Friday, June 12, 2015

Swamp ass hot and what I'm reading this week

Well, despite it not being summer yet, we have officially gone to swamp ass hot mode.  I hate this time of year.  Nothing but pop up storms so you can't leave your umbrella open or your patio furniture uncovered if you don't have a sunroom like us.  So it's not a season I can particularly enjoy.  
But enough of my weather hatred, let's get to...

50+ Popular Restaurant Dish Hacks  (Not the healthiest but you could always modify them)

20 Creative Ways to Make the Most Of a Tiny Backyard  (I do a few of these)

10 Plants Never to Grow in Your Yard  (Good to know!)

7 Things Airlines Don't Want You To Know  (Well now I know!  So pffft!)

Amazing Century-Old Chalkboard Drawings Were Discovered While Renovating This Oklahoma School  (This is awesome!)

Bring Baby Powder to the Beach to Easily Remove Sand  (Good tip!)

Baby Koala Cuddles His Unconscious Mother While She Undergoes Surgery  (Awwww!)

43 Hydrating Recipes for Summer  (Soak up da watah)

Jerry Seinfeld continues attack on "creepy" political correctness  (I rarely like much he has to say but he's SOOOO hit it on the head with this.  I'm sick and tired of everyone being so damn offended by everything.  And with that, I'm going to watch Eddie Murphy Delirious and laugh hysterically with abandon in my own home.)

I Went Paleo and Now I Hate Everything  (I laughed so hard I almost wee'd)

The Ultimate Summer Fruit Guide  (Yay, farmer markets are about to burst with good stuff!)

Gen X was right: Reality really does bite  (This is not good for my people)

This Graphic Shows You How to Repair Common Clothing Problems  (Cool!)

9 Common Storage Tools Pro Organizers Never Use  (Interesting tidbits)

These 7 Snacks Aren’t As Healthy As You Think   (In case ya didn't know)

Why I Gave Up a $95,000 Job to Move to an Island and Scoop Ice Cream  (I'm ready)

Well I'd like to say I have nothing in particular planned for the weekend but since we're having my mom over for dinner for her birthday, the house needs completely overhauled and I ain't doing it alone.  (The Mr shutters with fear as he proofreads that)  So that's how we'll be spending today and tomorrow.

What are y'all into this weekend?

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  1. It is getting a bit swamp ass hot out there. I tried taking a walk on my lunch yesterday at work and had to cut my walk in half a bit so I could go to the car and cool off or else it was going to make me look like a completely sweat-drenched ogre.

  2. Since I was down for the count with strep C last weekend, I have to get my butt in gear this weekend to do mom's memory board for her 70th birthday next week. I got a group of her friends (10 total) to do a list of 7 things they like about her, admire her, funny stories, etc. My goal is to have 70 comments total to commemorate this birthday. I think I know which board I want to get from Hobby Lobby and just bought a couple pairs of fun pinking shears from Michael's after work today. So I'll be a busy bee with that while still recovering from this nastiness. Oh yes, and the Stanley Cup Final tomorrow night.


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