Friday, June 26, 2015

La la la...I don't see you and what I'm reading this week

I'm a tuckered pup.  I'm still dealing with cleaning little by little upstairs.  I'm at the "worse before it gets better" stage AKA "where do I start?  How about nowhere and I shut the door and pretend it doesn't exist?"

But enough of my clutterdome, let's get to...

Ever Wondered What Myspace Tom Is Up To Now?  (Well he did quite well for himself)

Bea Arthur's House is For Sale For the First Time in 35 Years  (I'll take it!)

14 Easy Tricks That Will Revolutionize Your Next Barbecue  (I do a few of these mahself)

6 Classic HGTV Shows We Wish Would Stage a Comeback  (OMG, I watched them all but I really miss Gardening by the Yard.  That Paul James was so kooky!)

1980s Wedding Trends Are Making a Comeback  (When they bring back big hair, we're renewing our vows)

An Inside Look at the Barefoot Contessa's Barn  (I watch her every day...I swear we are Ina and Jeffrey sans the ridiculous amounts of money and fabulous home in the Hamptons)

20 Things You Never Knew About Boobs  (All hail the funbags)

Hypnotic Images of a Chinese Ghost Town Completely Taken Over by Vegetation

Time-Saving Household Cleaning Hacks  (Break out the cleaning supplies)

Family of 19-Year-Old Ignored By Doctors For ‘Googling’ Symptoms Get Apology For Her Death  (Courtesy of the Mr.  We know this first hand.  If my FIL's @sshole doctor wasn't so pompous and run the blood test I saw needed run when his relapse occurred, there was a 85% cure rate.  By the time he got around to running it, his platelets wouldn't allow treatment and all he got was an "oops, you were right."  He should've gotten his medical license pulled.  BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE!)

Group protests firing of KHS employees  (I am so upset by this!  Brandy Varvel was the person who started the Kauai Humane Society field trip program and the pet transfer program.)

8 Signs Your House Is Just Waiting to Be Robbed  (Good tips to protect your home)

These Teens Just Invented A Condom That Changes Color If You Have An STD  (I can stop weeping for the future, good on these kids for using their brains for something useful!)

What To Do When Life Doesn't Go Your Way (It's Actually a Good Thing!)  (Food for thought)

Remembering for Grampa  (Put a fork in me, I'm done)

Taylor Swift vs. Tim Cook in a Cartoon  (Courtesy of the Mr)

These 18 YouTube Channels Are All You Need To Get In Shape  (You all know we can vouch for Fitness Blender)

Photographer snuck into abandoned amusement parks to capture their decay  (So sad)

Does Yoga Have Any Real Fitness Benefits?  (Good info)

Let's Quit It with the Introvert/Extrovert Nonsense (I've gotta say I agree.  I'm tired of people using their labels as excuses)

Why Does This Retirement Home Have a Preschool Inside?  (THIS!  In every single retirement home everywhere please!)

No real plans for the weekend since it's supposed to rain the whole time.

I'm noticing a sharp drop in pageviews for Fridays.  Let me know if this is something you still care to see or not or if everyone just drops off the Earth come Friday.

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  1. I definitely like reading your Friday links and appreciate all the work you put into it. But I'd be curious to see what other readers might prefer to see. I hope you get some good feedback.

  2. Reading this post is my second favorite thing about Fridays! Please don't stop posting! I love to see things on here that I've noticed myself during the week, but especially love the great things I missed that you post - they are so interesting! Makes my day.
    Thanks for a great blog,

  3. I am knee deep in de-cluttering my mother's home while she is in the hospital and am right where you are - it looks way worse than when I started. But I know there are some things that have been accomplished (like items have been grouped together, filing has been done) and it will get better when I put everything back in it's new organized place. Shutting the door has crossed my mind also.

    I enjoy your Friday posts! Always find something interesting, sometimes funny, sometimes informative.

  4. De-cluttering is a constant in my house. Little piles become big piles and rooms that don't get used that much get more crowded even though I say I won't just drop stop off. The problem is I don't have a lot of storage space so I have bins upon bins that have nowhere to go. Anywho, weekend is a meeting in the morning, then housework because the hubs has to work. I'm reading a really good book so I'll reward my efforts with getting lost in those pages. Then Sunday early morning is breakfast with a friend, then grocery shopping. I'm not on-call this weekend so I feel a wee bit more free. it was a very stressful week at the land of the douchebags so I'm looking forward to two days away from there.

  5. I read the links I think sound interesting, but I don't generally comment. The theme of my summer is decluttering. Once I get my kitchen back together, I'll be working on the rest of the house.


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