Friday, March 25, 2016

What I'm Reading This Week 2016 #12

I've got no snazzy intro so let's just jump right in, shall we?

5 Proven Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol    (Good stuff)

Ask Ann: Why Am I Having Sharp Shoulder Pain?  (Yep, this is partly what I'm recovering from)

Overlooked and Underappreciated: How to Use the Rowing Machine  (Got some good tips from my chiro but these about cover them as well)

Which Type of Milk (or Nondairy Milk) Is Best? The PROs and CONs of 9 Different Kinds  (Good info)

10 Signs It's More Than Just Stress  (Oh...crap.)

Teddy the Timid Poop  (Hilarious!)

Dear Tracy Anderson: STOP  (Gotta say, this took some nads to write)

Five Health Benefits of Hot Chocolate  (Courtesy of the Mr.  I think he wants to make sure our Sunday night hot cocoa habit isn't going anywhere)

Keep Your Brain Sharp With the New MIND Diet  (Looks like I'm already following most of it!)

Hulk Hogan Exclusive: Wrestling Legend Overwhelmed by Victory in Gawker Lawsuit  (Overwhelmingly in support of this verdict.  Other people's sex lives are none of our business and disguising it as "news" is pathetic)

David Letterman Is Balding, Bearded and Looking as Happy as Ever in St. Barts  (That's great if you don't want to shave and all but for the love of God, stop chewing on whatever is turning your teeth that color!)

See How Daisy Ridley Smoothly Turned Down a Fan Who Asked Her to His Spring Formal  (Love this!)

These White Chocolate Strawberries Are the Cutest Easter Dessert  (Ahhh, so adorable!  I'm doing this next Easter!)

Donut Bunny Pops  (Double ahhh!  Doing these too, except with mini pretzel sticks instead of toothpicks, that's just asking for trouble with my people)

Seth Rogen's Newest Movie Trailer (NSFW.  In case you don't know what that means...not safe for work.  I'll repeat it one more time...not. safe. for. work!  If you're offended by strong language, don't even think of clicking on it!  Now that that's out of the way, if nothing else, it makes me want to go on a water diet for fear of killing all of the cute little food families and couples!)

It's Easter weekend!  I've got a hollow Lindt dark chocolate bunny with mah name on it!  I've got 2 banana cream pies to make tomorrow night and then Sunday morning I'll make my homemade mac and cheese.  I got some good mixes of sharp cheddar and havarti and fun Easter pasta shapes to appeal to the kiddies.  (Who am I kidding, I want to eat them for mahself too!)

What are you guys doing this weekend?

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  1. I am looking forward to Easter. Especially thanks to the fact that I have the chocolate bunny from my childhood this time - but thankfully it's a much smaller chocolate bunny than the one my parents bought me as a child!

  2. Oh wow, that article about stress was really something -- I hit on all 10 of them - yikes! The cholesterol one was good too -- do you drink black tea? I'm not a tea drinker, but I keep hearing black and green tea are the best.

    Hope you have a wonderful Easter and enjoy those chocolate bunnies! Yum!

    1. Sure do! I usually drink PG Tips black tea if I want hot tea. I try to get a good organic green tea in both regular and decaf so if I want to have some before bed I don't have extra caffeine running through the bod.

  3. Do you have a certain recipe or brand of hot chocolate you make/buy? I think hot chocolate Sunday nights need to be a tradition in our house!!!

    1. Actually, I spent 2 years trying to perfect it. I use 1 packet of Swiss Miss Diet hot chocolate, 1 tbsp Trader Joe's "Sipping Chocolate" which they start selling in Nov thru Feb (I have like 9 tins in the basement...way too much as I miscalculated how much I actually use! LOL) and 1 tbsp of this sea salt caramel hot cocoa from World Market. (Most servings of hot cocoa are 3 tbsps, mine just all come from different sources!) Then I add 1 tbsp of Coffee Mate Hazelnut powder. Microwave for 30 seconds, drop in 2 marshmallows, microwave 30 more seconds and if you have a torch like I do, torch 'em! (Or put them under a broiler instead of in the hot chocolate to melt) Best. Cocoa. Ever!

      Do you regret asking? :-D

    2. No way! Thank you for answering, this is awesome! I have a World Market down the street & Trader Joe's isn't too far!

  4. That's a complicated recipe for hot chocolate, but it sounds worth it.

    I've seen the Seth Rogen video, and I laughed so hard I almost peed. I guess that makes me a bad person - poor little potato.

    I spent spring break in Cozumel, it was fantastic! I envy you your trips to Hawaii even more now that I've been reminded what the beach is like. I need to look into geocaching around here, that sounds like something my son and I could really get into.


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