the few pictures I do have... I'm learning to see myself more realistically.

  16. You guys look so awesome. Mr. stands out to me most because he's the same size as my hubby currently!

    Keep going you guys are doing great!

  17. I'm so proud of you guys - as cheesy as that sounds! LOL You are AMAZING!!!

    What I see when I see the now pics is the bottom of your faces is just barely visible and they are THIN! How awesome is THAT?!?

    You both ROCK!!!

  18. You guys look fantastic! This is why you continue to inspire so many people.

  19. Amazing progress--aren't you glad you have the pics to do comparisons like that? I didn't like having my picture taken when I was at my highest (who does?), but I'm glad that I found a few; I've been taking pictures along the way, and now that I've hit the 100 lb. lost mark I'm really glad about that. Being able to see the progression along the way has been so helpful on the days when it feels like nothing has changed!

  20. You two look great--what a difference! You are both an inspiration, truly.

  21. What is this?? A little of not about the face's face showing? Thanks for that teaser...because holy cow! You have come a long way there, too!

    You two are amazing. Thanks for posting these.

  22. WOW! You two look wonderful! I hope both of you can really see how far you've come. It's just amazing. Mrs, you're wearing the same size tops as me and I think you have a couple of inches (height-wise) on me. (I think mine are all in the bust!) You are looking sooo good. I hope you like your Ryka's, I have to admit that I must have 10 pairs and I wear them almost every day. One of my favs.

    This is just a fabulous COMParison. Thanks for being you!

  23. LOOK AT YOU GUYS!!!! I'm so proud to know you! You inspire me everyday!

  24. Thank you so much for the wonderful comments everyone! You all humble us beyond words and we are so happy to be able to share our weight loss adventure with you all! Your support has meant the world to us; we are truly blessed to "know" you all! Both those who comment and those who quietly cheer us on in lurk mode. ;)

    Mrs and Mr

  25. You look SO AMAZING--what a huge difference! Even though you didn't show your whole face, I think your face is the most noticeable part--no more double chins :)

    I can totally understand the Crocs. I lived in Crocs when I was obese, to avoid having to bend over and tie my shoes.


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