
Friday, March 11, 2016

What I'm Reading This Week 2016 #10

It's been a long, achy week but it's finally Friday!!

I've been an icing, ultra sounding, chiro laser zapping fool to speed heal this sprain.  Apparently it doesn't like my choice of cardio this week (Turbo Fire and Power 90) but it's just gonna have to suck it because I can't just walk every day with the rain and the chiro said as long as it doesn't cause me pain as I'm doing it, I'm okay.  So I try to ice as soon as I get up and right after a workout, then I'll ultra sound before bed.  I just can't wait to sleep on my right side again.  I'm trying to stay off that side but as the Mr can attest, it is hard.  The problem is when he rolls on his right side, he rolls over me.

But enough of the household shoulder woes, let's get to...

18 Science-Backed Ways to Lose More Weight  (Agree with many of these but I'm sorry this bod consistently burns 25% LESS calories during morning workouts.  Workout when you know you will, not when an article tells you to)

For Scott Kelly, being back on Earth isn’t all it’s cracked up to be  (The Mr and I wondered what effects he'd have after so long up there.  Some are really surprising!)

3 Exercises to Substitute for Burpees  (I typically do a sumo squat with a jump at the top but these are good too)

Glen Campbell in Final Stages of Alzheimer's Disease ("his family reports that music therapy has been particularly helpful"   Mr...I know you know I'm seething over the lack of this therapy I've suggested numerous times)

Researchers Say Eating Chocolate Every Day Can Have Serious Health Benefits  (Uh, I don't think they mean chocolate bunnies here.  For the record the one with the actual health benefits is 70% or higher.  We can highly recommend Trader Joe's Pound Plus bar which is 72%)

How to Recover After a Workout  (Good tips!)

Death by selfie  (I believe this could be another category in the Darwin Awards)

10 Photos That Perfectly Capture the Beauty of Growing Old Together  ("One way we stay unified is just by getting old. We have never been old before, and we are just trying to learn how to be old together.​"  So true!)

90-Year-Old Cancer Patient Quits Treatment to Travel the World  (She's in Savannah right now!  Love following this spunky lady!)

National Parks at 100  (Love our National Parks!)

Tourist ‘Kills Swan After Pulling It Out Of A Lake For A Selfie’  (Seriously, I am shaking in anger right now.  If I see anyone doing this to an animal, I will need bail money)

An open letter to the Whole Foods shoppers who consoled me when I learned of my dad’s suicide  (Good to know there are still good people out there willing to help a stranger in their darkest moment)

Here's When It's OK to Start Openly Farting in a Relationship  (Keep the mystery as long as possible people because once Pandora's box is opened, you can never go back.)

26 Things You Didn't Know About Grease  (Love this movie...after all, Grease is the word)

Literally the cutest video you will ever see

It's supposed to be a rainy weekend so I don't think any road trips are in our future.  We'll make a final decision tonight when we can see a potential destination's weather for next Saturday to see the lesser of two evils.  I want to get our bedroom cleaned up and some of that will take the Mr going through the rest of his dresser drawers so we can figure out what needs donated, what needs space bagged (totally a verb) for future wear and what can be put back.  I need to go through my closet too, I think I have a few items I can donate as well.  

What's on your agenda this weekend?

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  1. I think I will have to skip my late night gaming session for at least a night or two because I feel like sleep deprivation has caught up to me and I want and need nothing more than a nice 8 hour+ sleep-in this weekend at some point.

  2. Happy Friday! I love your Friday post - we always seem to be on the same wave length with what we've been reading so I know that anything you suggest is going to be interesting! I was so mad about the swan selfie too - unbelievable! I think it might just be me, but when I read "It's been a long, achy week.." I immediately started singing Achy Breaky Heart in my

  3. I just had my ugh-ltrasound today and all went well. =o) Ovaries are nice and tiny and look good (dammit!LOL). Tomorrow is busy as I have a meeting, then drive to mom's then to the restaurant for the luncheon so I know where I'm going next week. I still have to do the memo boards, finish my speech, etc. Just a wee bit stressed. =o) Sunday if a friend of mine is up to it she wants to go take pictures of old barns, so I'll take her out to the country where there are tons of them that I think she'd like. And at some point I need to clean and do laundry. When the dogs start sneezing that tells me there is just way too much dust that needs to go. LOL Have a super weekend my friend!! xoxo


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