
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Anticipatory twitching

Can I tell you how freakin' hard it is to not step on the scale this week with the calorie uppage?  The workouts have been hardcore this week.  I'm STILL sore from Sunday's Atletica workout in my inner thighs and couple that with other high energy workouts and I'm going to feel like I've been dragged for miles behind a bus by the end of the week!  But those workouts are the reason I'm upping my calories right?   Sigh.

I told myself I wouldn't get on the scale and "peek" because I didn't want to see a crappy number, freak out, cut my calories way back and defeat the purpose.  Funny how we want it all, we want it all, we want it all and we want it now.  Sorry, I apparently lapse into Queen when I'm trying not to think about a new weight loss strategy.  I'm not a daily weigher anyway, that would drive me insane, but when I try something new I get more antsy than usual to see if it's know, a whole 2-3 days into it.  *rolling eyes*

So I'm going to try not to let this overwhelm me.  Ohhhhhmmmmmm......

Do you get antsy or impatient when you tweak your program?

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  1. I know what days are my best scale days. If it isn't Sunday, Monday (or maybe Tuesday) I have to tell myself, "Not yet! It's not time yet!" I have a large post-it note on the scale that says things like 'KEEP OUT UNTIL 3/05"

    It's hard though, especially when I think I've had a good week! Find some PATIENCE and paste something over the scale numbers!

  2. I am currently trying to do the last bit of the weight loss distance without the scale. I have been stuck at the same weight, only 10lbs above my goal weight, for more than half a year, and the numbers had started getting to me. So I decided to weigh only once a month and do my best inbetween - with restricted calorie intake, healthy food choices and daily exercise. One week into it, I find it difficult not to peek at the scale, but I promised myself these stupid numbers would not mess with my mind.

    Besides, without the numbers I really need to depend on how I feel to determine whether something works for me or not.

  3. Saturdays are always my best weigh in days so I have to try and hold out until then. But I do like to see midweek if I am at least on track. Hard not to sneak a peak occasionally.

  4. I go thru periods where I weigh everyday, and other times when I wait 7-10 days to get on the scale. It used to really mess with my head no matter when I jumped on. Fingers crossed for the new program!

  5. Absolutely I get antsy and twitchy. And then disappointed when I give in. What do I expect? It's been like one day?

  6. i want to ride my bicycle, i want to ride my bike........

    no really, i know what you mean. i covered mine with laundry to try and forget its there.

  7. I'm antsy right NOW. I made some changes for this month (which is only 7 days old, mind you) and when I get on the scale I want to see HUGE LOSSES because I've been "good" and done really well with my changes and I deserve it (and all that muckity muck we say to ourselves).

    My weigh in was "meh". Still wallowing in the same 1-2 lb range. *yawn*

    But I know if I keep with my changes, it'll work. . .right? Of course. That's half the battle (right GIJoe)? Blind faith and a touch of insanity (to keep plugging away).

  8. I'll take my 10 bonus points, thank you! Used to love those old Reese's commercials! Hang in there, I know this will be a good week for you!

  9. I want to thank you for sharing your journey, it is encouraging to have people to look up to that are making choices everyday that are taking them to there goal in big number weight loss. About 2 years ago I was 330lb, I got down to 250lb. I went trainwreck and now I am 285lb. I have found some hope and determination again to start a journey towards a healthier life, it has been four days of good choices. Thanks for your site once again, it is helping me! :)

  10. Antsy is my middle name. I'm a daily weigher, sometimes it helps me get out of bed in the morning, if I was particularly "good" the day before--to see if it shows up on the scale. Like the Mr., my best weigh days are usually Saturday, mostly because I sleep a little later I think.
    Got my fingers crossed that the scale is KIND to you this week! GOOD LUCK!

  11. I've been eating great and working out for the past two weeks so I got on the scale last night (thinking I would lose something!). It was no good. I'm thinking of ditching it for at least a month. It brings me down even when I know I'm doing so good! I need something to keep me accountable tho. Still working on the scale thing....

  12. YES I do the same thing!! I get all fired up and want to weigh more often to see if it's paying off. UGH

    Well, hang in there! You can do it!!

  13. I used to get downright twitchy until I realized it was for the best. Man oh man, I have zero patience on a program.

  14. Grr...your blog ate my comment again!

    Anyway, I despise waiting for scale day! My weigh-in is tomorrow and I've been twitching a bit more each day...

  15. It's weird for me in that phase because I get both impatient AND patient. I guess it's the logical me battling the emotional me??

  16. Thanks for the support everyone! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that gets a little nutty when trying something different.

    I guess I'm freaking out more than usual because I've felt bloated all week and I haven't felt that way in a long time. The Mr said he's felt the same way this week and our sodium levels are where they need to be so I don't know what the problem is but it'd better cut it out PRONTO! :P

  17. Stefani- Thank you for the beautiful comment! I'm so happy my blog can help! You can do this!

  18. Oh yeah, I want the scale to reward me NOW for everything I've done in the last, oh, 15 minutes. I am a daily weigher, though, because while it can mess with my mind some days, it helps me know that a one day gain is usually not real; it's when that number sticks around or keeps going up that something is truly wrong. Hang in there; you will get this figured out and find the right combo!

  19. Me, antsy? Nah, I'm Zen-Cammy whenever I tweak.

    You didn't buy that, did you? I had to try. :)

    Hang in there! The good news is that tweaking isn't a one-time only option. If this doesn't shake things up for you, you can always try cutting a few calories or mixing them up day-to-day or any of a host of other options guaranteed to keep you twitching well into the future.

    I know, I'm lots of help. :)

  20. I think it's awesome that you've managed not to peek. It would be very hard not to when you made changes to your diet! But you know you're doing what's right, so I'm sure you'll see a good number ;)


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